Package ZenModel :: Module Device :: Class Device
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Device

source code

                                                                 object --+            
                                                  ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase --+        
                                                 object --+                   |        
                                                          |                   |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+               |        
                                                              |               |        
                                  OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer --+           |        
                                                                  |           |        
              Products.ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer --+       |        
                                                                      |       |        
                                                 object --+           |       |        
                                                          |           |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+       |       |        
                                                              |       |       |        
                                  OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                                 object --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                      App.Management.Navigation --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                                 object --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                            App.Management.Tabs --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                                 object --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                 ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                                 object --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                                      persistent.Persistent --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                                 object --+   |   |   |       |        
                                                          |   |   |   |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                         Persistence.Persistent --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                             object --+           |   |       |        
                                                      |           |   |       |        
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                     webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport --+   |       |   |       |        
                                                      |   |       |   |       |        
                           webdav.Lockable.LockableItem --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                                   webdav.Resource.Resource --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                   webdav.Collection.Collection --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                    OFS.Traversable.Traversable --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                    OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager --+       |        
                                                                      |       |        
                                                 object --+           |       |        
                                                          |           |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+       |       |        
                                                              |       |       |        
                                             object --+       |       |       |        
                                                      |       |       |       |        
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |        
                                                          |   |       |       |        
                                 OFS.CopySupport.CopySource --+       |       |        
                                                              |       |       |        
                                             object --+       |       |       |        
                                                      |       |       |       |        
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |        
                                                          |   |       |       |        
                                        App.Management.Tabs --+       |       |        
                                                              |       |       |        
                                OFS.Traversable.Traversable --+       |       |        
                                                              |       |       |        
                                             object --+       |       |       |        
                                                      |       |       |       |        
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |        
                                                          |   |       |       |        
                                  AccessControl.Owned.Owned --+       |       |        
                                                              |       |       |        
                              Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                                 object --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                 ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                                 object --+       |   |       |        
                                                          |       |   |       |        
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager --+   |   |       |        
                                                              |   |   |       |        
                                 AccessControl.Role.RoleManager --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
  Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathManager --+       |        
                                                                      |       |        
                                                     object --+       |       |        
                                                              |       |       |        
                                            ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |        
                                                                  |   |       |        
                                               App.Undo.UndoSupport --+       |        
                                                                      |       |        
Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathObjectManager --+   |        
                                                                          |   |        
                                                     object --+           |   |        
                                                              |           |   |        
                                            ExtensionClass.Base --+       |   |        
                                                                  |       |   |        
                                          OFS.ZDOM.Node --+       |       |   |        
                                                          |       |       |   |        
                                           OFS.ZDOM.Element --+   |       |   |        
                                                              |   |       |   |        
                                 OFS.ZDOM.ElementWithAttributes --+       |   |        
                                                                  |       |   |        
                                OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager --+   |   |        
                                                                      |   |   |        
            Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager --+   |        
                                                                          |   |        
                                             ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager --+        
                                                             object --+       |        
                                                                      |       |        
                                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |        
                                                                          |   |        
                                                     OFS.History.Historical --+        
                                                                 object --+   |        
                                                                          |   |        
                                                        ZenPacker.ZenPacker --+        
                                                          ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM --+    
                                                DeviceResultInt.DeviceResultInt --+    
                                                                     object --+   |    
                                                                              |   |    
                                                            EventView.EventView --+    
                                                                     object --+   |    
                                                                              |   |    
                                                                RRDView.RRDView --+    
                                                        ManagedEntity.ManagedEntity --+
                                                            Commandable.Commandable --+
                                                                         object --+   |
                                                                                  |   |
                                                                  Lockable.Lockable --+
                                        MaintenanceWindowable.MaintenanceWindowable --+
                                      AdministrativeRoleable.AdministrativeRoleable --+
                                                            ZenMenuable.ZenMenuable --+
Known Subclasses:
TerminalServer.TerminalServer, UBRRouter.UBRRouter

Device is a base class that represents the idea of a single computer system that is made up of software running on hardware. It currently must be IP enabled but maybe this will change.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, id) source code
source code
>>> from Products.ZenModel.Device import manage_addDevice
>>> manage_addDevice(devices, 'test')
>>> devices.test.getRRDTemplates()
[<RRDTemplate at /zport/dmd/Devices/rrdTemplates/Device>]
Returns all the templates bound to this Device
source code
getRRDNames(self) source code
Returns the available DataSource options.
source code
Returns the cached sysUpTime for this device
source code
availability(self, *args, **kw)
Returns the uptime of this device
source code
__getattr__(self, name)
Override from object to handle lastPollSnmpUpTime and snmpLastCollection
source code
_setPropValue(self, id, value)
Override from PropertyManager to handle checks and ip creation
source code
applyDataMap(self, datamap, relname='', compname='', modname='')
Apply a datamap passed as a list of dicts through XML-RPC.
source code
traceRoute(self, target, ippath=None)
Trace the route to target using our routing table.
source code
getMonitoredComponents(self, collector=None, type=None)
Return list of monitored DeviceComponents on this device.
source code
getDeviceComponents(self, monitored=None, collector=None, type=None)
Return list of all DeviceComponents on this device.
source code
Return a list of all device components by walking relations.
source code
Returns a tuple of SNMP Connection Info...
source code
tuple (lastChangeTimeInSecs, (devname, (ip, port), (community, version, timeout, tries), zMaxOIDPerRequest), list of configs, list of thresholds)
Returns process monitoring configuration
source code
Return information for snmp collection on this device...
source code
tuple (lastChangeTimeInSecs, (devname, (ip, port), (community, version, timeout, tries), zMaxOIDPerRequest), list of thresholds, list of commands)
Return list of command definitions on this device
source code
tuple (devname, xmlRpcStatus, (url, methodName), [(name, path, type, createCmd, thresholds)])
Return information for xmlrpc collection on this device
source code
DEPRECATED - Return the hardware manufacturer name of this device.
source code
Return the hardware product name of this device.
source code
DEPRECATED - Return the productKey of the device hardware.
source code
DEPRECATED - Return the OS manufacturer name of this device.
source code
DEPRECATED - Return the OS product name of this device.
source code
DEPRECATED - Return the productKey of the device OS.
source code
setOSProductKey(self, prodKey)
Set the productKey of the device OS.
source code
setHWProductKey(self, prodKey)
Set the productKey of the device hardware.
source code
setHWSerialNumber(self, number)
Set the hardware serial number.
source code
DEPRECATED - Return the hardware serial number.
source code
Return the ips that our indirect routs point to which aren't currently connected to devices.
source code
Return the full location name ie /Location/SubLocation/Rack
source code
Return a link to the device's location.
source code
Return the system names for this device
source code
getSystemNamesString(self, sep=', ')
Return the system names for this device as a string
source code
Return the device group names for this device
source code
Return status monitor names
source code
Return the device performance server
source code
Return the device performance server name
source code
Return DateTime of last change detected on this device.
source code
Return date string of last change detected on this device.
source code
Return DateTime of last SNMP collection on this device.
source code
Return date string of last SNMP collection on this device.
source code
setManageIp(self, ip='', REQUEST=None)
Set the manage IP, if IP is not passed perform DNS lookup.
source code
Return the management ip for this device.
source code
DEPRECATED - Return the management ipobject for this device.
source code
Return the management interface of a device based on its manageIp.
source code
" Return the SNMP uptime
source code
Build a list of all device paths that have the python class pyclass
source code
DEPRECATED - Return true if pydot is installed.
source code
Return a graph representing the relative routers
source code
Return a graph representing the relative routers as well as the networks
source code
Reset the snmp community using the zSnmpCommunities variable.
source code
manage_editDevice(self, tag='', serialNumber='', zSnmpCommunity='', zSnmpPort=161, zSnmpVer='', rackSlot=0, productionState=1000, comments='', hwManufacturer='', hwProductName='', osManufacturer='', osProductName='', locationPath='', groupPaths=[], systemPaths=[], statusMonitors=['localhost'], performanceMonitor='localhost', priority=3, REQUEST=None)
edit device relations and attributes
source code
Is device production state >= zProdStateThreshold.
source code
Is this device subject to SNMP monitoring?
source code
Return the prodstate as a string.
source code
Return the device priority as a string.
source code
Return the pingStatus as a string
source code
Return the snmpStatus as a string
source code
setProdState(self, state, REQUEST=None)
Set a device's production state as an integer.
source code
setPriority(self, priority, REQUEST=None)
Set a device's priority as an integer.
source code
setLastChange(self, value=None)
Set the changed datetime for this device.
source code
setSnmpLastCollection(self, value=None)
Set the last time snmp collection occurred.
source code
addManufacturer(self, newHWManufacturerName=None, newSWManufacturerName=None, REQUEST=None)
Add a manufacturer to the database
source code
setHWProduct(self, newHWProductName=None, hwManufacturer=None, REQUEST=None)
set the productName of this device
source code
setOSProduct(self, newOSProductName=None, osManufacturer=None, REQUEST=None)
set the productName of this device
source code
setLocation(self, locationPath, REQUEST=None)
set the location of a device within a generic location path
source code
addLocation(self, newLocationPath, REQUEST=None)
Add a new location and relate it to this device
source code
setPerformanceMonitor(self, performanceMonitor, newPerformanceMonitor=None, REQUEST=None)
set the performance monitor for this device if newPerformanceMonitor is passed in create it
source code
setStatusMonitors(self, statusMonitors)
Set Status Monitor by list statusMonitors
source code
addStatusMonitor(self, newStatusMonitor=None, REQUEST=None)
add new status monitor to the database and this device
source code
setGroups(self, groupPaths)
set the list of groups for this device based on a list of paths
source code
addDeviceGroup(self, newDeviceGroupPath, REQUEST=None)
add a device group to the database and this device
source code
setSystems(self, systemPaths)
set a list of systems to this device using their system paths
source code
addSystem(self, newSystemPath, REQUEST=None)
add a systems to this device using its system path
source code
setTerminalServer(self, termservername) source code
_setRelations(self, relName, objGetter, relPaths)
set related objects to this device
source code
Return the expanded zComment property
source code
support DeviceResultInt mixin class
source code
Device has more SNMP failures than maxFailures on its status mon.
source code
set the value of the snmpUpTime status object
source code
setLastPollSnmpUpTime(self, value)
set the value of the snmpUpTime status object
source code
snmpAgeCheck(self, hours) source code
Apply zProperties inherited from Product Contexts.
source code
_applyProdContext(self, context)
Apply zProperties taken for the product context passed in.
source code
collectDevice(self, setlog=True, REQUEST=None, generateEvents=False)
collect the configuration of this device.
source code
deleteDevice(self, REQUEST=None)
Delete device from the DMD
source code
manage_deleteHeartbeat(self, REQUEST=None)
Delete this device's heartbeats.
source code
renameDevice(self, newId=None, REQUEST=None)
Rename device from the DMD
source code
manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
Device only propagates afterAdd if it is the added object.
source code
manage_afterClone(self, item)
Not really sure when this is called.
source code
manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container)
Device only propagates beforeDelete if we are being deleted or copied.
source code
Read current RRD values for all of a device's components
source code
Called by Commandable.doCommand() to ascertain objects on which a UserCommand should be executed.
source code
Get the environment that provides context for the tales evaluation of a UserCommand.
source code
getUrlForUserCommands(self, commandId=None)
Return url for page which manages user commands
source code
getHTMLEventSummary(self, severity=4) source code
returns data ready for serialization
source code
exportXmlHook(self, ofile, ignorerels)
Add export of our child objects.
source code
zenPropertyOptions(self, propname)
Provide a set of default options for a ZProperty
source code
pushConfig(self, REQUEST=None)
This will result in a push of all the devices to live collectors
source code
bindTemplates(self, ids=(), REQUEST=None)
This will bind available templates to the zDeviceTemplates
source code
removeZDeviceTemplates(self, REQUEST=None)
Deletes the local zProperty, zDeviceTemplates
source code
addLocalTemplate(self, id, REQUEST=None)
Create a local template on a device
source code
Returns all available templates for this device
source code
getLinks(self, OSI_layer='3')
Returns all Links on this Device's interfaces
source code
getXMLEdges(self, depth=3, filter='/', start=())
Gets XML
source code
Gets a link to this device, plus an icon
source code
getEventPill(self, showGreen=True)
Gets an event pill representing the highest severity
source code
Gets datatable-ready string of components and summaries
source code

Inherited from ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM: changePythonClass, creator, editableDeviceList, getCreatedTimeString, getDmdKey, getModificationTimeString, getSubObjects, getTreeItems, getZenRootNode, index_object, primarySortKey, reindex_all, rename, unindex_object, viewName, zmanage_addProperty, zmanage_delObjects, zmanage_delProperties, zmanage_editProperties, zmanage_exportObject, zmanage_importObject, zmanage_importObjects

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: __call__, __hash__, all_meta_types, breadCrumbs, callZenScreen, checkRemotePerm, checkValidId, createHierarchyObj, custPropertyIds, custPropertyMap, getBreadCrumbUrlPath, getDmd, getDmdObj, getDmdRoot, getHierarchyObj, getIconPath, getIdLink, getNowString, getObjByPath, getPrimaryDmdId, getUnusedId, getZ, getZopeObj, helpLink, isLocalName, manage_deleteObjects, prepId, saveCustProperties, todayDate, urlLink, view, visibleCustPropertyMap, yesterdayDate, zenScreenUrl, zenpathjoin, zenpathsplit, zentinelTabs

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: addRelation, buildRelations, cb_isMoveable, checkRelations, exportXml, exportXmlProperties, exportXmlRelationships, getRelationshipManagerId, getRelationshipNames, getRelationships, manage_addRelation, manage_removeRelation, manage_workspace, removeRelation

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager (private): _getCopy, _notifyOfCopyTo, _setObject

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathObjectManager (private): _delObject

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer: manage_linkObjects, manage_renameObject, manage_unlinkObjects

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer (private): _getRelName, _getSourceObjects, _verifyObjectLink, _verifyObjectPaste

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager: SQLConnectionIDs, ZQueryIds, __class_init__, __getitem__, addDTMLDocument, addDTMLMethod, filtered_meta_types, hasObject, list_imports, manage_FTPlist, manage_FTPstat, manage_addDTMLDocument, manage_addDTMLMethod, manage_addDocument, manage_addFile, manage_addFolder, manage_addImage, manage_addOrderedFolder, manage_addSiteRoot, manage_addUserFolder, manage_addZGadflyConnection, manage_addZGadflyConnectionForm, manage_delObjects, manage_exportObject, manage_hasId, manage_importObject, objectIds, objectIds_d, objectItems, objectItems_d, objectMap, objectMap_d, objectValues, objectValues_d, superValues, tpValues

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager (private): _checkId, _delOb, _getOb, _importObjectFromFile, _setOb, _subobject_permissions

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer: __providedBy__, cb_dataItems, cb_dataValid, manage_CopyContainerAllItems, manage_CopyContainerFirstItem, manage_clone, manage_copyObjects, manage_cutObjects, manage_pasteObjects, manage_renameObjects, validClipData

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer (private): _get_id

Inherited from App.Management.Navigation: manage_zmi_logout

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathManager: getPrimaryId, getPrimaryParent, getPrimaryPath, getPrimaryUrlPath, primaryAq

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem: __len__, __name__, __repr__, getId, manage_editedDialog, raise_standardErrorMessage, this, title_and_id, title_or_id, tpURL

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: get_request_var_or_attr, manage_undo_transactions, undoable_transactions

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager: deleteZenProperty, getOverriddenObjects, isLocal, manage_editProperties, saveZenProperties, setZenProperty, zenPropIsPassword, zenPropertyIds, zenPropertyItems, zenPropertyMap, zenPropertyPath, zenPropertyString, zenPropertyType

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager (private): _onlystars, _setProperty

Inherited from OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager: getProperty, getPropertyType, hasProperty, manage_addProperty, manage_changeProperties, manage_changePropertyTypes, manage_delProperties, propdict, propertyIds, propertyItems, propertyLabel, propertyMap, propertyValues, valid_property_id

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical: manage_afterHistoryCopy, manage_beforeHistoryCopy, manage_change_history, manage_historicalComparison, manage_historyCompare, manage_historyCopy

Inherited from ZenPacker.ZenPacker: addToZenPack, findObject

Inherited from DeviceResultInt.DeviceResultInt: getDeviceClassName, getDeviceClassPath, getDeviceIp, getDeviceIpAddress, getDeviceLink, getDeviceMacaddress, getDeviceName, getDeviceUrl, getPingStatus, getPingStatusNumber, getProdState, getSnmpStatus, getSnmpStatusNumber, isResultLockedFromDeletion, isResultLockedFromUpdates, sendEventWhenResultBlocked

Inherited from EventView.EventView: getEventHistory, getEventManager, getEventOwnerList, getEventSummary, getJSONEventsInfo, getJSONFields, getJSONHistoryEventsInfo, getStatus, getStatusCssClass, getStatusImgSrc, getStatusString, manage_ackBatchEvents, manage_ackEvents, manage_createEventMap, manage_deleteBatchEvents, manage_deleteEvents, manage_setEventStates, manage_undeleteBatchEvents, manage_undeleteEvents

Inherited from RRDView.RRDView: cacheRRDValue, fullRRDPath, getDefaultGraphDefs, getGraphDef, getGraphDefUrl, getRRDDataPoint, getRRDDataPoints, getRRDFileName, getRRDPaths, getRRDSum, getRRDTemplateByName, getRRDTemplateName, getRRDValue, getRRDValues, getThresholdInstances, getThresholds, makeLocalRRDTemplate, removeLocalRRDTemplate, rrdPath, snmpIgnore

Inherited from Commandable.Commandable: compile, doCommandForTarget, getAqChainForUserCommands, getUserCommand, getUserCommandIds, getUserCommands, manage_addUserCommand, manage_deleteUserCommand, manage_doUserCommand, manage_editUserCommand, redirectToUserCommands, write

Inherited from Lockable.Lockable: getNextLockableParent, isLockedFromDeletion, isLockedFromUpdates, isUnlocked, lockFromDeletion, lockFromUpdates, lockStatus, lockWarning, sendEventWhenBlocked, setSendEventWhenBlockedFlag, unlock, unsetSendEventWhenBlockedFlag

Inherited from MaintenanceWindowable.MaintenanceWindowable: getMaintenanceWindows, manage_addMaintenanceWindow, manage_deleteMaintenanceWindow

Inherited from AdministrativeRoleable.AdministrativeRoleable: getAdministrativeRoles, manage_addAdministrativeRole, manage_deleteAdministrativeRole, manage_editAdministrativeRoles, manage_listAdministrativeRoles, setAdminLocalRoles

Inherited from ZenMenuable.ZenMenuable: buildMenus, getMenus, manage_addItemsToZenMenu, manage_addZenMenu, manage_addZenMenuItem, manage_deleteZenMenu, manage_deleteZenMenuItem, manage_saveMenuItemOrdering

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.ElementWithAttributes: getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributes

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Element: getChildNodes, getElementsByTagName, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getParentNode, getPreviousSibling, getTagName

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Node: getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, hasChildNodes

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: class_manage_path, filtered_manage_options, tabs_path_default, tabs_path_info

Inherited from ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit: __of__

Inherited from Persistence.Persistent: bobobase_modification_time, locked_in_version, modified_in_version

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_activate, _p_deactivate, _p_delattr, _p_getattr, _p_invalidate, _p_setattr

Inherited from webdav.Collection.Collection: DELETE, HEAD, PUT, dav__init, listDAVObjects

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: COPY, LOCK, MKCOL, MOVE, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, TRACE, UNLOCK, dav__simpleifhandler, dav__validate, manage_DAVget

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: ac_inherited_permissions, access_debug_info, acquiredRolesAreUsedBy, get_local_roles, get_local_roles_for_userid, get_valid_userids, has_local_roles, manage_access, manage_acquiredPermissions, manage_addLocalRoles, manage_changePermissions, manage_defined_roles, manage_delLocalRoles, manage_editRoles, manage_permission, manage_role, manage_setLocalRoles, permission_settings, permissionsOfRole, possible_permissions, rolesOfPermission, userdefined_roles, users_with_local_role, validRoles, valid_roles, validate_roles

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _addRole, _delRoles, _has_user_defined_role, _setRoles

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource: cb_isCopyable, cb_userHasCopyOrMovePermission

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource (private): _canCopy, _postCopy, _setId

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: class_manage_path, filtered_manage_options, tabs_path_default, tabs_path_info

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from webdav.Lockable.LockableItem: wl_clearLocks, wl_delLock, wl_getLock, wl_hasLock, wl_isLocked, wl_lockItems, wl_lockTokens, wl_lockValues, wl_lockmapping, wl_setLock

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: http__etag, http__parseMatchList, http__processMatchHeaders, http__refreshEtag

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: absolute_url, absolute_url_path, getPhysicalPath, restrictedTraverse, unrestrictedTraverse, virtual_url_path

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: changeOwnership, getOwner, getOwnerTuple, getWrappedOwner, manage_changeOwnershipType, manage_fixupOwnershipAfterAdd, manage_takeOwnership, owner_info, userCanTakeOwnership

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned (private): _deleteOwnershipAfterAdd

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager: manage_getPermissionMapping, manage_setPermissionMapping

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager (private): _isBeingAccessedAsZClassDefinedInstanceMethod, _isBeingUsedAsAMethod

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: lookupSchema

Class Variables [hide private]
  meta_type = 'Device'
  portal_type = 'Device'
  event_key = 'Device'
  default_catalog = 'deviceSearch'
  relationshipManagerPathRestriction = '/Devices'
  manageIp = ''
  productionState = 1000
  snmpAgent = ''
  snmpDescr = ''
  snmpOid = ''
  snmpContact = ''
  snmpSysName = ''
  snmpLocation = ''
  rackSlot = 0
  comments = ''
  sysedgeLicenseMode = ''
  priority = 3
  _properties = ({'id': 'snmpindex', 'mode': 'w', 'type': 'strin...
  _relations = (('dependencies', <Products.ZenRelations.RelSchem...
  factory_type_information = ({'actions': ({'action': 'deviceSta...
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
  __ac_permissions__ = (('Admin Device', ('deleteDevice', 'setMa...

Inherited from ManagedEntity.ManagedEntity: monitor, snmpindex

Inherited from ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM: isInTree

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: index_html, sub_meta_types

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: manage_main, manage_options

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager (private): _operation

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager: SiteRootAdd, __implemented__, __provides__, isAnObjectManager, isPrincipiaFolderish, manage_addProduct, manage_addSiteRootForm, manage_importExportForm, manage_index_main, meta_types

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager (private): _objects

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer: manage_renameForm

Inherited from App.Management.Navigation: manage, manage_copyright, manage_form_title, manage_menu, manage_page_footer, manage_page_header, manage_page_style.css, manage_top_frame, manage_zmi_prefs, zope_quick_start

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem: REQUEST, __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__, __propsets__, icon, id, isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject, title

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem (private): _manage_editedDialog

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: manage_UndoForm

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager: manage_propertiesForm

Inherited from OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager: manage_propertyTypeForm, propertysheets

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical: HistoricalRevisions, manage_change_history_page

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical (private): _manage_historyComparePage

Inherited from Commandable.Commandable: defaultTimeout

Inherited from Lockable.Lockable: modelerLock, sendEventWhenBlockedFlag

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: manage_tabs

Inherited from webdav.Collection.Collection: __dav_collection__

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: __dav_resource__, __http_methods__

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: __ac_local_roles__, __ac_roles__, aclAChecked, aclEChecked, aclPChecked, manage_acquiredForm, manage_editLocalRoles, manage_listLocalRoles, manage_permissionForm, manage_roleForm, permissionMappingPossibleValues, selectedRoles, smallRolesWidget

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _method_manage_access, _normal_manage_access

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: manage_tabs

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: __implements__

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: getPhysicalRoot

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: manage_owner

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_changed, _p_jar, _p_mtime, _p_oid, _p_serial, _p_state

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, id)

source code 
Overrides: ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM.__init__


source code 
Overrides: RRDView.RRDView.getRRDTemplate


source code 
Returns all the templates bound to this Device
Returns: list
>>> from Products.ZenModel.Device import manage_addDevice
>>> manage_addDevice(devices, 'test')
>>> devices.test.getRRDTemplates()
[<RRDTemplate at /zport/dmd/Devices/rrdTemplates/Device>]
Overrides: RRDView.RRDView.getRRDTemplates


source code 
Overrides: RRDView.RRDView.getRRDNames


source code 
Returns the available DataSource options. DataSource options are used to populate the dropdown when adding a new DataSource and is a string. See RRDTemplate.RRDTemplate.getDataSourceOptions for more information.
Returns: list
[(displayName, dsOption),]

availability(self, *args, **kw)

source code 
Returns the uptime of this device
Returns: string

To Do: Performance enhancement: Should move import outside of method

__getattr__(self, name)
(Qualification operator)

source code 
Override from object to handle lastPollSnmpUpTime and snmpLastCollection

To Do: Not sure this is needed, see getLastPollSnmpUpTime and getSnmpLastCollection

_setPropValue(self, id, value)

source code 
Override from PropertyManager to handle checks and ip creation
Overrides: Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager._setPropValue

To Do: Not sure this is needed, see setSnmpLastCollection

traceRoute(self, target, ippath=None)

source code 
Trace the route to target using our routing table. Wrapper method of OperatingSystem.traceRoute
  • target (string) - Device name
  • ippath (list) - IP addesses
Returns: list
IP Addresses

getMonitoredComponents(self, collector=None, type=None)

source code 
Return list of monitored DeviceComponents on this device. Wrapper method for getDeviceComponents

getDeviceComponents(self, monitored=None, collector=None, type=None)

source code 
Return list of all DeviceComponents on this device.
Returns: list

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return a list of all device components by walking relations. This is much slower then the normal getDeviceComponents method which uses the component index. It is used when rebuilding the device indexes.


source code 

Returns a tuple of SNMP Connection Info

@rtype: tuple (devname, (ip, port), 
    (community, version, timeout, tries), zMaxOIDPerRequest)

>>> from Products.ZenModel.Device import manage_addDevice
>>> manage_addDevice(devices, 'test')
>>> devices.test.getSnmpConnInfo()
('test', ('', 161), ('public', 'v1', 2.5, 2), 40)


source code 

Return information for snmp collection on this device

@rtype: tuple (lastChangeTimeInSecs, (devname, (ip, port), 
   (community, version, timeout, tries), zMaxOIDPerRequest),
   list of thresholds,
   list of oids)

>>> from Products.ZenModel.Device import manage_addDevice
>>> manage_addDevice(devices, 'test')
>>> devices.test.getSnmpOidTargets()
(0.0, ('test', ('', 161), ('public', 'v1', 2.5, 2), 40), [],
[('sysUpTime', '', 'Devices/test/sysUpTime_sysUpTime',
'GAUGE', '', (None, None))])

Overrides: RRDView.RRDView.getSnmpOidTargets


source code 
Return list of command definitions on this device
Returns: tuple (lastChangeTimeInSecs, (devname, (ip, port), (community, version, timeout, tries), zMaxOIDPerRequest), list of thresholds, list of commands)
Overrides: RRDView.RRDView.getDataSourceCommands


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return the hardware manufacturer name of this device.
Returns: string

To Do: Remove this method and remove the call from


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return the productKey of the device hardware.
Returns: string

To Do: Remove this method and remove the call from


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return the OS manufacturer name of this device.
Returns: string

To Do: Remove this method and remove the call from


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return the OS product name of this device.
Returns: string

To Do: Remove this method and remove the call from


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return the productKey of the device OS.
Returns: string

To Do: Remove this method and remove the call from


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return the hardware serial number.
Returns: string

To Do: Remove this method and remove the call from


source code 
Return the ips that our indirect routs point to which aren't currently connected to devices.

To Do: Can be moved to


source code 
Return the full location name ie /Location/SubLocation/Rack
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return a link to the device's location.
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return the system names for this device
Returns: list

Permission: ZEN_VIEW

getSystemNamesString(self, sep=', ')

source code 
Return the system names for this device as a string
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return the device group names for this device
Returns: list

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return status monitor names
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return the device performance server
Returns: PerformanceMonitor

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return the device performance server name
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return DateTime of last change detected on this device.
Returns: DateTime

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return date string of last change detected on this device.
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return DateTime of last SNMP collection on this device.
Returns: DateTime

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return date string of last SNMP collection on this device.
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW

setManageIp(self, ip='', REQUEST=None)

source code 
Set the manage IP, if IP is not passed perform DNS lookup.
Returns: string



source code 
Return the management ip for this device.
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return the management ipobject for this device.
Returns: IpAddress

To Do: This method may not be called anywhere, remove it.


source code 
Return the management interface of a device based on its manageIp.
Returns: IpInterface

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
" Return the SNMP uptime
Returns: string

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
DEPRECATED - Return true if pydot is installed.

To Do: This method may not be called anywhere, remove it.


source code 
Return a graph representing the relative routers
Returns: graph

Permission: ZEN_VIEW


source code 
Return a graph representing the relative routers as well as the networks
Returns: graph

Permission: ZEN_VIEW

setLastChange(self, value=None)

source code 
Set the changed datetime for this device. value default is now.

setSnmpLastCollection(self, value=None)

source code 
Set the last time snmp collection occurred. value default is now.


source code 
support DeviceResultInt mixin class
Overrides: ManagedEntity.ManagedEntity.device

_applyProdContext(self, context)

source code 
Apply zProperties taken for the product context passed in. context is a list of tuples returned from getProductContext on a MEProduct.

manage_deleteHeartbeat(self, REQUEST=None)

source code 
Delete this device's heartbeats.
Overrides: EventView.EventView.manage_deleteHeartbeat

manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)

source code 
Device only propagates afterAdd if it is the added object.
Overrides: OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.manage_afterAdd

manage_afterClone(self, item)

source code 
Not really sure when this is called.
Overrides: OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.manage_afterClone

manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container)

source code 
Device only propagates beforeDelete if we are being deleted or copied. Moving and renaming don't propagate.
Overrides: ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager.manage_beforeDelete


source code 
Called by Commandable.doCommand() to ascertain objects on which a UserCommand should be executed.
Overrides: Commandable.Commandable.getUserCommandTargets


source code 
Get the environment that provides context for the tales evaluation of a UserCommand.
Overrides: Commandable.Commandable.getUserCommandEnvironment
(inherited documentation)

getUrlForUserCommands(self, commandId=None)

source code 
Return url for page which manages user commands
Overrides: Commandable.Commandable.getUrlForUserCommands
(inherited documentation)

zenPropertyOptions(self, propname)

source code 
Provide a set of default options for a ZProperty
Overrides: Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager.zenPropertyOptions
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details [hide private]


({'id': 'snmpindex', 'mode': 'w', 'type': 'string'},
 {'id': 'monitor', 'mode': 'w', 'type': 'boolean'},
 {'id': 'manageIp', 'mode': 'w', 'type': 'string'},
 {'id': 'productionState',
  'mode': 'w',
  'select_variable': 'getProdStateConversions',
  'setter': 'setProdState',
  'type': 'keyedselection'},


ManagedEntity._relations+(("deviceClass", ToOne(ToManyCont, "Products.\
ZenModel.DeviceClass", "devices")), ("monitors", ToMany(ToMany, "Produ\
cts.ZenModel.StatusMonitorConf", "devices")), ("perfServer", ToOne(ToM\
any, "Products.ZenModel.PerformanceConf", "devices")), ("location", To\
One(ToMany, "Products.ZenModel.Location", "devices")), ("systems", ToM\
any(ToMany, "Products.ZenModel.System", "devices")), ("groups", ToMany\
(ToMany, "Products.ZenModel.DeviceGroup", "devices")), ("maintenanceWi\
ndows", ToManyCont(ToOne, "Products.ZenModel.MaintenanceWindow", "prod\


({'actions': ({'action': 'deviceStatus',
               'id': 'status',
               'name': 'Status',
               'permissions': ('View')},
              {'action': 'os/deviceOsDetail',
               'id': 'osdetail',
               'name': 'OS',
               'permissions': ('View')},


(('Admin Device', ('deleteDevice', 'setManageIp', 'renameDevice')),
 ('Change Device',