ProActive is a GRID middleware Java library for parallel, distributed, and concurrent computing, also featuring mobility and security in a uniform framework. With a reduced set of simple primitives, ProActive provides a comprehensive API allowing to simplify the programming of applications that are distributed on Local Area Network (LAN), on cluster of workstations, on P2P desktop Grids, or on Internet Grids. The library is based on an Active Object pattern that is a uniform way to encapsulate:
a remotely accessible object,
a thread as an asynchronous activity,
an actor with its own script,
a server of incoming requests,
a mobile and potentially secure entity.
On top of those basic features, ProActive also includes advanced aspects, such as:
Typed Group Communications,
Object-Oriented SPMD,
Distributed and Hierarchical Components,
Fault Tolerance with checkpointing,
a P2P infrastructure,
a powerful deployment model based on XML descriptors,
File transfer capabilities over the Grid,
a Graphical User Interface: IC2D.
ProActive is only made of standard Java classes, and requires no changes to the Java Virtual Machine, no preprocessing or compiler modification; programmers write standard Java code. Based on a simple Meta-Object Protocol, the library is itself extensible, making the system open for adaptations and optimizations. ProActive currently uses the RMI Java standard library as default portable transport layer, and also provides optimized RMI with IBIS, and HTTP transport.
ProActive features several optimizations improving performance. For instance, whenever two active objects are located within the same virtual machine, a direct communication is always achieved, without going through the network stack. This optimization is ensured even when the co-location occurs after a migration of one or both of the active objects.
ProActive and the (de facto) Standards: ProActive has an architecture that allows the library to interoperate with various official or de facto standards:
Web Service Exportation,
HTTP Transport, RMI/SSH tunneling Transport,
ssh, scp, rsh, rcp,
Globus GT2, GT3 and GT4, Unicore, GLite, ARC (NorduGrid), GSI-SSH,
LSF, PBS, Sun Grid Engine, OAR.
Team Leader:
Denis Caromel
2004, Route des Lucioles
BP 93
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
phone: +33 492 387 631
fax: +33 492 387 971
Past and External Contributors
Public questions/comments/discussions should be posted on the ProActive public mailing list
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