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34.43. sql_languages

The table sql_languages contains one row for each SQL language binding that is supported by PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL supports direct SQL and embedded SQL in C; that is all you will learn from this table.

This table was removed from the SQL standard in SQL:2008, so there are no entries referring to standards later than SQL:2003.

Table 34-41. sql_languages Columns

Name Data Type Description
sql_language_source character_data The name of the source of the language definition; always ISO 9075, that is, the SQL standard
sql_language_year character_data The year the standard referenced in sql_language_source was approved.
sql_language_conformance character_data The standard conformance level for the language binding. For ISO 9075:2003 this is always CORE.
sql_language_integrity character_data Always null (This value is relevant to an earlier version of the SQL standard.)
sql_language_implementation character_data Always null
sql_language_binding_style character_data The language binding style, either DIRECT or EMBEDDED
sql_language_programming_language character_data The programming language, if the binding style is EMBEDDED, else null. PostgreSQL only supports the language C.
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