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26.3. Standby server settings

standby_mode (boolean)

Specifies whether to start the PostgreSQL server as a standby. If this parameter is on, the server will not stop recovery when the end of archived WAL is reached, but will keep trying to continue recovery by fetching new WAL segments using restore_command and/or by connecting to the primary server as specified by the primary_conninfo setting.

primary_conninfo (string)

Specifies a connection string to be used for the standby server to connect with the primary. This string is in the format accepted by the libpq PQconnectdb function, described in Section 31.1. If any option is unspecified in this string, then the corresponding environment variable (see Section 31.13) is checked. If the environment variable is not set either, then defaults are used.

The connection string should specify the host name (or address) of the primary server, as well as the port number if it is not the same as the standby server's default. Also specify a user name corresponding to a role that has the SUPERUSER and LOGIN privileges on the primary (see Section A password needs to be provided too, if the primary demands password authentication. It can be provided in the primary_conninfo string, or in a separate ~/.pgpass file on the standby server (use replication as the database name). Do not specify a database name in the primary_conninfo string.

This setting has no effect if standby_mode is off.

trigger_file (string)

Specifies a trigger file whose presence ends recovery in the standby. If no trigger file is specified, the standby never exits recovery. This setting has no effect if standby_mode is off.

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