Chapter 8. Zend_Filter

Table of Contents

8.1. Zend_Filter
8.1.1. Introduction
8.1.2. Use Cases
8.2. Zend_Filter_Input
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Theory of Operation
8.2.3. Use Cases

8.1. Zend_Filter

8.1.1. Introduction

Zend_Filter provides a library of static methods for filtering data. For input filtering, you should use Section 8.2, “Zend_Filter_Input” instead, because it provides a framework for filtering input using the methods provided by this class. However, because Zend_Filter_Input is designed primarily for arrays, Zend_Filter can be useful for filtering scalars, because it behaves like PHP's string functions:

    $alphaUsername = Zend_Filter::getAlpha('John123Doe');
    /* $alphaUsername = 'JohnDoe'; */

8.1.2. Use Cases

In each of these use cases, $value represents an arbitrary scalar value.

Whitelist Filtering:

    if ($email = Zend_Filter::testEmail($value)) {
        /* $email is a valid email format. */
    } else {
        /* $email is not a valid email format. */

Blind Filtering:

    $alphaName = Zend_Filter::getAlpha($value);

Blacklist Filtering:

    $taglessComment = Zend_Filter::noTags($value);