Package ZenHub :: Package services :: Module WmiConfig :: Class WmiConfig
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Class WmiConfig

source code

 twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable --+            
twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable --+        
   twisted.spread.flavors.Referenceable --+    
      Products.ZenHub.HubService.HubService --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, dmd, instance) source code
Return list of (devname,user,passwd,url) for each device.
source code
Return a list of (devname, user, passwd, {'EvtSys':0,'Exchange':0})
source code
remote_getConfig(self) source code
remote_applyDataMap(self, url, datamap, relname='', compname='', modname='') source code
update(self, object) source code
push(self, object) source code
deleted(self, obj) source code

Inherited from Products.ZenHub.HubService.HubService: addListener, removeListener

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Referenceable: jellyFor, remoteMessageReceived

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable: processUniqueID

Inherited from twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable: __providedBy__, getStateFor

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from Products.ZenHub.HubService.HubService: log

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Referenceable: __implemented__, __provides__, perspective

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, dmd, instance)

source code 
Overrides: Products.ZenHub.HubService.HubService.__init__


source code 
Return list of (devname,user,passwd,url) for each device. user and passwd are used to connect via wmi.

update(self, object)

source code 
Overrides: Products.ZenHub.HubService.HubService.update

deleted(self, obj)

source code 
Overrides: Products.ZenHub.HubService.HubService.deleted