ProActive is available for download under the GPL 2 license. ProActive requires JDK 1.5 or later to be installed on your computer. Please note that ProActive will NOT run with any version prior to 1.5 since some features introduced in JDK 1.5 are essential.
Download and expand the ProActive archive
variable to the Java distribution you want to use
Launch the scripts located in ProActive/scripts/unix
or ProActive/scripts/windows
Download and unzip the ProActive archive
Include in your CLASSPATH
ProActive jar file ProActive/dist/lib/ProActive.jar
along with ProActive/dist/javassist.jar
and ProActive/dist/bouncycastle.jar
Depending on your project needs, you might need to include other libraries
located in the ProActive/lib
Launch the JVM with a security policy
file using the option
. A basic policy file
can be found at ProActive/dist/
. You can also specify a
log4j configuration
file with the property -Dlog4j.configuration=file:pathToFile
If a configuration file is not specified a default logger that logs on the console will be created.
Below the different steps are described in more detail.
You can download the archive file (a standard zip file) containing ProActive from the download section of the ProActive home page. You will be asked to accept the license agreement and provide a few details including your email address. Within a few minutes you will receive an email containing a password and an URL where you will be able to download the latest release of ProActive.
Unzip the archive using your favorite ZIP program, such as Winzip under Windows or the unzip command-line utility under most Linux/Unix systems. Unzipping the archive creates a ProActive directory and all the files contained in the archive go into this directory and its subdirectories.
Here is a quick overview of the directory structure of the archive:
Directory or File |
Description |
ProActive bytecode that you need to include in the
The bytecode and resources of all examples included with ProActive.
This jar file needs to be included in the |
The bytecode and resources of IC2D. This jar file needs to be included in
the |
The external libraries used by ProActive |
ProActive documentation including the full API doc |
Unix sh scripts and Windows bat files for running the examples |
For source version only, the full source code of ProActive |
For source version only, the scripts to compile ProActive using Ant. |
In order to use ProActive to write your
application you need to place in your CLASSPATH
following jar files :
- main library
- used to handle bytecode manipulation.
- logging
mechanism used in ProActive.
- used to parse and validate XML
files, like deployment descriptors, configuration files and component
files (see Chapter 19, XML Deployment Descriptors, Chapter 17, ProActive Basic Configuration, and Chapter 24, Introduction).
- component model used for ProActive Components (see
Section 26.5.1, “Controllers and interceptors”).
- used by the ProActive security framework (see Chapter 33, Security Framework).
Note | |
You do not need to modify your |
Under Linux/Unix:
Open a Linux/Unix terminal, change to the install directory using cd
and set the the CLASSPATH
cd [Your ProActive install directory] PA_PATH=$(pwd) export CLASSPATH=.:${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/ProActive_examples.jar:\ ${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/ProActive/ProActive.jar:${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/ibis:\ ${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/asm-2.2.1.jar:\ ${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/log4j.jar:${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/xercesImpl.jar:\ ${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/fractal.jar:${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/bouncycastle.jar:\ ${PA_PATH}/lib/dist/javassist.jar
Under Windows:
Open a Windows command terminal by executing either cmd
in Start-> Run
Change to the ProActive installation folder by using cd
then set the CLASSPATH
by executing the following commands.
cd [Your ProActive install directory] set CLASSPATH=.;%CD%\ProActive_examples.jar;\ %CD%\lib\dist\ProActive.jar;%CD%\lib\dist\ibis;\ %CD%\lib\dist\asm-2.2.1.jar;%CD%\lib\dist\log4j.jar;\ %CD%\lib\dist\xercesImpl.jar;%CD%\lib\dist\fractal.jar;\ %CD%\lib\dist\bouncycastle.jar;%CD%\lib\dist\javassist.jar
In addition to the jar files above you may want to add the following jar files. None of them are used directly by the core functionalities of ProActive but only in part of the library. They are not needed at runtime if those specific functionalities are not used but they are needed to compile all the code.
- used when tunneling with rmissh.
cryptix.jar, cog-jglobus-1.2.jar, puretls.jar, cryptix32.jar, cryptix-asn1.jar, cog-ogce.jar, cog-jglobus.jar
- used to interface with Globus
fractal.jar, fractal-gui.jar, fractal-swing.jar, fractal-adl.jar
- used by the the Fractal components
commons-discovery.jar, saaj-api.jar, commons-logging.jar, jaxrpc.jar, activation.jar, wsdl4j.jar, mail.jar,servlet-api.jar,
xml-apis.jar, axis.jar, soap.jar
- used by the Web Services features
bcel-5.1.jar, ibis-util-1.0.jar, colobus-0.1.jar,
ibis-connect-1.0.jar, ibis-1.4.jar, bcel-5.1-fixes-1.0.jar
- used by Ibis if
configured as communication protocol
client.jar, ajo.jar, SystemDefaults.txt, njs_client.jar, scriptPlugin.jar, jh.jar
- used when deploying to a UNICORE site.
classad.jar, glite-wms-jdlj.jar
- used when deploying on gLite sites.
The jar files can be found under Proactive/lib
and under
See Permissions
in the JavaTM 2 SDK to learn more about Java permissions. The
will specify which security policy file to
use within ProActive. As a first approximation, you can create a simple security
policy file granting all permissions:
grant { permission; };
Note | |
If you use the scripts provided with the distribution to run the
examples an existing policy file named
See for logging using
the Apache log4j. The
option -Dlog4j.configuration=file:pathToFile
will specify which logging policy file to
use within ProActive. As a first approximation, you can create a simple logging
policy file:
# This file represents the log4j config file for non regression tests. # It is given as property (in the proactive.xml) when starting nonregression tests # The default logging level is INFO # The root logger logs in the test.log file log4j.rootLogger=INFO,CONSOLE # If INFO is enabled Jetty is too verbose at startup = WARN ########### The following are existing categories in ProActive #log4j.logger.proactive = INFO #log4j.logger.proactive.classloader = DEBUG = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.runtime = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.body = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.mop = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.groups = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.sync_call = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.deployment = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.deployment.log = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.deployment.process = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.deployment.filetransfer = DEBUG,CONSOLE #log4j.logger.proactive.filetransfer = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.nfe = FATAL #log4j.logger.proactive.gc = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.ft = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.ft.cic = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.ft.pml = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.communication.transport.http = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.communication.rmi = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.communication.ssh = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.communication.transport.http = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.migration = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.communication.requests = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.examples = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.components = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.components.requests = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.components.activity = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.components.bytecodegeneration = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.components.adl = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.components.gui = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.startservice = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.nodes = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.acquaintances = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.first_contact = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.skeletons = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.skeletons.worker = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.skeletons.manager = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.p2p.daemon = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.skeletons = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.skeletons.taskpool = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.skeletons.structure = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.skeletons.environment = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.skeletons.application = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.skeletons.diagnosis = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.skeletons.system = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.masterworker = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.masterworker.workermanager = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.masterworker.pinger = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.masterworker.repository = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.masterworker.workers = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.configuration = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.remoteobject = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.jmx = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.jmx.mbean = DEBUG #log4j.logger.proactive.jmx.notification = DEBUG ################ Appenders #################### # # Appender output can be configured by using a pattern layout # See: # # - %c the category of the logging event # - %d the date # - %m he application supplied message # - %n the platform dependent line separator character or characters # - %p the priority of the logging event # - %t the name of the thread that generated the logging event # - %X{hostname} the hostname # - %X{id@hostname} the VMID and the hostname # - %X{shortid@hostname} the short VMID and the hostname (a collision can occur between two shortids, you should use id@hostname) # - %X{runtime} the ProActive runtime url (does not work very well since a different MDC is associated to each thread) # CONSOLE appender is used by default log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%X{shortid@hostname} - [%p %20.20c{2}] %m%n # Appender FILE writes to the file "tests.log". # This file is recreated a file for each run log4j.appender.FILE=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender log4j.appender.FILE.File=tests.log log4j.appender.FILE.Append=false log4j.appender.FILE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.FILE.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t]: %m%n
Note | |
If you use the scripts provided with the distribution to run the
examples an existing log4j file named |
You can try to run the test applications provided with ProActive.
Each example comes with a script to launch the application. Depending on your
operating system, the script you need to launch is located either in ProActive/scripts/unix
. The source code of all the examples can be found in the directory ProActive/src/Examples/org/objectweb/proactive/examples/
This example is the ProActive version of the Readers/Writers canonical problem. To illustrate the ease-of-use of the ProActive model, different synchronization policies can be applied without even stopping the application. This example is based on a easy to use Swing GUI.
script :
source : examples/readers
This example is one possible implementation of the well-known Dining Philosophers synchronization problem. This example is based on a easy to use Swing GUI.
script :
source : examples/philosophers
© 1997-2008 INRIA Sophia Antipolis All Rights Reserved