Core Classes
PHP Manual

The Mongo class


The connection point between MongoDB and PHP.

This class is used to initiate a connection and for database server commands. A typical use is:


= new Mongo(); // connect
$db $m->foo// get the database named "foo"


See Mongo::__construct() for more information about creating connections.

Class synopsis

Mongo {
/* Constants */
const string Mongo::VERSION ;
const string Mongo::DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost" ;
const int Mongo::DEFAULT_PORT = 27017 ;
/* Fields */
public boolean $connected = FALSE ;
protected string $server = localhost:27017 ;
protected boolean $persistent = FALSE ;
/* Methods */
public boolean close ( void )
public boolean connect ( void )
protected boolean connectUtil ( void )
__construct ([ string $server = "mongodb://localhost:27017" [, array $options = array("connect" => TRUE) ]] )
public array dropDB ( mixed $db )
public bool forceError ( void )
public MongoDB __get ( string $dbname )
public array lastError ( void )
public array listDBs ( void )
public boolean pairConnect ( void )
public boolean pairPersistConnect ([ string $username = "" [, string $password = "" ]] )
public boolean persistConnect ([ string $username = "" [, string $password = "" ]] )
public array prevError ( void )
public array resetError ( void )
public MongoCollection selectCollection ( string $db , string $collection )
public MongoDB selectDB ( string $name )
public string __toString ( void )

Predefined Constants

Mongo Constants

PHP driver version. May be suffixed with "+" or "-" if it is in-between versions.
Host to connect to if no host is given.
Port to connect to if no port is given.

See Also

MongoDB core docs on » connecting.

Table of Contents

Core Classes
PHP Manual