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3.7.5.  Expired Inventory

Item Sites marked as perishable may have Quantity on Hand that expires on a specified date. Typically, these are Lot/Serial Number controlled Item Sites. If such Inventory has expired, you may view Inventory details using this display. To view expired Inventory, select the "Expired Inventory" option. The following screen will appear:

Expired Inventory


Expired Inventory will be displayed in red type, to alert users to the expired status of the Item. This typographical feature appears in other Inventory displays, as well.

When displaying expired Inventory, you are presented with the following options:

All Class Codes

Select to display expired Inventory for all Class Codes.


Specify Class Code whose expired Inventory you want to display.


Enter a Class Code pattern to select a range of Class Codes. Refine your search using Regular Expressions.

All Sites

Select to display expired Inventory for all Sites.


Specify Site whose expired Inventory you want to display.

Expired By

Specify one of the following expiration types to include in the display:


Select if you want to include Inventory which expired because its perishable date passed.


Select if you want to include Inventory which expired because its warranty date passed.

Show Inventory Value

Select to include the Inventory value of expired Inventory in the display. Specify whether to display Inventory value using Standard Costs or Actual Costs.

Use Standard Costs

Select to show Inventory value based on Standard Costs.

Use Actual Costs

Select to show Inventory value based on Actual Costs.

Order By

Order the output by one of the following methods:

Item Number

Select to order the display by Item Number.

Expiration Date

Select to order the display by the date the Inventory expired.

Inventory Value

Select to order the display by Inventory value. This selection will only be available if used in conjunction with the "Show Inventory Value" option

Threshold Days

Select a number using the arrow buttons, or manually enter a value between 999 and -999. Specify which expired Items to include in the display using the threshold parameter. Threshold days are measured from the current day. To view all currently expired Inventory, set the parameter to "0". To display Inventory due to expire in the future, enter a positive value. Enter a negative value to display Inventory that expired prior to the current day.

Expired Inventory

Display lists expired Inventory, using the specified parameters. If the "Show Inventory Value" box is selected, the display will also show unit Cost and value.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Select to generate the display, using the specified parameters.


Runs the report associated with this screen.