Package ZenEvents :: Module MySqlSendEvent :: Class MySqlSendEventMixin
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Class MySqlSendEventMixin

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Known Subclasses:
MySqlSendEvent, MySqlEventManager'.MySqlEventManager

Mix-in class that takes a mysql db connection and builds inserts that send the event to the backend.

Instance Methods [hide private]
sendEvent(self, event)
Send an event to the backend.
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doSendEvent(self, event) source code
_findByIp(self, ipaddress)
Find and ip by looking up it up in the Networks catalog.
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applyEventContext(self, evt)
Apply event and devices contexts to the event.
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applyDeviceContext(self, device, evt)
Apply event attributes from device context.
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_sendHeartbeat(self, event)
Build insert to add heartbeat record to heartbeat table.
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buildStatusInsert(self, statusdata, table, evid)
Build an insert statement for the status table that looks like this: insert into status set device='box', count=1, ...
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buildDetailInsert(self, evid, detaildict)
Build an insert to add detail values from an event to the details table.
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buildInsert(self, datadict, table)
Build a insert statement for that looks like this: insert into status set field='value', field=1, ...
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buildClearUpdate(self, evt, clearcls)
Build an update statement that will clear related events.
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eventDataMaps(self, event)
Return tuple (statusdata, detaildata) for this event.
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escape(self, value)
Prepare string values for db by escaping special characters.
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Method Details [hide private]

applyEventContext(self, evt)

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Apply event and devices contexts to the event. Only valid if this object has zeo connection.

buildStatusInsert(self, statusdata, table, evid)

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Build an insert statement for the status table that looks like this:
insert into status set device='box', count=1, ...
    on duplicate key update count=count+1, lastTime=23424.34;