Package ZenHub :: Module XmlRpcService :: Class XmlRpcService
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class XmlRpcService

source code

twisted.web.resource.Resource --+    
        twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC --+
Known Subclasses:

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from twisted.web.resource.Resource: entityType

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, dmd) source code
xmlrpc_sendEvent(self, data)
XMLRPC requests are processed asynchronously in a thread
source code
xmlrpc_sendEvents(self, data) source code
xmlrpc_getDevicePingIssues(self, *unused) source code
xmlrpc_getWmiConnIssues(self, *args) source code
xmlrpc_getDeviceWinInfo(self, *args) source code
xmlrpc_getWinServices(self, *args) source code
xmlrpc_applyDataMap(self, devName, datamap, relname='', compname='', modname='')
Apply a datamap passed as a list of dicts through XML-RPC.
source code
xmlrpc_getConfigs(self, monitor, dstype)
Return the performance configurations for the monitor name and data source provided.
source code
xmlrpc_writeRRD(self, devId, compType, compId, dpName, value) source code
xmlrpc_getPerformanceConfig(self, monitor)
returns the performance configuration for the monitor provided, or {} if no collector with the name provided is located.
source code

Inherited from twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC: getSubHandler, getSubHandlerPrefixes, putSubHandler, render

Inherited from twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC (private): _cbRender, _ebRender, _getFunction, _listFunctions

Inherited from twisted.web.resource.Resource: __providedBy__, delEntity, getChild, getChildForRequest, getChildWithDefault, getDynamicEntity, getStaticEntity, listDynamicEntities, listDynamicNames, listEntities, listNames, listStaticEntities, listStaticNames, putChild, reallyPutEntity, render_HEAD

Class Variables [hide private]
  PRIMITIVES = [<type 'int'>, <type 'str'>, <type 'bool'>, <type...

Inherited from twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC: FAILURE, NOT_FOUND, isLeaf, separator

Inherited from twisted.web.resource.Resource: __implemented__, __provides__, server

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, dmd)

source code 
Overrides: twisted.web.xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__

Class Variable Details [hide private]


[<type 'int'>,
 <type 'str'>,
 <type 'bool'>,
 <type 'dict'>,
 <type 'float'>,
 <type 'long'>,
 <type 'NoneType'>]