PHP Manual

The DOMElement class


DOMElement extends DOMNode {
/* 属性 */
readonly public bool $schemaTypeInfo ;
readonly public string $tagName ;
/* 方法 */
DOMElement::__construct ( string $name [, string $value [, string $namespaceURI ]] )
string DOMElement::getAttribute ( string $name )
DOMAttr DOMElement::getAttributeNode ( string $name )
DOMAttr DOMElement::getAttributeNodeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
string DOMElement::getAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
DOMNodeList DOMElement::getElementsByTagName ( string $name )
DOMNodeList DOMElement::getElementsByTagNameNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
bool DOMElement::hasAttribute ( string $name )
bool DOMElement::hasAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
bool DOMElement::removeAttribute ( string $name )
bool DOMElement::removeAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
DOMAttr DOMElement::setAttribute ( string $name , string $value )
void DOMElement::setAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $qualifiedName , string $value )
void DOMElement::setIdAttribute ( string $name , bool $isId )
void DOMElement::setIdAttributeNode ( DOMAttr $attr , bool $isId )
void DOMElement::setIdAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName , bool $isId )
/* 继承的方法 */
DOMNode DOMNode::appendChild ( DOMNode $newnode )
DOMNode DOMNode::cloneNode ([ bool $deep ] )
public int DOMNode::getLineNo ( void )
bool DOMNode::hasAttributes ( void )
bool DOMNode::hasChildNodes ( void )
DOMNode DOMNode::insertBefore ( DOMNode $newnode [, DOMNode $refnode ] )
bool DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace ( string $namespaceURI )
bool DOMNode::isSupported ( string $feature , string $version )
string DOMNode::lookupNamespaceURI ( string $prefix )
string DOMNode::lookupPrefix ( string $namespaceURI )
void DOMNode::normalize ( void )
DOMNode DOMNode::removeChild ( DOMNode $oldnode )
DOMNode DOMNode::replaceChild ( DOMNode $newnode , DOMNode $oldnode )



Not implemented yet, always return NULL


The element name



The DOM extension uses UTF-8 encoding. Use utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to work with texts in ISO-8859-1 encoding or Iconv for other encodings.

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