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3.12.6. Maintain External Shipping Records External Shipping Maintenance

The Maintain External Shipping Records screen is a kind of workbench where you can manage shipping information exported to UPS WorldShip and similar packages. To maintain external shipping records, select the "Maintain External Shipping Records" option. The following screen will appear:

External Shipping List

The Maintain External Shipping Records screens lists all the shipping records exported from xTuple ERP to UPS WorldShip and similar packages.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen without creating external shipping data.


Opens screen for entering new shipping data.


Enables you to edit shipping data. The edit screen is the same as that for creating a new shipping data—except that when editing, the fields will contain existing shipping information. Double-clicking on a shipping record will also bring you to the editing screen.


Highlight a shipping record and then select this button to reach a read-only view of the "Edit" screen.


Highlight a shipping record and then select this button to remove the record from the list. External Shipping Maintenance

To create or maintain shipping data exported to external shipping packages like UPS WorldShip, select the NEW button. The following screen will appear:

External Shipping Maintenance

When entering new shipping data you are presented with the following options:

S/O #

Enter the Order Number of the Sales Order you want to maintain. The browse button located to the right of the field leads to a searchable list of Sales Orders available for maintenance.


The text below the S/O field represents the order type (i.e., "SO") and Status (i.e., "C"). Below this text us the customer name (i.e., "Tremendous Toys Incorporated")

Shipment #

Enter the Shipment Number of the internal shipment order created to ship Sales Order. The browse button located to the right of the field leads to a searchable list of Shipment numbers.


The text below shipment number identifies the tracking number entered on the shipment order


Select the external third party shipper shipping this order (i.e., UPS, FedEx, etc.).

Package Tracking Number

Enter the Package Tracking Number that represents the external shippers tracking number for the individual package, which could be comprised of one of many or one of one.

Tracking Number

Specify the Tracking Number that represents external shipper's tracking number for the entire order, which can be a group of packages.

Package Type

Select the package type identified on the


Select the List option if the shipment has been voided.

Billing Option

Enter the Billing Option which identifies how the shipment was billed by the external shipper (i.e., Prepaid, COD, etc.).


Specify weight of shipment reported to external shipper.

Base Freight

Enter the amount of the base freight charge to be charged to the specified Order. Freight charges may be entered during the creation or modification of an Order—or at the time of shipment.

Total Freight

Enter the amount of the total freight charge to be charged to the complete order including taxes and surcharges.

Last Updated

Review automatic timestamp which identifies last modification to record.