Quick Start

Make sure you've read What is Pinax? to get a conceptual overview of Pinax.

We strongly recommend running Pinax (or indeed, any Django) projects in a virtual environment:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv mysiteenv
source mysiteenv/bin/activate

Once your virtual environment has been activated, install Django and use django-admin to create a new project based on the Account Pinax starter project:

pip install Django==1.8.4
django-admin startproject --template=https://github.com/pinax/pinax-starter-projects/zipball/account mysite -n webpack.config.js

Now install the requirements, initialize your database, load the default sites fixtures, and run the dev server:

cd mysite
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x manage.py
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py loaddata sites
./manage.py runserver

You now have a running Django site complete with account management and bootstrap-based templates.

To add one more app you will first have to modify the requirements.txt file by adding the new app:


Make sure to install the requirements once again.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, you will modify the settings.py, by adding your app to the INSTALLED_APPS:


This will also be a good time to make any additional changes to settings.py if needed for the new app.

Be sure to migrate the new app:

./manage.py migrate

Next, you will modify the urls.py to contain a new url for the new app:

url(r"^myapp/", include("myapp.url")),

This will be a good time to make any adjustments to any templates if needed for the new app.