Package ZenEvents :: Module zenpop3 :: Class POPProtocol
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Class POPProtocol

source code

twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol --+            
        twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol --+        
      twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver --+    
       twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin --+    
                twisted.mail.pop3client.POP3Client --+

protocol that is responsible for conversing with a pop server after a connection has been established. downloads messages (and deletes them by default), and passes the messages back up to the factory to process (and turn into events)

Instance Methods [hide private]
serverGreeting(self, greeting)
Called when the server has sent us a greeting.
source code
_loggedIn(self, result) source code
retrieveAndParse(self) source code
_gotMessageSizes(self, sizes) source code
_gotMessageLines(self, messageLines) source code
_delete(self, results) source code
_finished(self, downloadResults) source code

Inherited from twisted.mail.pop3client.POP3Client: apop, capabilities, connectionLost, connectionMade, delete, lineLengthExceeded, lineReceived, listSize, listUID, login, noop, password, quit, reset, retrieve, sendLong, sendShort, startTLS, stat, state_LONG, state_LONG_INITIAL, state_SHORT, state_WAITING, state_WELCOME, timeoutConnection, user

Inherited from twisted.mail.pop3client.POP3Client (private): _apop, _blocked, _consumeOrAppend, _consumeOrSetItem, _getContextFactory, _login, _loginTLS, _plaintext, _startTLS, _startedTLS, _unblock

Inherited from twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver: dataReceived, sendLine

Inherited from twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol: __providedBy__, makeConnection

Inherited from twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin: callLater, resetTimeout, setTimeout

Class Variables [hide private]
bool allowInsecureLogin = True
Indicate whether login() should be allowed if the server offers no authentication challenge and if our transport does not offer any protection via encryption.
int timeout = 15
Number of seconds to wait before timing out a connection.

Inherited from twisted.mail.pop3client.POP3Client (private): _blockedQueue, _capCache, _challengeMagicRe, _greetingError, _timedOut, _waiting

Inherited from twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver: MAX_LENGTH, delimiter

Inherited from twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver (private): _buffer

Inherited from twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol: __implemented__, __provides__

Inherited from twisted.internet.protocol.BaseProtocol: connected, transport

Inherited from twisted.protocols.policies.TimeoutMixin: timeOut

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from twisted.mail.pop3client.POP3Client: serverChallenge, startedTLS

Method Details [hide private]

serverGreeting(self, greeting)

source code 
Called when the server has sent us a greeting.
Overrides: twisted.mail.pop3client.POP3Client.serverGreeting
(inherited documentation)