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4.5.2. Running Availability

To view Running Availability, select the "Running Availability" option. The following screen will appear:

Running Availability

When displaying Running Availability, you are presented with the following options:

Item Number

Enter the Item Number of the Item whose Running Availability you want to display.


Inventory Unit of Measure.


When quantity appears in the "Ordered" column, this refers to quantity that is on order through either a Work Order or Purchase Order. In the case of Purchase Orders, the quantity will always be represented in the Inventory Unit of Measure (UOM)—regardless of the Vendor UOM used on the Purchase Order.


Specify Site whose Running Availability you want to display.

Show Planned Orders

Select to show Planned Orders in the display. Planned Orders will display in blue type.


Displays Quantity on Hand for specified Item.

Order Multiple

Displays Order Multiple specifying the increments the Item must be ordered in. Order Multiple is maintained in the Item Site master.

Reorder Level

Displays the Reorder Level specifying the minimum Quantity on Hand allowed before an Item must be reordered. Reorder Level is maintained in the Item Site master.

Order Up To Qty

Indicates the quantity level that MRP Planned Replenishment Orders will order up to.

Running Availability

Display lists Running Availability for the selected Item, using the specified parameters. Red lettering indicates the due date has passed or Running Availability has dropped below 0.

To the far right of the screen, the following buttons are available:


Closes the screen, returning you to the application desktop.


Runs the report associated with this screen.

Right-clicking on a Work Order in the Running Availability display enables you to select from the following options:

View Work Order Details

Select to view details for the specified Work Order.

Work Order Schedule

Select to view the Work Order Schedule for the specified Work Order.

Export Contents

Export the data displayed on the screen into a plain-text, TAB-delimited file. This file may subsequently be imported into a spreadsheet or other office tool.

If you right-click on a Planned Order, the following additional option will also be available:

Firm Order

Select to firm the specified Order.

Release Order

Select to release the specified Order.

Delete Order

Select to delete the specified Order.