Docs: Hiera 1: Writing Data Sources

Hiera 1: Writing Data Sources

Hiera can use several different data backends, including two built-in backends and various optional backends. Each backend uses a different document format for its data sources.

This page describes the built-in yaml and json backends, as well as the puppet backend included with Hiera’s Puppet integration. For optional backends, see the backend’s documentation.



The yaml backend looks for data sources on disk, in the directory specified in its :datadir setting. It expects each data source to be a text file containing valid YAML data, with a file extension of .yaml. No other file extension (e.g. .yml) is allowed.

Data Format

See and the “YAML for Ruby” cookbook for a complete description of valid YAML.

The root object of each YAML data source must be a YAML mapping (hash). Hiera will treat its top level keys as the pieces of data available in the data source. The value for each key can be any of the data types below.

Hiera’s data types map to the native YAML data types as follows:

Hiera YAML
Hash Mapping
Array Sequence
String Quoted scalar or non-boolean unquoted scalar
Number Integer or float
Boolean Boolean (note: includes on and off, yes and no in addition to true and false)

Any string may include any number of variable interpolation tokens.


# array
    - apache2
    - apache2-common
    - apache2-utils

# string
apache-service: apache2

# interpolated facter variable 
hosts_entry: sandbox.%{fqdn}

# hash
    root_allowed: "no"
    password_allowed: "yes"

# alternate hash notation
sshd_settings: {root_allowed: "no", password_allowed: "yes"}

# to return "true" or "false"
sshd_settings: {root_allowed: no, password_allowed: yes}



The json backend looks for data sources on disk, in the directory specified in its :datadir setting. It expects each data source to be a text file containing valid JSON data, with a file extension of .json. No other file extension is allowed.

Data Format

See the JSON spec for a complete description of valid JSON.

The root object of each JSON data source must be a JSON object (hash). Hiera will treat its top level keys as the pieces of data available in the data source. The value for each key can be any of the data types below.

Hiera’s data types map to the native JSON data types as follows:

Hiera JSON
Hash Object
Array Array
String String
Number Number
Boolean true / false

Any string may include any number of variable interpolation tokens.


    "apache-packages" : [

    "hosts_entry" :  "sandbox.%{fqdn}",

    "sshd_settings" : {
                        "root_allowed" : "no", 
                        "password_allowed" : "no"


Coming soon.

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