ProActive is a Java library for parallel, distributed, and concurrent computing, also featuring mobility and security in a uniform framework. ProActive provides a comprehensive API and a graphical interface. The library is based on an Active Object pattern that is a uniform way to encapsulate:
ProActive is only made of standard Java classes, and requires no changes to the Java Virtual Machine. Overall, it simplifies the programming of applications distributed over Local Area Network (LAN), Clusters, Intranet or Internet GRIDs.
Active Objects (AO): a remote object, with its own thread, receiving calls on its public methods
FIFO activity: an AO, by default, executes the request it receives one after the other, in the order they were received
No-sharing: standard Java objects cannot be referenced from 2 AOs, ensured by deep-copy of constructor params, method params, and results
Asynchronous Communications: method calls towards AOs are asynchronous
Future: the result of a non-void asynchronous method call
Request: the occurrence of a method call towards an AO
Service: the execution by an AO of a request
Reply: after a service, the method result is sent back to the caller
Wait-by-necessity: automatic wait upon the use of a still awaited future
Automatic Continuation: transmission of futures and replies between AO and JVMs
Migration: an AO moving from one JVM to another, computational weak mobility: the AO decides to migrate and stack is lost
Group: a typed group of objects or AOs. Methods are called in parallel on all group members.
Component: made of AOs, a component defines server and client interfaces
Primitive Component: directly made of Java code and AOs
Composite Component: contains other components (primitives or composites)
Parallel Component: a composite that is using groups to multicast calls to inner components
Security: X.509 Authentication, Integrity, and Confidentiality defined at deployment in an XML file on entities such as communications, migration, dynamic code loading.
Virtual Node (VN): an abstraction (a string) representing where to locate AOs at creation
Deployment descriptor: an XML file where a mapping VN --> JVMs --> Machine is specified.
Node: the result of mapping a VN to a set of JVMs. After activation, a VN contains a set of nodes, living in a set of JVMs.
IC2D: Interactive Control and Debugging of Distribution: a Graphical environment for monitoring and steering Grid applications
A a = (A) ProActive.newActive('A', params, node); // Create an active Object of type A in the JVM specified by Node (param); // A one way typed asynchronous communication towards the (remote) AO a // A request is sent to a, v = (param); // A typed asynchronous communication with result. // v is first an awaited Future, to be transparently filled up after // service of the request, and reply ... v.gee (param); // Use of the result of an asynchronous call. // If v is still an awaited future, it triggers an automatic // wait: Wait-by-necessity
boolean isAwaited(Object); // Returns True if the object is still an awaited Future void waitFor(Object); // Blocks until the object is no longer awaited // A request is sent to a, void waitForAll(Vector); // Blocks until all the objects in Vector are no longer awaited int waitForAny(Vector); // Blocks until one of the objects in Vector is no longer awaited. // Returns the index of the available future.
When an AO must implement an activity that is not FIFO, the RunActive interface has to be implemented: it specifies the AO behavior in the method named runActivity():
Interface RunActive void runActivity(Body body) // The activity of the active object instance of the current classExample:
public class A implements RunActive { // Implements RunActive for programming a specific behavior // runActivity() is automatically called when such an AO is created public void runActivity(Body body) { Service service = new Service(body); while ( terminate ) { ... // Do some activity on its own ... ... // Do some services, e.g. a FIFO service on method named foo service.serveOldest('foo'); ... } } }Two other interfaces can also be specified:
Interface InitActive void initActivity(Body body) // Initializes the activity of the active object. // not called in case of restart after migration // Called before runActivity() method, and only once: Interface EndActive void endActivity(Body body) // Finalizes the active object after the activity stops by itself. // Called after the execution of runActivity() method, and only once: // not called before a migration
Even when an AO is busy doing its own work, it can remain reactive to external events (method calls). One just has to program non-blocking services to take into account external inputs.
public class BusyButReactive implements RunActive { public void runActivity(Body body) { Service service = new Service(body); while ( ! hasToTerminate ) { ... // Do some activity on its own ... ... // Non blocking service ... service.serveOldest('changeParameters', 'terminate'); ... } } public void changeParameters () { ...... // change computation parameters } public void terminate (){ hasToTerminate=true; } }
It also allows one to specify explicit termination of AOs (there is currently no Distributed Garbage Collector). Of course, the reactivity is up to the length of going around the loop. Similar techniques can be used to start, suspend, restart, and stop AOs.
Non-blocking services: returns immediately if no matching request is pending
void serveOldest(); // Serves the oldest request in the request queue void serveOldest(String methodName) // Serves the oldest request aimed at a method of name methodName void serveOldest(RequestFilter requestFilter) // Serves the oldest request matching the criteria given be the filter
Blocking services: waits until a matching request can be served
void blockingServeOldest(); // Serves the oldest request in the request queue void blockingServeOldest(String methodName) // Serves the oldest request aimed at a method of name methodName void blockingServeOldest(RequestFilter requestFilter) // Serves the oldest request matching the criteria given be the filter
Blocking timed services: wait a matching request at most a time given in ms
void blockingServeOldest (long timeout) // Serves the oldest request in the request queue. // Returns after timeout (in ms) if no request is available void blockingServeOldest(String methodName, long timeout) // Serves the oldest request aimed at a method of name methodName // Returns after timeout (in ms) if no request is available void blockingServeOldest(RequestFilter requestFilter) // Serves the oldest request matching the criteria given be the filter
Waiting primitives:
void waitForRequest(); // Wait until a request is available or until the body terminates void waitForRequest(String methodName); // Wait until a request is available on the given method name, // or until the body terminates
void fifoServing(); // Start a FIFO service policy. Call does not return. In case of // a migration, a new runActivity() will be started on the new site void lifoServing() // Invoke a LIFO policy. Call does not return. In case of // a migration, a new runActivity() will be started on the new site void serveYoungest() // Serves the youngest request in the request queue void flushAll() // Removes all requests in the pending queue
Object newActive(String classname, Object[] constructorParameters,Node node); // Creates a new AO of type classname. The AO is located on the given node, // or on a default node in the local JVM if the given node is nul Object newActive(String classname,Object[] constructorParameters,VirtualNode virtualnode); // Creates a new set of AO of type classname. // The AO are located on each JVMs the Virtual Node is mapped onto Object turnActive(Object, Node node); // Copy an existing Java object and turns it into an AO. // The AO is located on the given node, or on a default node in
A ga = (A) ProActiveGroup.newGroup( 'A', params, nodes); // Created at once a group of AO of type 'A' in the JVMs specified // by nodes. ga is a Typed Group of type 'A'. // The number of AO being created matches the number of param arrays. // Nodes can be a Virtual Node defined in an XML descriptor */; // A general group communication without result. // A request to foo is sent in parallel to AO in group ga */ V gv =; // A general group communication with a result. // gv is a typed group of 'V', which is first a group // of awaited Futures, to be filled up asynchronously gv.gee (...); // Use of the result of an asynchronous group call. It is also a // collective operation: gee method is called in parallel on each object\ in group. // Wait-by-necessity occurs when results are awaited */ Group ag = ProActiveGroup.getGroup(ga); // Get the group representation of a typed group ag.add(o); // Add object in the group ag. o can be a standard Java object or an AO, // and in any case must be of a compatible type ag.remove(index) // Removes the object at the specified index A ga2 = (A) ag.getGroupByType(); // Returns to the typed view of a group void setScatterGroup(g); // By default, a group used as a parameter of a group communication // is sent to all as it is (deep copy of the group). // When set to scatter, upon a group call ( such a scatter // parameter is dispatched in a round robing fashion to AOs in the // target group, e.g. upon */ void unsetScatterGroup(g); // Get back to the default: entire group transmission in all group // communications, e.g. upon */
Methods both in Interface Group, and static in class ProActiveGroup
boolean ProActiveGroup.allAwaited (Object); // Returns True if object is a group and all members are still awaited boolean ProActiveGroup.allArrived (Object); // Returns False only if at least one member is still awaited void ProActiveGroup.waitAll (Object); // Wait for all the members in group to arrive (all no longer awaited) void ProActiveGroup.waitN (Object, int nb); // Wait for at least nb members in group to arrive int ProActiveGroup.waitOneAndGetIndex (Object); // Waits for at least one member to arrived, and returns its index
A spmdGroup = (A) ProSPMD.newSPMDGroup('A', params, nodes); // Creates an SPMD group and creates all members with params on the nodes. // An SPMD group is a typed group in which every member has a reference to // the others (the SPMD group itself). A mySpmdGroup = (A) ProSPMD.getSPMDGroup(); // Returns the SPMD group of the activity. int rank = ProSPMD.getMyRank(); // Returns the rank of the activity in its SPMD group. ProSPMD.barrier('barrierID'); // Blocks the activity (after the end of the current service) until all // other members of the SPMD group invoke the same barrier. // Three barriers are available: total barrier, neighbors based barrier // and method based barrier.
Methods both in Interface Group, and static in class ProActiveGroup
void migrateTo(Object o); // Migrate the current AO to the same JVM as the AO void void migrateTo(String nodeURL); // Migrate the current AO to JVM given by the node URL int void migrateTo(Node node); // Migrate the current AO to JVM given by the node
To initiate the migration of an object from outside, define a public method, that upon service will call the static migrateTo primitive:
public void moveTo(Object) { try{ ProActive.migrateTo(t); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();'Cannot migrate.'); } } void onDeparture(String MethodName); // Specification of a method to execute before migration void onArrival(String MethodName); // Specification of a method to execute after migration, upon the // arrival in a new JVM void setMigrationStrategy(MigrationStrategy); // Specifies a migration itinerary void migrationStrategy.add(Destination); // Adds a JVM destination to an itinerary void migrationStrategy.remove(Destination d) ; // Remove a JVM destination in an itinerary
Components are formed from AOs, a component is linked and communicates with other remote components. A component can be composite, made of other components, and as such itself distributed over several machines. Component systems are defined in XML files (ADL: Architecture Description Language); these files describe the definition, the assembly, and the bindings of components.
Components follow the Fractal hierarchical component model specification and API, see
The following methods are specific to ProActive.
In the class org.objectweb.proactive.ProActive:
Component newActiveComponent('A', params, VirtualNode, ComponentParameters); // Creates a new ProActive component from the specified class A. // The component is distributed on JVMs specified by the Virtual Node // The ComponentParameters defines the configuration of a component: // name of component, interfaces (server and client), etc. // Returns a reference to a component, as defined in the Fractal API
In the class org.objectweb.proactive.core.component.Fractive:
ProActiveInterface createCollectiveClientInterface(String itfName, String itfSignature); // This method is used in primitive components. // It generates a client collective interface named itfName, and typed as itfSignature. // This collective interface is a typed ProActive group.
An X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) allowing communication Authentication, Integrity, and Confidentiality (AIC) to be configured in an XML security file, at deployment, outside any source code. Security is compatible with mobility, allows for hierarchical domain specificationand dynamically negotiated policies.
Example of specification:
<Rule> <From> <Entity type='VN' name='VN1'/> </From> <To> <Entity type='VN' name='VN2'/> </To> <Communication> <Request value='authorized'> <Attributes authentication='required' integrity='required' confidentiality='optional'/> </Request> </Communication> <Migration>denied</Migration> <AOCreation>denied</AOCreation> </Rule>
This rule specifies that: from Virual Node 'VN1' to the VN 'VN2', the communications (requests) are authorized, provided authentication and integrity are being used, while confidentiality is optional. Migration and AO creation are not authorized.
Virtual Nodes (VN) allow one to specify the location where to create AOs. A VN is uniquely identified as a String, is defined in an XML Deployment Descriptor where it is mapped onto JVMs. JVMs are themselves mapped onto physical machines: VN --> JVMs --> Machine. Various protocols can be specified to create JVMs onto machines (ssh, Globus, LSF, PBS, rsh, rlogin, Web Services, etc.). After activation, a VN contains a set of nodes, living in a set of JVMs. Overall, VNs and deployment descriptors allow to abstract away from source code: machines, creation, lookup and registry protocols.
Descriptor example: creates one jvm on the local machine
<ProActiveDescriptor xmlns:xsi='' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='DescriptorSchema.xsd'> <virtualNodesDefinition> <virtualNode name='Dispatcher'/> <!-- Name of the Virtual Node that will be used in program source --> </virtualNodesDefinition> <componentDefinition/> <deployment> <mapping> <!-- This part contains the mapping VNs -- JVMs --> <map virtualNode='Dispatcher'> <jvmSet> <vmName value='Jvm1'/> <!-- Virtual Node Dispatcher is mapped onto Jvm1 --> </jvmSet> </map> </mapping> <jvms> <jvm name='Jvm1'> <!-- This part defines how the jvm will be obtained: creation or acquisition: creation in this example --> <creation> <processReference refid='creationProcess'/> <!-- Jvm1 will be created using creationProcess defined below --> </creation> </jvm> </jvms> </deployment> <infrastructure> <processes> <processDefinition id='creationProcess'> <!-- Definition of creationProcess referenced above --> <jvmProcess class='org.objectweb.proactive.core.process.JVMNodeProcess'/> <!-- creationProcess is a jvmProcess. The jvm will be created on the local machine using default settings (classpath, java path,...) --> </processDefinition> </processes> </infrastructure> <componentDefinition> </ProActiveDescriptor>
Deployment API
ProActiveDescriptor pad = ProActive.getProActiveDescriptor(String File); // Returns a ProActiveDescriptor object from the xml // descriptor file name pad.activateMapping(String VN); // Activates the given Virtual Node: launches or acquires // all the JVMs the VN is mapped onto pad.activateMappings(); // Activates all VNs defined in the ProActiveDescriptor VirtualNode vn = pad.getVirtualNode(String) // Created at once a group of AO of type 'A' in the JVMs specified // by the given vn. The Virtual Node is automatically activated if not // explicitly done before Node[] n = vn.getNodes(); // Returns all nodes mapped to the target Virtual Node Object[] n[0].getActiveObjects(); // Returns a reference to all AOs deployed on the target Node ProActiveRuntime part = n[0].getProActiveRuntime(); // Returns a reference to the ProActive Runtime (the JVM) where the // node has been created pad.killall(boolean softly); // Kills all the JVMs deployed with the descriptor // not softly: all JVMs are killed abruptely // softly: all JVMs that originated the creation of a rmi registry // wait until registry is empty before dying
Functional exceptions with asynchrony
ProActive.tryWithCatch(MyException.class); // Just before the try try { // Some asynchronous calls with exceptions // One can use ProActive.throwArrivedException() and // ProActive.waitForPotentialException() here ProActive.endTryWithCatch(); // At the end of the try } catch (MyException e) { // ... } finally { ProActive.removeTryWithCatch(); // At the beginning of the finally }
Non-Functional Exceptions
Adding a handler to an active object on its side:
ProActive.addNFEListenerOnAO(myAO, new NFEListener() { public boolean handleNFE(NonFunctionalException nfe) { // Do something with the exception... // Return true if we were able to handle it return true; } });
Handlers can also be added to the client side of an active object with
ProActive.addNFEListenerOnProxy(ao, handler)
or to a JVM with
These handlers can also be removed with
ProActive.removeNFEListenerOnAO(ao, handler), ProActive.removeNFEListenerOnProxy(ao, handler), ProActive.removeNFEListenerOnJVM(handler)
It's possible to define an handler only for some exception types, for example:
ProActive.addNFEListenerOnJVM(new TypedNFEListener( SendRequestCommunicationException.class, new NFEListener() { public boolean handleNFE(NonFunctionalException e) { // Do something with the SendRequestCommunicationException... // Return true if we were able to handle it return true; } } ));
The behaviour of the default handler (if none could handle the exception) is to throw the exception if it's on the proxy side, or log it if it's on the body side.
ProActive allows active objects exportation as web services. The service is deployed onto a Jakarta Tomcat web server with a given url. It is identified by its urn, an unique id of the service. It is also possible to choose the exported methods of the object.
The WSDL file matching the service will be accesible at http://localhost:8080/servlet/wsdl?id=a for a service which name is 'a' and which id deployed on a web server which location is http://localhost:8080.
A a = (A) ProActive.newActive('A', new Object []{}); // Constructs an active object String [] methods = new String [] {'foo', 'bar'}; //A String array containing the exported methods ProActive.exposeAsWebService(a,'http://localhost:8080','a',methods); //Export the active object as a web service ProActive.unExposeAsWebService('a', 'http://localhost:8080'); //Undeploy the service 'a' on the web server located at http://localhost:8080
ProActive can provide fault-tolerance capabilities through two differents protocols: a Communication-Induced Checkpointing protocol (CIC) or a pessimistic message logging protocol (PML). Making a ProActive application fault-tolerant is fully transparent; active objects are turned fault-tolerant using Java properties that can be set in the deployment descriptor. The programmer can select at deployment time the most adapted protocol regarding the application and the execution environment.
A Fault-tolerant deployment descriptor
<ProActiveDescriptor> ... <virtualNodesDefinition> <virtualNode name='NonFT-Workers' property='multiple'/> <virtualNode name='FT-Workers' property='multiple' ftServiceId='appli'/> </virtualNodesDefinition> ... <serviceDefinition id='appli'> <faultTolerance> <!-- Protocol selection: cic or pml --> <protocol type='cic' /> <!-- URL of the fault-tolerance server --> <globalServer url='rmi://localhost:1100/FTServer'/> <!-- URL of the resource server; all the nodes mapped on this virtual node will be registred in as resource nodes for recovery --> <resourceServer url='rmi://localhost:1100/FTServer'/> <!-- Average time in seconds between two consecutive checkpoints for each object --> <ttc value='5'/> </faultTolerance> </serviceDefinition> </services> ... </ProActiveDescriptor>
Starting the fault-tolerance server
The global fault-tolerance server can be launched using the ProActive/scripts/[unix|windows]/FT/startGlobalFTServer.[sh|bat] script, with 5 optional parameters:
the protocol: -proto [cic|pml]
. Default value
is cic.
the server name: -name [serverName]
. Default
name is FTServer.
the port number: -port [portNumber]
. Default
port number is 1100.
the fault detection period: -fdperiod
, the time between two consecutive fault
detection scanning. Default value is 10 sec.
the URL of a p2p service that can be used by the resource
server: -p2p [serviceURL]
. No default value.
This aims to help you to create a P2P infrastructure over your desktop workstations network. It is self-organized and configurable. The infrastructure maintains a dynamic JVMs network for deploying computational applications.
Deploying the Infrastructure:
Firstly, you have to start P2P Services on each shared machine:
$ cd ProActive/scripts/unix/p2p
$ ./startP2PService [-acq acquisitionMethod] [-port portNumber] [-s Peer ...]
With that parameters (all are optionals):
-acq is the ProActive Runtime communication protocol used by the peer. Examples: rmi, http, ibis,... By default it is rmi.
-port is the port number where the P2P Service listens. By default it is 2410.
-s specify addresses of peers which are used to join the P2P infrastructure. Example: rmi://
A simple example:$ ./$ ./ -s //$ ./ -s //
Acquiring Nodes:
Now you have a P2P Infrastructure running, you might want to deploy your ProActive application on it. That is simple, just modify the XML deployment descriptor:
... <jvms> <jvm name='Jvm1'> <acquisition> <serviceReference refid='p2plookup'/> </acquisition> </jvm> ... </jvms> ... <infrastructure> ... <services> <serviceDefinition id='p2plookup'> <P2PService nodesAsked='2' acq='rmi' port='6666'> <peerSet> <peer>//</peer> </peerSet> </P2PService> </serviceDefinition> ... </services> ... </infrastructure> ...
In the nodesAsked argument, a special value MAX is allowed. When it is used, the P2P infrastructure returns the maximun number of nodes avilable, and continue while the application running to return new nodes to the application. To use all the benefit of that feature, you might add a nodes creation event listener to your application.
Usage Example:
// getting the p2p virtual node VirtualNode vn = pad.getVirtualNode('p2pvn'); // adding 'this' as a listener ((VirtualNodeImpl) vn).addNodeCreationEventListener(this); // then activate the virtual node vn.activate();
'this' has to implement the NodeCreationEventListener interface:
public void nodeCreated(NodeCreationEvent event) { // get the node Node newNode = event.getNode(); // now you can create an active object on your node. }
Firstly, create your own task:
import org.objectweb.proactive.branchnbound.core.Task; public class YourTask extends Task { public Result execute() { // Your code here for computing a solution } public Vector split() { // Your code for generating sub-tasks } public Result gather(Result[] results) { // Override optional // Default behavior based on the smallest gave by the compareTo } public void initLowerBound() { // Your code here for computing a lower bound } public void initUpperBound() { // Your code here for computing a lower bound } public int compareTo(Object arg) { // Strongly recommended to override this method // with your behavior } }
How to interact with the framework from inside a task:
Some class variables:
protected Result initLowerBound; // to store your lower bound protected Result initUpperBound; // to store you upper bound protected Object bestKnownSolution; // set by the framework with the best current solution protected Worker worker; // to interact with the framework (see below)
Interact with the framework (inside a Task):
this.worker.setBestCurrentResult(newBestSolution); // the worker will broadcast the solution in all Tasks this.worker.sendSubTasksToTheManager(subTaskList); // send a set of sub-tasks for computation to the framework BooleanWrapper workersAvailable = this.worker.isHungry(); // for a smart split, check for free workers
Secondly, choose your task queue:
BasicQueueImpl: execute task in FIFO order.
LargerQueueIml: execute task in larger order.
Extend TaskQueue: your own one.
Finally, start the compution:
Task task = new YourTask(someArguments); Manager manager = ProActiveBranchNBound.newBnB(task, nodes, LargerQueueImpl.class.getName()); Result futureResult = manager.start(); // this call is asynchronous ...
Keep in mind that is only 'initLower/UpperBound' and 'split' methods are called on the root task. The 'execute' method is called on the root task's splitted task. Here the methods order execution:
rootTask.initLowerBound(); // compute a first lower bound
rootTask.initUpperBound(); // compute a first upper bound
Task splitted = rootTask.split(); // generate a set of tasks
for i in splitted do in parallel
splitted[i].initLowerBound(); splitted[i].initUpperBound(); Result ri = splitted.execute();
Result final = rootTask.gather(Result[] ri); // gathering all result
File Transfer Deployment is a tool for transfering files at deployment time. This files are specified using the ProActive XML Deployment Descriptor in the following way:
<VirtualNode name='exampleVNode' FileTransferDeploy='example'/> .... </deployment> <FileTransferDefinitions> <FileTransfer id='example'> <file src='hello.dat' dest='world.dat'/> <dir src='exampledir' dest='exampledir'/> </FileTransfer> ... </FileTransferDefinitions> <infrastructure> .... <processDefinition id='xyz'> <sshProcess>... <FileTransferDeploy='implicit'> <!-- referenceID or keyword 'implicit' (inherit)--> <copyProtocol>processDefault, scp, rcp</copyProtocol> <sourceInfo prefix='/home/user'/> <destinationInfo prefix='/tmp' hostname='' username='smith' /> </FileTransferDeploy> </sshProcess> </processDefinition> ...
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