Products :: ZenModel :: Organizer :: Organizer :: Class Organizer
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Organizer

                                                        object --+        
                                         ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase --+    
                                        object --+                   |    
                                                 |                   |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+               |    
                                                     |               |    
                         OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer --+           |    
                                                         |           |    
              ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer --+       |    
                                                             |       |    
                                        object --+           |       |    
                                                 |           |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+       |       |    
                                                     |       |       |    
                         OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                        object --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                             App.Management.Navigation --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                        object --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                                   App.Management.Tabs --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                        object --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                        ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                        object --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
                             persistent.Persistent --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                                        object --+   |   |   |       |    
                                                 |   |   |   |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                                Persistence.Persistent --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                    object --+           |   |       |    
                                             |           |   |       |    
                           ExtensionClass.Base --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
            webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport --+   |       |   |       |    
                                             |   |       |   |       |    
                  webdav.Lockable.LockableItem --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
                          webdav.Resource.Resource --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                          webdav.Collection.Collection --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                           OFS.Traversable.Traversable --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                           OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager --+       |    
                                                             |       |    
                                        object --+           |       |    
                                                 |           |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+       |       |    
                                                     |       |       |    
                                    object --+       |       |       |    
                                             |       |       |       |    
                           ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |    
                                                 |   |       |       |    
                        OFS.CopySupport.CopySource --+       |       |    
                                                     |       |       |    
                                    object --+       |       |       |    
                                             |       |       |       |    
                           ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |    
                                                 |   |       |       |    
                               App.Management.Tabs --+       |       |    
                                                     |       |       |    
                       OFS.Traversable.Traversable --+       |       |    
                                                     |       |       |    
                                    object --+       |       |       |    
                                             |       |       |       |    
                           ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |    
                                                 |   |       |       |    
                         AccessControl.Owned.Owned --+       |       |    
                                                     |       |       |    
                              ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                        object --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                        ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                        object --+       |   |       |    
                                                 |       |   |       |    
                               ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
       AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager --+   |   |       |    
                                                     |   |   |       |    
                        AccessControl.Role.RoleManager --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
  ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathManager --+       |    
                                                             |       |    
                                            object --+       |       |    
                                                     |       |       |    
                                   ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |    
                                                         |   |       |    
                                      App.Undo.UndoSupport --+       |    
                                                             |       |    
ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathObjectManager --+   |    
                                                                 |   |    
                                            object --+           |   |    
                                                     |           |   |    
                                   ExtensionClass.Base --+       |   |    
                                                         |       |   |    
                                 OFS.ZDOM.Node --+       |       |   |    
                                                 |       |       |   |    
                                  OFS.ZDOM.Element --+   |       |   |    
                                                     |   |       |   |    
                        OFS.ZDOM.ElementWithAttributes --+       |   |    
                                                         |       |   |    
                       OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager --+   |   |    
                                                             |   |   |    
            ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager --+   |    
                                                                 |   |    
                           ZenModel.ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager --+    
                                                    object --+       |    
                                                             |       |    
                                           ExtensionClass.Base --+   |    
                                                                 |   |    
                                            OFS.History.Historical --+    
                                                        object --+   |    
                                                                 |   |    
                                               ZenPacker.ZenPacker --+    
                                                 ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM --+
                                                            object --+   |
                                                                     |   |
                                                   EventView.EventView --+
Known Subclasses:

The base for all hierarchical organization classes. It allows Organizers to be addressed and created with file system like paths like /Devices/Servers. Organizers have a containment relation called children. Subclasses must define the attribute:

dmdRootName - root in the dmd database for this organizer

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, id, description='')
Returns a catalog instance for this organizer.
>>> dmd.Devices.childIds()
['Discovered', 'Network', 'Server', 'Printer', 'Power', 'KVM', 'Ping']
childIds(self, spec=None)
Returns the ids of the immediate children of an organizer
Returns a list of all organizer names under the same root excluding ourselves
Returns a list of all organizer names under the same root excluding ourselves (as a json dump)
children(self, sort=False, checkPerm=True, spec=None)
Returns the immediate children of an organizer
countChildren(self, spec=None)
Returns the number of all the children underneath an organizer
createOrganizer(self, path)
Creates an organizer with a specified path.
DEPRECATED - see childMoveTargets Return list of all organizers excluding our self.
exportXmlHook(self, ofile, ignorerels)
Calls exportXml on the children of this organizer
>>> dmd.Devices.getChildMoveTarget('Server')
<DeviceClass at /zport/dmd/Devices/Server>
getChildMoveTarget(self, moveTargetName)
Returns an organizer under the same root.
Return the DMD path of an Organizer without its dmdSubRel names.
>>> dmd.Events.Status.getOrganizer('/Status/Snmp')
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Status/Snmp>
>>> dmd.Events.Status.getOrganizer('Status/Snmp')
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Status/Snmp>
>>> dmd.Events.Status.getOrganizer('/Events/Status/Snmp')
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Status/Snmp>
getOrganizer(self, path)
Get an organizer by path under the same root
Return the DMD path of an Organizer without its dmdSubRel names.
getOrganizerNames(self, addblank=False)
Returns a list of all organizer names under this organizer
getSubInstanceIds(self, rel)
Returns the object ids of all the instances of a specific relation under this organizer
getSubInstances(self, rel)
Returns the object isntances of a specific relation under this organizer
getSubInstancesGen(self, rel)
Returns the object isntances of a specific relation under this organizer
Returns all the organizers under this organizer
manage_addOrganizer(self, newPath, REQUEST=None)
Adds a new organizer under this organizer.
manage_deleteOrganizer(self, orgname, REQUEST=None)
Deletes an organizer underneath this organizer
manage_deleteOrganizers(self, organizerPaths=None, REQUEST=None)
Delete a list of Organizers from the database using their ids.
moveOrganizer(self, moveTarget, organizerPaths=None, REQUEST=None)
Move organizers under this organizer to another organizer
urlLink(self, url=None, attrs={})
Override urlLink to return a link with the full path of the organizer.

Inherited from ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM: changePythonClass, creator, editableDeviceList, getCreatedTimeString, getModificationTimeString, getSubObjects, getTreeItems, getZenRootNode, index_object, primarySortKey, reindex_all, rename, unindex_object, viewName, zmanage_addProperty, zmanage_delObjects, zmanage_delProperties, zmanage_editProperties, zmanage_exportObject, zmanage_importObject, zmanage_importObjects

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: __call__, __hash__, all_meta_types, breadCrumbs, callZenScreen, checkRemotePerm, checkValidId, createHierarchyObj, custPropertyIds, custPropertyMap, getBreadCrumbUrlPath, getDmd, getDmdObj, getDmdRoot, getHierarchyObj, getIconPath, getIdLink, getNowString, getObjByPath, getPrimaryDmdId, getUnusedId, getZ, getZopeObj, helpLink, isLocalName, manage_deleteObjects, prepId, saveCustProperties, todayDate, view, visibleCustPropertyMap, yesterdayDate, zenScreenUrl, zenpathjoin, zenpathsplit, zentinelTabs

Inherited from ZenModel.ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: addRelation, buildRelations, cb_isMoveable, checkRelations, exportXml, exportXmlProperties, exportXmlRelationships, getRelationshipManagerId, getRelationshipNames, getRelationships, manage_addRelation, manage_beforeDelete, manage_removeRelation, manage_workspace, removeRelation

Inherited from ZenModel.ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager (private): _getCopy, _notifyOfCopyTo, _setObject

Inherited from ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathObjectManager (private): _delObject

Inherited from ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer: manage_linkObjects, manage_renameObject, manage_unlinkObjects

Inherited from ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer (private): _getRelName, _getSourceObjects, _verifyObjectLink, _verifyObjectPaste

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager: SQLConnectionIDs, ZQueryIds, __class_init__, __getitem__, addDTMLDocument, addDTMLMethod, filtered_meta_types, hasObject, list_imports, manage_FTPlist, manage_FTPstat, manage_addDTMLDocument, manage_addDTMLMethod, manage_addDocument, manage_addFile, manage_addFolder, manage_addImage, manage_addOrderedFolder, manage_addSiteRoot, manage_addUserFolder, manage_addZGadflyConnection, manage_addZGadflyConnectionForm, manage_afterAdd, manage_afterClone, manage_delObjects, manage_exportObject, manage_hasId, manage_importObject, objectIds, objectIds_d, objectItems, objectItems_d, objectMap, objectMap_d, objectValues, objectValues_d, superValues, tpValues

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager (private): _checkId, _delOb, _getOb, _importObjectFromFile, _setOb, _subobject_permissions

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer: __providedBy__, cb_dataItems, cb_dataValid, manage_CopyContainerAllItems, manage_CopyContainerFirstItem, manage_clone, manage_copyObjects, manage_cutObjects, manage_pasteObjects, manage_renameObjects, validClipData

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer (private): _get_id

Inherited from App.Management.Navigation: manage_zmi_logout

Inherited from ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathManager: getPrimaryId, getPrimaryParent, getPrimaryPath, getPrimaryUrlPath, primaryAq

Inherited from ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem: __len__, __name__, __repr__, getId, manage_editedDialog, raise_standardErrorMessage, this, title_and_id, title_or_id, tpURL

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: get_request_var_or_attr, manage_undo_transactions, undoable_transactions

Inherited from ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager: deleteZenProperty, getOverriddenObjects, isLocal, manage_editProperties, saveZenProperties, setZenProperty, zenPropIsPassword, zenPropertyIds, zenPropertyItems, zenPropertyMap, zenPropertyOptions, zenPropertyPath, zenPropertyString, zenPropertyType

Inherited from ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager (private): _onlystars, _setPropValue, _setProperty

Inherited from OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager: getProperty, getPropertyType, hasProperty, manage_addProperty, manage_changeProperties, manage_changePropertyTypes, manage_delProperties, propdict, propertyIds, propertyItems, propertyLabel, propertyMap, propertyValues, valid_property_id

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical: manage_afterHistoryCopy, manage_beforeHistoryCopy, manage_change_history, manage_historicalComparison, manage_historyCompare, manage_historyCopy

Inherited from ZenPacker.ZenPacker: addToZenPack, findObject

Inherited from EventView.EventView: getEventHistory, getEventManager, getEventOwnerList, getEventSummary, getJSONEventsInfo, getJSONFields, getJSONHistoryEventsInfo, getStatus, getStatusCssClass, getStatusImgSrc, getStatusString, manage_ackBatchEvents, manage_ackEvents, manage_createEventMap, manage_deleteBatchEvents, manage_deleteEvents, manage_deleteHeartbeat, manage_setEventStates, manage_undeleteBatchEvents, manage_undeleteEvents

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.ElementWithAttributes: getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributes

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Element: getChildNodes, getElementsByTagName, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getParentNode, getPreviousSibling, getTagName

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Node: getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, hasChildNodes

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: class_manage_path, filtered_manage_options, tabs_path_default, tabs_path_info

Inherited from ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit: __of__

Inherited from Persistence.Persistent: bobobase_modification_time, locked_in_version, modified_in_version

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_activate, _p_deactivate, _p_delattr, _p_getattr, _p_invalidate, _p_setattr

Inherited from webdav.Collection.Collection: DELETE, HEAD, PUT, dav__init, listDAVObjects

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: COPY, LOCK, MKCOL, MOVE, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, TRACE, UNLOCK, dav__simpleifhandler, dav__validate, manage_DAVget

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: ac_inherited_permissions, access_debug_info, acquiredRolesAreUsedBy, get_local_roles, get_local_roles_for_userid, get_valid_userids, has_local_roles, manage_access, manage_acquiredPermissions, manage_addLocalRoles, manage_changePermissions, manage_defined_roles, manage_delLocalRoles, manage_editRoles, manage_permission, manage_role, manage_setLocalRoles, permission_settings, permissionsOfRole, possible_permissions, rolesOfPermission, userdefined_roles, users_with_local_role, validRoles, valid_roles, validate_roles

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _addRole, _delRoles, _has_user_defined_role, _setRoles

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource: cb_isCopyable, cb_userHasCopyOrMovePermission

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource (private): _canCopy, _postCopy, _setId

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: class_manage_path, filtered_manage_options, tabs_path_default, tabs_path_info

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from webdav.Lockable.LockableItem: wl_clearLocks, wl_delLock, wl_getLock, wl_hasLock, wl_isLocked, wl_lockItems, wl_lockTokens, wl_lockValues, wl_lockmapping, wl_setLock

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: http__etag, http__parseMatchList, http__processMatchHeaders, http__refreshEtag

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: absolute_url, absolute_url_path, getPhysicalPath, restrictedTraverse, unrestrictedTraverse, virtual_url_path

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: changeOwnership, getOwner, getOwnerTuple, getWrappedOwner, manage_changeOwnershipType, manage_fixupOwnershipAfterAdd, manage_takeOwnership, owner_info, userCanTakeOwnership

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned (private): _deleteOwnershipAfterAdd

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager: manage_getPermissionMapping, manage_setPermissionMapping

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager (private): _isBeingAccessedAsZClassDefinedInstanceMethod, _isBeingUsedAsAMethod

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from ZenModel.ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: lookupSchema

Class Variables [hide private]
  __ac_permissions__ = (('Add DMD Objects', ('manage_addOrganize...
  _properties = ({'id': 'description', 'mode': 'w', 'type': 'str...
  _relations = ()

Inherited from ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM: default_catalog, isInTree, meta_type

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: index_html, sub_meta_types

Inherited from ZenModel.ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: manage_main, manage_options

Inherited from ZenModel.ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager (private): _operation

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager: SiteRootAdd, __implemented__, __provides__, isAnObjectManager, isPrincipiaFolderish, manage_addProduct, manage_addSiteRootForm, manage_importExportForm, manage_index_main, meta_types

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager (private): _objects

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer: manage_renameForm

Inherited from App.Management.Navigation: manage, manage_copyright, manage_form_title, manage_menu, manage_page_footer, manage_page_header, manage_page_style.css, manage_top_frame, manage_zmi_prefs, zope_quick_start

Inherited from ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem: REQUEST, __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__, __propsets__, icon, id, isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject, title

Inherited from ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem (private): _manage_editedDialog

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: manage_UndoForm

Inherited from ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager: manage_propertiesForm

Inherited from OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager: manage_propertyTypeForm, propertysheets

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical: HistoricalRevisions, manage_change_history_page

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical (private): _manage_historyComparePage

Inherited from ZenPacker.ZenPacker: security

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: manage_tabs

Inherited from webdav.Collection.Collection: __dav_collection__

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: __dav_resource__, __http_methods__

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: __ac_local_roles__, __ac_roles__, aclAChecked, aclEChecked, aclPChecked, manage_acquiredForm, manage_editLocalRoles, manage_listLocalRoles, manage_permissionForm, manage_roleForm, permissionMappingPossibleValues, selectedRoles, smallRolesWidget

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _method_manage_access, _normal_manage_access

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: manage_tabs

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: __implements__

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: getPhysicalRoot

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: manage_owner

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_changed, _p_jar, _p_mtime, _p_oid, _p_serial, _p_state

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, id, description='')

  • id (string) - Name of this organizer
  • description (string) - A decription of this organizer
Returns: Organizer
Overrides: ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM.__init__


Returns a catalog instance for this organizer.
Returns: ZCatalog
The catalog instance for this Organizer.

Note: Catalog is found using the attribute default_catalog.

childIds(self, spec=None)

Returns the ids of the immediate children of an organizer
  • spec (string) - If set, returns children of the specified meta_type.
Returns: list
>>> dmd.Devices.childIds()
['Discovered', 'Network', 'Server', 'Printer', 'Power', 'KVM', 'Ping']
Ids of children within our organizer


Returns a list of all organizer names under the same root excluding ourselves
Returns: list
A list of organizers excluding our self.

To Do: We should be using either deviceMoveTargets or childMoveTargets

>>> dmd.Events.getOrganizerName() in dmd.Events.childMoveTargets()


Returns a list of all organizer names under the same root excluding ourselves (as a json dump)
Returns: list
Organizer names under a the same organizer root as a json dump

children(self, sort=False, checkPerm=True, spec=None)

Returns the immediate children of an organizer
  • sort (boolean) - If True, sorts the returned children.
  • checkPerm (boolean) - If True, checks if the user has the permission to view each child.
  • spec (string) - If set, returns children of the specified meta_type.
Returns: list
A list of children of the organizer

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Devices.Printer.children()
[<DeviceClass at /zport/dmd/Devices/Printer/Laser>,
<DeviceClass at /zport/dmd/Devices/Printer/InkJet>]

countChildren(self, spec=None)

Returns the number of all the children underneath an organizer
  • spec (string) - If set, returns children of the specified meta_type.
Returns: integer
A count of all our contained children.

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Devices.countChildren()

createOrganizer(self, path)

Creates an organizer with a specified path. Use manage_addOrganizer instead
  • path (string) - Path of the organizer to create
Returns: Organizer
Organizer created with the specified path


DEPRECATED - see childMoveTargets Return list of all organizers excluding our self.
Returns: list
A sorted list of organizers excluding our self.

To Do: We should be using either deviceMoveTargets or childMoveTargets

exportXmlHook(self, ofile, ignorerels)

Calls exportXml on the children of this organizer
  • ofile (File) - The file to output
  • ignorerels (list) - Relations to ignore

getChildMoveTarget(self, moveTargetName)

Returns an organizer under the same root.
  • moveTargetName (string) - Name of the organizer
Returns: Organizer
>>> dmd.Devices.getChildMoveTarget('Server')
<DeviceClass at /zport/dmd/Devices/Server>


Return the DMD path of an Organizer without its dmdSubRel names.
Returns: string
Name of this organizer
Overrides: ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM.getDmdKey

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Events.Status.Snmp.getOrganizerName()

getOrganizer(self, path)

Get an organizer by path under the same root
  • path (string) - Path of the organizer to retrieve
Returns: Organizer
>>> dmd.Events.Status.getOrganizer('/Status/Snmp')
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Status/Snmp>
>>> dmd.Events.Status.getOrganizer('Status/Snmp')
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Status/Snmp>
>>> dmd.Events.Status.getOrganizer('/Events/Status/Snmp')
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Status/Snmp>
Organizer with the specified path


Return the DMD path of an Organizer without its dmdSubRel names.
Returns: string
Name of this organizer

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Events.Status.Snmp.getOrganizerName()

getOrganizerNames(self, addblank=False)

Returns a list of all organizer names under this organizer
  • addblank (boolean) - If True, add a blank item in the list.
Returns: list
The DMD paths of all Organizers below this instance.

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Events.Security.getOrganizerNames()
['/Security', '/Security/Auth', '/Security/Conn', 
'/Security/Conn/Close', '/Security/Conn/Open', '/Security/Login', 
'/Security/Login/BadPass', '/Security/Login/Fail', '/Security/Sudo', 

getSubInstanceIds(self, rel)

Returns the object ids of all the instances of a specific relation under this organizer
  • rel (string) - The name of the relation to traverse
Returns: list
The object ids of instances under an relation of this org

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Events.Security.Login.getSubInstanceIds('instances')
['MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store_1009', 'MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store_1011', 
'defaultmapping', 'dropbear', 'sshd', 'MSFTPSVC_100', 'W3SVC_100', 
'dropbear', 'remote(pam_unix)']

getSubInstances(self, rel)

Returns the object isntances of a specific relation under this organizer
  • rel (string) - The name of the relation to traverse
Returns: list
The object instances under an relation of this org

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Events.Security.Login.getSubInstances('instances')
[<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/instances/MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store_1009>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/instances/MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store_1011>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/instances/defaultmapping>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/BadPass/instances/dropbear>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/BadPass/instances/sshd>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/Fail/instances/MSFTPSVC_100>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/Fail/instances/W3SVC_100>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/Fail/instances/dropbear>, 
<EventClassInst at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/Fail/instances/remote(pam_unix)>]

getSubInstancesGen(self, rel)

Returns the object isntances of a specific relation under this organizer
  • rel (string) - The name of the relation to traverse
Returns: generator
The object ids of instances under an relation of this org

Permission: ZEN_COMMON


Returns all the organizers under this organizer
Returns: list
Organizers below this instance

Permission: ZEN_COMMON

>>> dmd.Events.Security.getSubOrganizers()
[<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Sudo>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Conn>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Virus>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Auth>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/BadPass>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Login/Fail>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Conn/Open>, 
<EventClass at /zport/dmd/Events/Security/Conn/Close>]

manage_addOrganizer(self, newPath, REQUEST=None)

Adds a new organizer under this organizer. if given a fully qualified path it will create an organizer at that path
  • newPath (string) - Path of the organizer to be created

Permission: ZEN_ADD

>>> dmd.Devices.manage_addOrganizer('/Devices/DocTest')

manage_deleteOrganizer(self, orgname, REQUEST=None)

Deletes an organizer underneath this organizer
  • orgname (string) - Name of the organizer to delete

Permission: ZEN_DELETE

>>> dmd.Devices.manage_deleteOrganizer('/Devices/Server/Linux')

manage_deleteOrganizers(self, organizerPaths=None, REQUEST=None)

Delete a list of Organizers from the database using their ids.
  • organizerPaths (list) - Names of organizer to be deleted

Permission: ZEN_DELETE

>>> dmd.Devices.manage_deleteOrganizers(['/Devices/Server/Linux',
... '/Devices/Server/Windows'])

moveOrganizer(self, moveTarget, organizerPaths=None, REQUEST=None)

Move organizers under this organizer to another organizer
  • moveTarget (string) - Name of the destination organizer
  • organizerPaths (list
    >>> dmd.Events.Status.moveOrganizer('/Events/Ignore',
    ... ['Ping', 'Snmp'])
    ) - Paths of organizers to be moved

urlLink(self, url=None, attrs={})

Override urlLink to return a link with the full path of the organizer.
>>> dmd.Devices.Server.urlLink()
'<a href="/zport/dmd/Devices/Server">/Server</a>'
Returns: string
An HTML link to this object
Overrides: ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase.urlLink

Class Variable Details [hide private]


(('Add DMD Objects', ('manage_addOrganizer')),
 ('Delete objects',
  ('manage_deleteOrganizer', 'manage_deleteOrganizers')),
 ('View', ('')),


({'id': 'description', 'mode': 'w', 'type': 'string'})