8.1. OO SPMD on a Jacobi example

8.1.1. Execution and first glance at the Jacobi code Source files: ProActive/src/org/objectweb/proactive/examples/jacobi

The Jacobi example is made of two Java classes:

  • the main class

  • the class implementing the SPMD code

Have a first quick look at the code, especially the Jacobi class, looking for the strings "ProActive", "Nodes", "newSPMDGroup". The last instruction of the class: matrix.compute(); is an asynchronous group call. It sends a request to all active objects in the SPMD group, triggering computations in all the SubMatrix. We will get to the class later on. Execution

ProActive examples come with scripts to easily launch the execution under both Unix and Windows.For Jacobi, launch:




The computation stops after minimal difference is reached between two iterations (constant MINDIFF in class, or after a fixed number of iteration (constant ITERATIONS in class

The provided script, using an XML descriptor, creates 4 JVMs on the current machine. The Jacobi class creates an SPMD group of 9 Active Objects; 2 or 3 AOs per JVM.

Look at the traces on the console upon starting the script; in the current case, remember that all JVMs and AOs send output to the same console. More specifically, understand the following:

  • Created a new registry on port 1099"

  • "Reading deployment descriptor ... Matrix.xml "

  • "created VirtualNode"

  • "**** Starting jvm on"

  • "ClassFileServer is reading resources from classpath"

  • "Detected an existing RMI Registry on port 1099""

  • "Generating class: ... jacobi.Stub_SubMatrix "

  • "ClassServer sent class ... jacobi.Stub_SubMatrix successfully"

You can start IC2D (script or ic2d.bat) in order to visualize the JVMs and the Active Objects. Just activate the "Monitoring a new host" in the "Monitoring" menu at the top left. To stop the Jacobi computation and all the associated AOs, and JVMs, just ^C in the window where you started the Jacobi script.

8.1.2. Modification and compilation Source modification

Do a simple source modification, for instance changing the values of the constants MINDIFF (0.00000001 for ex) and ITERATIONS in class

Caveat: Be careful, due to a shortcoming of the Java make system (ant), make sure to also touch the class that uses the constants. Compilation

ProActive distribution comes with scripts to easily recompile the provided examples:




Several targets are provided (start build without arguments to obtain them). In order to recompile the Jacobi, just start the target that recompile all the examples:

build examples

2 source files must appear as being recompiled.

Following the recompilation, rerun the examples as explained in section 1.2 above, and observe the differences.

8.1.3. Detailed understanding of the OO SPMD Jacobi Structure of the code

Within the class the following methods correspond to a standard Jacobi implementation, and are not specific to ProActive:

  • internalCompute ()

  • borderCompute ()

  • exchange ()

  • buildFakeBorder (int size)

  • buildNorthBorder ()

  • buildSouthBorder ()

  • buildWestBorder ()

  • buildEastBorder ()

  • stop ()

The methods on which asynchronous remote method invocations take place are:

  • sendBordersToNeighbors ()

  • setNorthBorder (double[] border)

  • setSouthBorder (double[] border)

  • setWestBorder (double[] border)

  • setEastBorder (double[] border)

The first one sends to the appropriate neighbors the appropriate values, calling set*Border() methods asynchronously. Upon execution by the AO, the methods set*Border() memorize locally the values being received.

Notice that all those communication methods are made of purely functional Java code, without any code to the ProActive API.

On the contrary, the followings are ProActive related aspects:

  • buildNeighborhood ()

  • compute ()

  • loop ()

We will detail them in the next section.

Note: the classes managing topologies are still under development. In the next release, the repetitive and tedious topology related instructions (e.g. methods buildNeighborhood) won't have to be written explicitly by the user, whatever the topology (2D, 3D). OO SPMD behavior

Let us describe the OO SPMD techniques which are used and the related ProActive methods.

First of all, look for the definition and use of the attribute "asyncRefToMe". Using the primitive "getStubOnThis()", it provides a reference to the current active object on which method calls are asynchronous. It permits the AO to send requests to itself.

For instance in


Notice the absence of a classical loop. The method "loop()" is indeed asynchronously called from itself; it is not really recursive since it does not have the drawback of the stack growing. It features an important advantage: the AO will remain reactive to other calls being sent to it. Moreover, it eases reuse since it is not necessary to explicitly encode within the main SPMD loop all the messages that have to be taken into account. It also facilitates composition since services can be called by activities outside the SPMD group, they will be automatically executed by the FIFO service of the Active Object.

The method "buildNeighborhood ()" is called only once for initialization. Using a 2D topology (Plan), it constructs references to north, south, west, east neighbors -- attributes with respective names. It also construct dynamically the group of neighbors. Starting from an empty group of type SubMatrix

this.neighbors = (SubMatrix) ProActiveGroup.newGroup


such typed view of the group is used to get the group view: Group neighborsGroup = ProActiveGroup.getGroup(this.neighbors); Then, the appropriate neighbors are added dynamically in the group, e.g.:


Again, the topology management classes in a future release of ProActive will simplify this process. Adding a method barrier for a step by step execution

Let's say we would like to control step by step the execution of the SPMD code. We will add a barrier in the, and control the barrier from input in the class.

In class, add a method barrier() of the form:

String[] st= new String[1];

Do not forget to define the keepOnGoing() method that indeed can return void, and just be empty. Find the appropriate place to call the barrier() method in the loop() method.

In class, just after the compute() method, add an infinite loop that, upon a user's return key pressed, calls the method keepOnGoing() on the SPMD group "matrix". Here are samples of the code:

while (true) {

private static void printMessageAndWait() { d = new
    System.out.println(" --> Press return key to continue");
    System.out.println(" or Ctrl c to stop.");
    try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

Recompile, and execute the code. Each iteration needs to be activated by hitting the return key in the shell window where Jacobi was launched. Start IC2D (./ or ic2d.bat), and visualize the communications as you control them. Use the "Reset Topology" button to clear communication arcs. The green and red dots indicate the pending requests.

You can try and test other modifications to the Jacobi code.

Running the Jacobi application, and viewing with IC2D

Figure 8.1. Running the Jacobi application, and viewing with IC2D Undestanding various different kind of barriers

The group of neighbors built above is important wrt synchronization. Below in method "loop()", an efficient barrier is achieved only using the direct neighbors:

ProSPMD.barrier("SynchronizationWithNeighbors"+ this.iterationsToStop, this.neighbors);

This barrier takes as a parameter the group to synchronize with: it will be passed only when the 4 neighbors in the current 2D example have reached the same point. Adding the rank of the current iteration allows to have a unique identifier for each instance of the barrier.

Try to change the barrier instruction to a total barrier:

ProSPMD.barrier("SynchronizationWithNeighbors"+ this.iterationsToStop);

Then recompile and execute again. Using IC2D observe that many more communications are necessary.

With all communications

Figure 8.2. With all communications

With a barrier, there are many less comunications

Figure 8.3. With a barrier, there are many less comunications

In order to get details and documentation on Groups and OO SPMD, have a look at Chapter 14, Typed Group Communication and Chapter 15, OOSPMD.

8.1.4. Virtual Nodes and Deployment descriptors Virtual Nodes

Now, we will return to the source code of to understand where and how the Virtual Nodes and Nodes are being used. XML Descriptors

The XML descriptor being used is:


Look for and understand the following definitions:

  • - Virtual Node Definition

  • - Mapping of Virtual Nodes to JVM

  • - JVM Definition

  • - Process Definition

A detailed presentation of XML descriptors is available in Section 21.1, “Objectives”. Changing the descriptor

Edit the file Matrix.xml in order to change the number of JVMs being used. For instance, if your machine is powerful enough, start 9 JVMs, in order to have a single SubMatrix per JVM.

IC2D viewing the Jacobi application with 9 JVMS on the same machine

Figure 8.4. IC2D viewing the Jacobi application with 9 JVMS on the same machine

You do not need to recompile, just restart the execution. Use IC2D to visualize the differences in the configuration.

8.1.5. Execution on several machines and Clusters Execution on several machines in the room

Explicit machine names ProActive/examples/descriptors/Matrix.xml is the XML deployment file used in this tutorial to start 4 jvms on the local machine. This behavior is achieved by referencing in the creation tag of Jvm1, Jvm2, Jvm3, Jvm4 a jvmProcess named with the id localProcess. To summarize briefly at least one jvmProcess must be defined in an xml deployment file. When this process is referenced directly in the creation part of the jvm definition (like the example below), the jvm will be created locally. On the other hand, if this process is referenced by another process(rshProcess for instance, this is the case in the next example), the jvm will be created remotely using the related protocol (rsh in the next example).

Note that several jvmProcesses can be defined, for instance in order to specify different jvm configurations (e.g classpath, java path,...).

    <virtualNode name="matrixNode"
    <map virtualNode="matrixNode">
      <vmName value="Jvm1"/>
      <vmName value="Jvm2"/>
      <vmName value="Jvm3"/>
      <vmName value="Jvm4"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm1">
      <processReference refid="localProcess"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm2">
      <processReference refid="localProcess"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm3">
      <processReference refid="localProcess"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm4">
      <processReference refid="localProcess"/>
    <processDefinition id="localProcess">

Modify your XML deployment file to use the current JVM (i.e the JVM reading the descriptor) and also to start 4 JVMs on remote machines using rsh protocol.

Use IC2D to visualize the machines ("titi", "toto", "tata" and "tutu" in this example) and the JVMs being launched on them.

    <virtualNode name="matrixNode"
    <map virtualNode="matrixNode">
      <currentJvm />
      <vmName value="Jvm1"/>
      <vmName value="Jvm2"/>
      <vmName value="Jvm3"/>
      <vmName value="Jvm4"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm1">
      <processReference  refid="rsh_titi"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm2">
      <processReference refid="rsh_toto"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm3">
    <jvm name="Jvm4">
    <processDefinition id="localProcess">
    <processDefinition id="rsh_titi">
    <processDefinition id="rsh_toto">
    <processDefinition id="rsh_tata">
    <processDefinition id="rsh_tutu">
      <processReference  refid="localProcess"/>

Pay attention of what happened to your previous XML deployment file. First of all to use the current jvm the following line was added just under the jvmSet tag

 <currentJvm />

Then the jvms are not created directly using the localProcess, but instead using other processes named rsh_titi, rsh_toto, rsh_tata, rsh_tutu

  <jvm name="Jvm1">
    <processReference refid="rsh_titi"/>
  <jvm name="Jvm2">
    <processReference refid="rsh_toto"/>
  <jvm name="Jvm3">
    <processReference refid="rsh_tata"/>
  <jvm name="Jvm4">
    <processReference refid="rsh_tutu"/>

Those processes as shown below are rsh processes. Note that it is mandatory for such processes to reference a jvmProcess, in this case named with the id localProcess, to create, at deployment time, a jvm on machines titi, toto, tata, tutu, once connected to those machines with rsh.

  <processDefinition id="localProcess">  
 <processDefinition id="rsh_titi">
   <processReference refid="localProcess"/>
 <processDefinition id="rsh_toto">
   <processReference refid="localProcess"/>
 <processDefinition id="rsh_tata">
   <processReference refid="localProcess"/>
 <processDefinition id="rsh_tutu">
   <processReference refid="localProcess"/>

Using Lists of Processes

You can also use the notion of Process List, which leads to the same result but often simplifies the xml. Two tags are provided, the first is:


This allows a single definition to list all hostnames on which the same JVM profile will be started.

    <virtualNode name="matrixNode"
    <map virtualNode="matrixNode">
      <vmName value="Jvm1"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm1">
 hostlist="titi toto tata tutu">

The second is a shorthand for a set of numbered hosts with a common prefix:


This is used when the machine names follow a list format, for instance titi1 titi2 titi3 ... titi100

    <virtualNode name="matrixNode"
    <map virtualNode="matrixNode">
      <vmName value="Jvm1"/>
    <jvm name="Jvm1">
 fixedName="titi" list="[1-100]"
  </ProActiveDescriptor> Execution on Clusters

If you have access to your own cluster, configure the XML descriptor to launch the Jacobi example on them, using the appropriate protocol:

ssh, LSF, PBS, Globus, etc.

Have a look at Section 21.1, “Objectives” to get the format of the XML descriptor for each of the supported protocols.

8.2. OO SPMD on a Integral Pi example MPI to ProActive adaptation

8.2.1. Introduction

In this chapter we are going to see a simple example of an MPI written program ported to ProActive.

First let's introduce what we are going to compute.

This simple program approximates pi by computing :

pi = integral from 0 to 1 of 4/( 1+x*x ) dx

Which is approximated by :

sum from k=1 to N of 4 / ( ( 1 +( k-1/2 ) **2 )

The only input data required is N, the number of iterations.

Involved files :

  • ProActive/doc-src/mpi_files/int_pi2.c : the original MPI implementation

  • ProActive/trunk/src/org/objectweb/proactive/examples/integralpi/ : the main class

  • ProActive/trunk/src/org/objectweb/proactive/examples/integralpi/ : the class implementing the SPMD code

8.2.2. Initialization MPI Initalization primitives

Some basic primitives are used, notice that MPI provides a rank to each process and the group size ( the number of involved processes ).

  // All instances call startup routine to get their instance number (mynum) 
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mynum);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);

  // Get a value for N
  solicit (&N, &nprocs, mynum); ProActive Initialization primitives

First we need to create the group of workers (MPI processes represented by active objects). Notice that the creation of active objects is done in

The group of active objects is created using specified parameters and the nodes specified in the deployement descriptor.

  // Group creation           
  Worker workers = (Worker) ProSPMD.newSPMDGroup(
         Worker.class.getName(), params, provideNodes(args[0]));

  // Once the group is created and the value for N is entered we can start the workers job
  // Workers starts their job and return a group of Futures
  DoubleWrapper results = workers.start( numOfIterations );

The ProSPMD layer provides similar to MPI initialization primitives. In you can identify this initialization. Note that one-to-one communications will be done thanks to an array view on the created group.

  // Worker initialization
  rank = ProSPMD.getMyRank();
  groupSize = ProSPMD.getMySPMDGroupSize();

  // Get all workers references
  workersArray = (Worker[]) ProActiveGroup.getGroup(ProSPMD.getSPMDGroup()).toArray(new Worker[0]);

8.2.3. Communication primitives Communication pattern

The communication pattern is very simple, it's done in 2 steps. First the process 0 Broadcasts N then waits for the result from each other process and sums the received values.

Communication pattern - Step 1

Figure 8.5. Communication pattern - Step 1

Communication pattern - Step 2

Figure 8.6. Communication pattern - Step 2 MPI Approach

The MPI implementation involves 3 communication primitives :

  • MPI_Send ( Sends data to one process )

  • MPI_Recv ( Receives data from a sending process )

  • MPI_Bcast ( Broadcast a data to all processes )

Please note that MPI_Bcast, MPI_Send and MPI_Recv primitives are blocking.

  // Get a value of N from stdin for the next run and Broadcast it
  MPI_Bcast(pN, 1, MPI_INT, source, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  // ... 

  if ( mynum == 0 ) { // Check if i'm the leader process
     for (i=1; i<nprocs; i++) {
        source = i;
        info = MPI_Recv(&x, 1, MPI_FLOAT, source, type, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); // waits
 the value from source process
        sum=sum+x; // sum up the receive value
  } else {
     info = MPI_Send(&sum, 1, MPI_FLOAT, dest, type, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // if i'm not the process
 0 i send my sum      
  } ProActive Approach

The ProActive implementation is quite similar to MPI one. The fact is that all communications in ProActive are asynchronous ( non-blocking ) by default, therefore we need to specify explicitely to block until a specific request.

  // The leader collects partial results.
  // Others just send their computed data to the rank 0.
  if ( rank==0 ) { // Check if i'm the leader worker 
     for ( i=1; i<groupSize; i++ ) {
         body.serve(body.getRequestQueue().blockingRemoveOldest("updateX")); // block until an
 updateX call
         sum += x;
  } else {

The leader blocks his request queue until another worker will do a distant call on the leader's updateX method which is :

  public void updateX(double value){
     this.x = value;
  } MPI to ProActive Summary

MPI_Init and MPI_FinalizeActivities creation
MPI_Send and MPI_RecvMethod call
MPI_BcastMethod call on a group
MPI_ScatterMethod call with a scatter group as parameter
MPI_GatherResult of a group communication
MPI_ReduceProgrammer's method

Table 8.1. MPI to ProActive

8.2.4. Running ProActive example Compilation

ProActive distribution comes with scripts to easily recompile the provided examples:




Use the build script to recompile the example

build examples

2 source files must appear as being recompiled. Running ProActive example

In ProActive/scripts/unix or windows run or .bat, you can specify the number of workers from the command line. Feel free to edit scripts to specify another deployement descriptor.

bash-3.00$ ./

--- IntegralPi --------------------------------------------------
The number of workers is 4
 --> This ClassFileServer is reading resources from classpath 2011
Created a new registry on port 1099
ProActive Security Policy ( not set. Runtime Security disabled
************* Reading deployment descriptor: file:./../../descriptors/Matrix.xml ********************
created VirtualNode name=matrixNode
**** Starting jvm on
**** Starting jvm on
**** Starting jvm on
ProActive Security Policy ( not set. Runtime Security disabled
 --> This ClassFileServer is reading resources from classpath 2012
ProActive Security Policy ( not set. Runtime Security disabled
ProActive Security Policy ( not set. Runtime Security disabled
 --> This ClassFileServer is reading resources from classpath 2013
 --> This ClassFileServer is reading resources from classpath 2014
**** Starting jvm on
Detected an existing RMI Registry on port 1099
Detected an existing RMI Registry on port 1099
Detected an existing RMI Registry on port 1099
ProActive Security Policy ( not set. Runtime Security disabled
 --> This ClassFileServer is reading resources from classpath 2015
// successfully bound in registry at //
**** Mapping VirtualNode matrixNode with Node: // done
// successfully bound in registry at //
**** Mapping VirtualNode matrixNode with Node: // done
// successfully bound in registry at //
**** Mapping VirtualNode matrixNode with Node: // done
Detected an existing RMI Registry on port 1099
// successfully bound in registry at //
**** Mapping VirtualNode matrixNode with Node: // done
4 nodes found
Generating class :

Enter the number of iterations (0 to exit) : 100000
Generating class :
Generating class :
Generating class :
Generating class :

         Worker 2 Calculated x = 0.7853956634245252 in 43 ms

         Worker 3 Calculated x = 0.7853906633745299 in 30 ms

         Worker 1 Calculated x = 0.7854006634245316 in 99 ms

         Worker 0 Calculated x = 3.141592653598117 in 12 ms

Calculated PI is 3.141592653598117 error is 8.324008149429574E-12

Enter the number of iterations (0 to exit) :