The Item Availability Workbench is designed to consolidate on one screen the functions performed by personnel who manage and track Inventory. To access the Item Availability Workbench, select the "Item Availability Workbench" option. The following screen will appear:
When displaying Running Availability, you are presented with the following options:
When quantity appears in the "Ordered" column, this refers to quantity that is on order through either a Work Order or Purchase Order. In the case of Purchase Orders, the quantity will always be represented in the Inventory Unit of Measure (UOM)—regardless of the Vendor UOM used on the Purchase Order.
Select to show Planned Orders in the display. Planned Orders will display in blue type.
Displays Order Multiple specifying the increments the Item must be ordered in. Order Multiple is maintained in the Item Site master.
Displays the Reorder Level specifying the minimum Quantity on Hand allowed before an Item must be reordered. Reorder Level is maintained in the Item Site master.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Right-clicking on a Work Order in the Running Availability display enables you to select from the following options:
If you right-click on a Planned Order, the following additional option will also be available:
To view Inventory Availability for the specified Item, select the "Inventory" tab. The following screen will appear:
When displaying Inventory Availability by Item, you are presented with the following options:
Show Availability using one of the following criteria:
Select to show projected Availability based on the Lead Time specified in the Item Site master.
Select a number using the arrow buttons, or manually enter a value up to a maximum of 1000. Future Availability for the specified Item will be displayed based on the value entered here.
Display will show projected Inventory Availability as of date entered up to a maximum of 1000 days.
Display will show projected Inventory Availability for the date range entered.
Select to show Reorder Exceptions in display. Reorder Exceptions are an indication that an Item Site's projected Availability will drop below the Reorder Level for the Item Site.
Select to ignore Reorder Exceptions in cases where both the Item Site Reorder Level and Planned Availability are equal to zero ("0"). If selected, Item Sites matching these criteria will not be displayed.
Select to only show Inventory shortages in display. Shortages are always shown in the report, if they exist. However, using this option simply separates shortages out so you can see only them. A shortage exists if Availability is less than zero, as in
QOH - Allocated + Ordered < 0
Display lists Inventory Availability by Item, using the specified parameters. If Planned Availability displays in the color orange, this means the actual or projected Quantity on Hand is at or below the Reorder Level. If the color is red, the current or projected Quantity on Hand is below 0.
When quantity appears in the "On Order" column, this refers to quantity that is on order through either a Work Order or Purchase Order. In the case of Purchase Orders, the quantity will always be represented in the Inventory Unit of Measure (UOM)—regardless of the Vendor UOM used on the Purchase Order.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Right-clicking on an Item in the Availability list enables you to select from the following context-sensitive menu options:
The following additional options are available for purchased Items:
The following additional option is available for manufactured Items:
To view a Costed Indented Bill of Materials for the specified Item, select the "Costed Indented BOM" tab. The following screen will appear:
Costed Indented BOM information will be displayed only if the specified Item is a manufactured Item.
When displaying Costs for an indented Bill of Materials, you are presented with the following options:
In the Costed Indented Bill of Materials, the totals displayed on the screen are derived as follows:
This total is pulled from the Extended Cost column. The total may vary, depending on whether "Use Standard Costs" or "Use Actual Costs" is selected.
This value represents the Actual Cost for the parent Item whose Costed Indented BOM is being displayed.
This value represents the Standard Cost for the parent Item whose Costed Indented BOM is being displayed.
Display lists Costed Indented Bill of Materials components, using the specified parameters. The difference between the indented view and the single level view is that the indented view displays all subcomponents if there is a manufactured component listed on the Bill of Materials. The Total Cost, Actual Cost, and Standard Cost will be calculated automatically at the bottom of the display.
To the far right of the display are the following buttons and display fields:
Right-clicking on a component in the Costed Bill of Materials list enables you to select from the following menu options:
To view Inventory History for the specified Item, select the "History" tab. The following screen will appear:
When displaying Inventory history by Item, you are presented with the following options:
Select one of the available transaction types:
Displays all Inventory transactions.
Displays receipts into Inventory from Manufacturing, purchases, or miscellaneous receipts.
Displays issues from Inventory to Manufacturing.
Displays shipments to customers.
Displays Inventory adjustments and counts.
Displays Inter-Site Transfers and Location and Lot/Serial Number reassignments.
Displays Scrap removed from Inventory.
The system prefixes Order Numbers with letters indicating the Order type. For example, Work Orders are prefixed with "WO", Purchase Orders with "PO", and Sales Orders with "SO". These letters are for display purposes only and are not considered part of the Order Number.
This is a required field. Inventory transactions conducted on and after this date will be displayed.
This is a required field. Inventory transactions conducted on and before this date will be displayed.
Display lists Inventory history by Item, using the specified parameters. This display is a nested list, with a plus ("+") sign located to the far left of the display next to each transaction that may be expanded to lower levels. By clicking your mouse on a plus sign, you reveal lower levels of information related to the Order. To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Right-clicking on a transaction in the Inventory History list enables you to select from the following menu options:
When editing transaction information, you may choose to exclude a transaction from Inventory analysis. Not including a transaction in this manner means the following Inventory analyses will ignore the transaction: Item Usage Statistics displays, Update Reorder Levels, and Update Order Up To Levels.
If the Order Number is associated with a Work Order, the following additional menu option will also be available:
To view Lot/Serial and/or Location information for the specified Item, select the "Inventory Detail" tab. The following screen will appear:
When displaying detailed Inventory information, you are presented with the following options:
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
To view where the specified Item is used for manufacturing, select the "Where Used" tab. The following screen will appear:
When displaying a single level Bill of Materials, you are presented with the following options:
Enter the Item Number of the manufactured Item you would like to view a single level Bill of Materials for.
Select to cause expired components to be listed in the "Bill of Materials" display.
Select a number using the arrow buttons, or manually enter a value up to a maximum of 999. Components that have been expired from the Bill of Materials within the specified number of days will be included in the display.
Select to cause future components to be listed in the "Bill of Materials" display.
To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:
Right-clicking on an Item in the Bill of Materials Items list enables you to select from the following menu options: