Docs: Hiera 1: Installing

Hiera 1: Installing

Note: If you are using Puppet 3 or later, you probably already have Hiera installed. You can skip these steps, and go directly to configuring Hiera.


  • Hiera works on *nix and Windows systems.
  • It requires Ruby 1.8.5 or later.
  • To work with Puppet, it requires Puppet 2.7.x or later.
  • If used with Puppet 2.7.x, it also requires the additional hiera-puppet package; see below.

Installing Hiera

If you are using Hiera with Puppet, you should install it on your puppet master server(s); it is optional and unnecessary on agent nodes. (If you are using a standalone puppet apply site, every node should have Hiera.)

Step 1: Install the hiera Package or Gem

Install the hiera package, using Puppet or your system’s standard package tools.

Note: You may need to enable the Puppet Labs package repos first.

$ sudo puppet resource package hiera ensure=installed

If your system does not have native Hiera packages available, you may need to install it as a Rubygem.

$ sudo gem install hiera

Step 2: Install the Puppet Functions

If you are using Hiera with Puppet 2.7.x, you must also install the hiera-puppet package on every puppet master.

$ sudo puppet resource package hiera-puppet ensure=installed

Or, on systems without native packages:

$ sudo gem install hiera-puppet

Note: Puppet 3 does not need the hiera-puppet package, and may refuse to install if it is present. You can safely remove hiera-puppet in the process of upgrading to Puppet 3.


That’s it: Hiera is installed. Next, configure Hiera with its hiera.yaml config file.

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