PHP Manual

The ReflectionClass class


The ReflectionClass class reports information about a class.

Class synopsis

ReflectionClass implements Reflector {
/* Constants */
const integer ReflectionClass::IS_FINAL = 64 ;
/* Properties */
public $name ;
/* Methods */
final private void __clone ( void )
__construct ( string $argument )
public static string export ( mixed $argument [, bool $return = false ] )
public mixed getConstant ( string $name )
public array getConstants ( void )
public object getConstructor ( void )
public array getDefaultProperties ( void )
public string getDocComment ( void )
public int getEndLine ( void )
public ReflectionExtension getExtension ( void )
public string getExtensionName ( void )
public string getFileName ( void )
public array getInterfaceNames ( void )
public array getInterfaces ( void )
public object getMethod ( string $name )
public array getMethods ([ string $filter ] )
public int getModifiers ( void )
public string getName ( void )
public string getNamespaceName ( void )
public object getParentClass ( void )
public array getProperties ([ int $filter ] )
public ReflectionProperty getProperty ( string $name )
public string getShortName ( void )
public int getStartLine ( void )
public array getStaticProperties ( void )
public mixed getStaticPropertyValue ( string $name [, string $default ] )
public bool hasConstant ( string $name )
public bool hasMethod ( string $name )
public bool hasProperty ( string $name )
public bool implementsInterface ( string $interface )
public bool inNamespace ( void )
public bool isAbstract ( void )
public bool isFinal ( void )
public bool isInstance ( object $object )
public bool isInstantiable ( void )
public bool isInterface ( void )
public bool isInternal ( void )
public bool isIterateable ( void )
public bool isSubclassOf ( string $class )
public bool isUserDefined ( void )
public object newInstance ( mixed $args [, mixed $... ] )
public object newInstanceArgs ([ array $args ] )
public void setStaticPropertyValue ( string $name , string $value )
public string __toString ( void )



Prop description

Predefined Constants

ReflectionClass Node Types




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PHP Manual