Docs: PuppetDB 1.1 » API » v1 » Querying Nodes

PuppetDB 1.1 » API » v1 » Querying Nodes

Nodes can be queried by making an HTTP request to the /nodes REST endpoint with a JSON-formatted parameter called query.

Query format

  • The HTTP method must be GET.
  • There must be an Accept header specifying application/json.

The query parameter uses a format similar to resource queries.

Only queries against facts and filters based on node activeness are currently supported.

These query terms must be of the form ["fact", "<fact name>"] or ["node", "active"], respectively.

Accepted operators are: [= > < >= <= and or not]

Inequality operators are strictly arithmetic, and will ignore any fact values which are not numeric.

Note that nodes which are missing a fact referenced by a not query will match the query.

In this example, the query will return active nodes whose kernel is Linux and whose uptime is less than 30 days:

  ["=", ["node", "active"], true],
  ["=", ["fact", "kernel"], "Linux"],
  [">", ["fact", "uptime_days"], 30]]

If no query parameter is supplied, all nodes will be returned.

Response format

The response is a JSON array of node names that match the predicates, sorted in ascending order:

["", "", ""]


Using curl from localhost:

Retrieving all nodes:

curl -H "Accept: application/json" 'http://localhost:8080/nodes'

Retrieving all active nodes:

curl -G -H "Accept: application/json" 'http://localhost:8080/nodes' --data-urlencode 'query=["=", ["node", "active"], true]'

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