7.8. Custom Feed and Entry Classes

Finally, you can extend the Zend_Feed classes if you'd like to provide your own format or niceties like automatic handling of elements that should go into a custom namespace.

Here is an example of a custom Atom entry class that handles its own myns: namespace entries. Note that it also makes the registerNamespace() call for you, so the end user doesn't need to worry about namespaces at all.

Example 7.7. Extending the Atom Entry Class with Custom Namespaces


 * The custom entry class automatically knows the feed URI (optional) and
 * can automatically add extra namespaces.
class MyEntry extends Zend_Feed_EntryAtom

    public function __construct($uri = 'http://www.example.com/myfeed/',
                                $xml = null)
        parent::__construct($uri, $xml);

        Zend_Feed::registerNamespace('myns', 'http://www.example.com/myns/1.0');

    public function __get($var)
        switch ($var) {
            case 'myUpdated':
                // Translate myUpdated to myns:updated.
                return parent::__get('myns:updated');

                return parent::__get($var);

    public function __set($var, $value)
        switch ($var) {
            case 'myUpdated':
                // Translate myUpdated to myns:updated.
                parent::__set('myns:updated', $value);

                parent::__set($var, $value);



Then to use this class, you'd just instantiate it directly and set the myUpdated property:


$entry = new MyEntry();
$entry->myUpdated = '2005-04-19T15:30';
