Package ZenModel :: Module IpRouteEntry :: Class IpRouteEntry
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class IpRouteEntry

source code

                                                                     object --+            
                                                              Lockable.Lockable --+        
                                                    DeviceComponent.DeviceComponent --+    
                                                                 object --+           |    
                                                                          |           |    
                                                  ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase --+       |    
                                                                              |       |    
                                                 object --+                   |       |    
                                                          |                   |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+               |       |    
                                                              |               |       |    
                                  OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer --+           |       |    
                                                                  |           |       |    
              Products.ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer --+       |       |    
                                                                      |       |       |    
                                                 object --+           |       |       |    
                                                          |           |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+       |       |       |    
                                                              |       |       |       |    
                                  OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                                 object --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                      App.Management.Navigation --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                                 object --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                            App.Management.Tabs --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                                 object --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                 ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                                 object --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                                      persistent.Persistent --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                                 object --+   |   |   |       |       |    
                                                          |   |   |   |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                         Persistence.Persistent --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                             object --+           |   |       |       |    
                                                      |           |   |       |       |    
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                     webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport --+   |       |   |       |       |    
                                                      |   |       |   |       |       |    
                           webdav.Lockable.LockableItem --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                                   webdav.Resource.Resource --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                   webdav.Collection.Collection --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                    OFS.Traversable.Traversable --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                    OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager --+       |       |    
                                                                      |       |       |    
                                                 object --+           |       |       |    
                                                          |           |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+       |       |       |    
                                                              |       |       |       |    
                                             object --+       |       |       |       |    
                                                      |       |       |       |       |    
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |       |    
                                                          |   |       |       |       |    
                                 OFS.CopySupport.CopySource --+       |       |       |    
                                                              |       |       |       |    
                                             object --+       |       |       |       |    
                                                      |       |       |       |       |    
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |       |    
                                                          |   |       |       |       |    
                                        App.Management.Tabs --+       |       |       |    
                                                              |       |       |       |    
                                OFS.Traversable.Traversable --+       |       |       |    
                                                              |       |       |       |    
                                             object --+       |       |       |       |    
                                                      |       |       |       |       |    
                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |       |    
                                                          |   |       |       |       |    
                                  AccessControl.Owned.Owned --+       |       |       |    
                                                              |       |       |       |    
                              Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                                 object --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                 ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                                 object --+       |   |       |       |    
                                                          |       |   |       |       |    
                                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager --+   |   |       |       |    
                                                              |   |   |       |       |    
                                 AccessControl.Role.RoleManager --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
  Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathManager --+       |       |    
                                                                      |       |       |    
                                                     object --+       |       |       |    
                                                              |       |       |       |    
                                            ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |       |    
                                                                  |   |       |       |    
                                               App.Undo.UndoSupport --+       |       |    
                                                                      |       |       |    
Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathObjectManager --+   |       |    
                                                                          |   |       |    
                                                     object --+           |   |       |    
                                                              |           |   |       |    
                                            ExtensionClass.Base --+       |   |       |    
                                                                  |       |   |       |    
                                          OFS.ZDOM.Node --+       |       |   |       |    
                                                          |       |       |   |       |    
                                           OFS.ZDOM.Element --+   |       |   |       |    
                                                              |   |       |   |       |    
                                 OFS.ZDOM.ElementWithAttributes --+       |   |       |    
                                                                  |       |   |       |    
                                OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager --+   |   |       |    
                                                                      |   |   |       |    
            Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager --+   |       |    
                                                                          |   |       |    
                                             ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager --+       |    
                                                                              |       |    
                                                             object --+       |       |    
                                                                      |       |       |    
                                                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |    
                                                                          |   |       |    
                                                     OFS.History.Historical --+       |    
                                                                              |       |    
                                                                 object --+   |       |    
                                                                          |   |       |    
                                                        ZenPacker.ZenPacker --+       |    
                                                                              |       |    
                                                          ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM --+   |    
                                                                                  |   |    
                                                DeviceResultInt.DeviceResultInt --+   |    
                                                                                  |   |    
                                                                     object --+   |   |    
                                                                              |   |   |    
                                                            EventView.EventView --+   |    
                                                                                  |   |    
                                                                     object --+   |   |    
                                                                              |   |   |    
                                                                RRDView.RRDView --+   |    
                                                                                  |   |    
                                                        ManagedEntity.ManagedEntity --+    
                                                                  Linkable.Linkable --+    
                                                                OSComponent.OSComponent --+

IpRouteEntry object

Instance Methods [hide private]
search(string[, pos[, endpos]]) --> match object or None.
source code
__getattr__(self, name) source code
figure out which hop to return and if its a relation build link
source code
Return an <a> link to our next hop ip.
source code
Return our next hop ip (as string) if stored as object or locally.
source code
Return the device to which this route points.
source code
Return the interface name for this route as a string.
source code
setNextHopIp(self, nextHopIp)
if the nexthop is a 127.
source code
matchTarget(self, ip)
Does this route target match the ip passed.
source code
setTarget(self, netip)
Set this route target netip in the form
source code
Return the route target ie
source code
Return the target network Ip ie:
source code
Return an <a> link to our target network.
source code
setInterfaceIndex(self, ifindex) source code
getInterfaceIndex(self) source code
setInterfaceName(self, intname) source code
getInterfaceIp(self) source code

Inherited from OSComponent.OSComponent: device, getEndpointName, getIconPath, getPrettyLink, isInLocation, isUserCreated, manage_deleteComponent, manage_updateComponent, setUserCreateFlag

Inherited from DeviceComponent.DeviceComponent: getAqProperty, getClassObject, getCollectors, getInstDescription, getManageIp, getNagiosTemplate, getParentDeviceName, getParentDeviceUrl, getRRDTemplateByName, getStatus, getStatusString, hostname, manage_afterAdd, manage_afterClone, manage_beforeDelete, monitored, name, setAqProperty

Inherited from Lockable.Lockable: getNextLockableParent, isLockedFromDeletion, isLockedFromUpdates, isUnlocked, lockFromDeletion, lockFromUpdates, lockStatus, lockWarning, sendEventWhenBlocked, setSendEventWhenBlockedFlag, unlock, unsetSendEventWhenBlockedFlag

Inherited from ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM: __init__, changePythonClass, creator, editableDeviceList, getCreatedTimeString, getDmdKey, getModificationTimeString, getSubObjects, getTreeItems, getZenRootNode, index_object, primarySortKey, reindex_all, rename, unindex_object, viewName, zmanage_addProperty, zmanage_delObjects, zmanage_delProperties, zmanage_editProperties, zmanage_exportObject, zmanage_importObject, zmanage_importObjects

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: __call__, __hash__, all_meta_types, breadCrumbs, callZenScreen, checkRemotePerm, checkValidId, createHierarchyObj, custPropertyIds, custPropertyMap, getBreadCrumbUrlPath, getDmd, getDmdObj, getDmdRoot, getHierarchyObj, getIdLink, getNowString, getObjByPath, getPrimaryDmdId, getUnusedId, getZ, getZopeObj, helpLink, isLocalName, manage_deleteObjects, prepId, saveCustProperties, todayDate, urlLink, view, visibleCustPropertyMap, yesterdayDate, zenScreenUrl, zenpathjoin, zenpathsplit, zentinelTabs

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: addRelation, buildRelations, cb_isMoveable, checkRelations, exportXml, exportXmlProperties, exportXmlRelationships, getRelationshipManagerId, getRelationshipNames, getRelationships, manage_addRelation, manage_removeRelation, manage_workspace, removeRelation

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager (private): _getCopy, _notifyOfCopyTo, _setObject

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathObjectManager (private): _delObject

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer: manage_linkObjects, manage_renameObject, manage_unlinkObjects

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.RelCopySupport.RelCopyContainer (private): _getRelName, _getSourceObjects, _verifyObjectLink, _verifyObjectPaste

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager: SQLConnectionIDs, ZQueryIds, __class_init__, __getitem__, addDTMLDocument, addDTMLMethod, filtered_meta_types, hasObject, list_imports, manage_FTPlist, manage_FTPstat, manage_addDTMLDocument, manage_addDTMLMethod, manage_addDocument, manage_addFile, manage_addFolder, manage_addImage, manage_addOrderedFolder, manage_addSiteRoot, manage_addUserFolder, manage_addZGadflyConnection, manage_addZGadflyConnectionForm, manage_delObjects, manage_exportObject, manage_hasId, manage_importObject, objectIds, objectIds_d, objectItems, objectItems_d, objectMap, objectMap_d, objectValues, objectValues_d, superValues, tpValues

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager (private): _checkId, _delOb, _getOb, _importObjectFromFile, _setOb, _subobject_permissions

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer: __providedBy__, cb_dataItems, cb_dataValid, manage_CopyContainerAllItems, manage_CopyContainerFirstItem, manage_clone, manage_copyObjects, manage_cutObjects, manage_pasteObjects, manage_renameObjects, validClipData

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer (private): _get_id

Inherited from App.Management.Navigation: manage_zmi_logout

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.PrimaryPathObjectManager.PrimaryPathManager: getPrimaryId, getPrimaryParent, getPrimaryPath, getPrimaryUrlPath, primaryAq

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem: __len__, __name__, __repr__, getId, manage_editedDialog, raise_standardErrorMessage, this, title_and_id, title_or_id, tpURL

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: get_request_var_or_attr, manage_undo_transactions, undoable_transactions

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager: deleteZenProperty, getOverriddenObjects, isLocal, manage_editProperties, saveZenProperties, setZenProperty, zenPropIsPassword, zenPropertyIds, zenPropertyItems, zenPropertyMap, zenPropertyOptions, zenPropertyPath, zenPropertyString, zenPropertyType

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager (private): _onlystars, _setPropValue, _setProperty

Inherited from OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager: getProperty, getPropertyType, hasProperty, manage_addProperty, manage_changeProperties, manage_changePropertyTypes, manage_delProperties, propdict, propertyIds, propertyItems, propertyLabel, propertyMap, propertyValues, valid_property_id

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical: manage_afterHistoryCopy, manage_beforeHistoryCopy, manage_change_history, manage_historicalComparison, manage_historyCompare, manage_historyCopy

Inherited from ZenPacker.ZenPacker: addToZenPack, findObject

Inherited from DeviceResultInt.DeviceResultInt: getDeviceClassName, getDeviceClassPath, getDeviceIp, getDeviceIpAddress, getDeviceLink, getDeviceMacaddress, getDeviceName, getDeviceUrl, getPingStatus, getPingStatusNumber, getProdState, getSnmpStatus, getSnmpStatusNumber, isResultLockedFromDeletion, isResultLockedFromUpdates, sendEventWhenResultBlocked

Inherited from EventView.EventView: getEventHistory, getEventManager, getEventOwnerList, getEventSummary, getJSONEventsInfo, getJSONFields, getJSONHistoryEventsInfo, getStatusCssClass, getStatusImgSrc, manage_ackBatchEvents, manage_ackEvents, manage_createEventMap, manage_deleteBatchEvents, manage_deleteEvents, manage_deleteHeartbeat, manage_setEventStates, manage_undeleteBatchEvents, manage_undeleteEvents

Inherited from RRDView.RRDView: cacheRRDValue, fullRRDPath, getDataSourceCommands, getDefaultGraphDefs, getGraphDef, getGraphDefUrl, getRRDDataPoint, getRRDDataPoints, getRRDFileName, getRRDNames, getRRDPaths, getRRDSum, getRRDTemplate, getRRDTemplateName, getRRDTemplates, getRRDValue, getRRDValues, getSnmpOidTargets, getThresholdInstances, getThresholds, makeLocalRRDTemplate, removeLocalRRDTemplate, rrdPath, snmpIgnore

Inherited from Linkable.Linkable: unlink

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.ElementWithAttributes: getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributes

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Element: getChildNodes, getElementsByTagName, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getParentNode, getPreviousSibling, getTagName

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Node: getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, hasChildNodes

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: class_manage_path, filtered_manage_options, tabs_path_default, tabs_path_info

Inherited from ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit: __of__

Inherited from Persistence.Persistent: bobobase_modification_time, locked_in_version, modified_in_version

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_activate, _p_deactivate, _p_delattr, _p_getattr, _p_invalidate, _p_setattr

Inherited from webdav.Collection.Collection: DELETE, HEAD, PUT, dav__init, listDAVObjects

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: COPY, LOCK, MKCOL, MOVE, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, TRACE, UNLOCK, dav__simpleifhandler, dav__validate, manage_DAVget

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: ac_inherited_permissions, access_debug_info, acquiredRolesAreUsedBy, get_local_roles, get_local_roles_for_userid, get_valid_userids, has_local_roles, manage_access, manage_acquiredPermissions, manage_addLocalRoles, manage_changePermissions, manage_defined_roles, manage_delLocalRoles, manage_editRoles, manage_permission, manage_role, manage_setLocalRoles, permission_settings, permissionsOfRole, possible_permissions, rolesOfPermission, userdefined_roles, users_with_local_role, validRoles, valid_roles, validate_roles

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _addRole, _delRoles, _has_user_defined_role, _setRoles

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource: cb_isCopyable, cb_userHasCopyOrMovePermission

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource (private): _canCopy, _postCopy, _setId

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: class_manage_path, filtered_manage_options, tabs_path_default, tabs_path_info

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from webdav.Lockable.LockableItem: wl_clearLocks, wl_delLock, wl_getLock, wl_hasLock, wl_isLocked, wl_lockItems, wl_lockTokens, wl_lockValues, wl_lockmapping, wl_setLock

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: http__etag, http__parseMatchList, http__processMatchHeaders, http__refreshEtag

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: absolute_url, absolute_url_path, getPhysicalPath, restrictedTraverse, unrestrictedTraverse, virtual_url_path

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: changeOwnership, getOwner, getOwnerTuple, getWrappedOwner, manage_changeOwnershipType, manage_fixupOwnershipAfterAdd, manage_takeOwnership, owner_info, userCanTakeOwnership

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned (private): _deleteOwnershipAfterAdd

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__, __getstate__, __setstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager: manage_getPermissionMapping, manage_setPermissionMapping

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager (private): _isBeingAccessedAsZClassDefinedInstanceMethod, _isBeingUsedAsAMethod

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: lookupSchema

Class Variables [hide private]
  meta_type = 'IpRouteEntry'
  monitor = False
  _nexthop = ''
  _target = ''
  _targetobj = None
  routetype = ''
  routeproto = ''
  routemask = 0
  routeage = 0
  metric1 = 0
  metric2 = 0
  metric3 = 0
  metric4 = 0
  metric5 = 0
  _properties = ({'id': 'routemask', 'mode': '', 'type': 'string...
  _relations = (('dependencies', <Products.ZenRelations.RelSchem...
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
  __ac_permissions__ = (('Change Device', ('setInterfaceIndex', ...

Inherited from OSComponent.OSComponent: isUserCreatedFlag

Inherited from DeviceComponent.DeviceComponent: collectors, default_catalog, event_key

Inherited from Lockable.Lockable: modelerLock, sendEventWhenBlockedFlag

Inherited from ManagedEntity.ManagedEntity: snmpindex

Inherited from ZenModelRM.ZenModelRM: isInTree

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: index_html, sub_meta_types

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager: manage_main, manage_options

Inherited from ZenModelRM.RelationshipManager (private): _operation

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager: SiteRootAdd, __implemented__, __provides__, isAnObjectManager, isPrincipiaFolderish, manage_addProduct, manage_addSiteRootForm, manage_importExportForm, manage_index_main, meta_types

Inherited from OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager (private): _objects

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopyContainer: manage_renameForm

Inherited from App.Management.Navigation: manage, manage_copyright, manage_form_title, manage_menu, manage_page_footer, manage_page_header, manage_page_style.css, manage_top_frame, manage_zmi_prefs, zope_quick_start

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem: REQUEST, __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__, __propsets__, icon, id, isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject, title

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZItem.ZItem (private): _manage_editedDialog

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: manage_UndoForm

Inherited from Products.ZenRelations.ZenPropertyManager.ZenPropertyManager: manage_propertiesForm

Inherited from OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager: manage_propertyTypeForm, propertysheets

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical: HistoricalRevisions, manage_change_history_page

Inherited from OFS.History.Historical (private): _manage_historyComparePage

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: manage_tabs

Inherited from webdav.Collection.Collection: __dav_collection__

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: __dav_resource__, __http_methods__

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: __ac_local_roles__, __ac_roles__, aclAChecked, aclEChecked, aclPChecked, manage_acquiredForm, manage_editLocalRoles, manage_listLocalRoles, manage_permissionForm, manage_roleForm, permissionMappingPossibleValues, selectedRoles, smallRolesWidget

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _method_manage_access, _normal_manage_access

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: manage_tabs

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: __implements__

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: getPhysicalRoot

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: manage_owner

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_changed, _p_jar, _p_mtime, _p_oid, _p_serial, _p_state

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


source code 
search(string[, pos[, endpos]]) --> match object or None. Scan through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding MatchObject instance. Return None if no position in the string matches.


source code 
Return the interface name for this route as a string. If no interface is found return 'No Interface'.

setNextHopIp(self, nextHopIp)

source code 
if the nexthop is a 127. or 0. address store locally else link to it in the network hierarchy

Class Variable Details [hide private]


({'id': 'routemask', 'mode': '', 'type': 'string'},
 {'id': 'nexthopip',
  'mode': '',
  'setter': 'setNextHopIp',
  'type': 'string'},
 {'id': 'routeproto', 'mode': '', 'type': 'string'},
 {'id': 'routeage', 'mode': '', 'type': 'string'},
 {'id': 'routetype', 'mode': '', 'type': 'string'},


OSComponent._relations+(("os", ToOne(ToManyCont, "Products.ZenModel.Op\
eratingSystem", "routes")), ("interface", ToOne(ToMany, "Products.ZenM\
odel.IpInterface", "iproutes")), ("nexthop", ToOne(ToMany, "Products.Z\
enModel.IpAddress", "clientroutes")), ("target", ToOne(ToMany, "Produc\
ts.ZenModel.IpNetwork", "clientroutes")),)


(('Change Device',
  ('setInterfaceIndex', 'setInterfaceName', 'setNextHopIp')),
  ('getInterfaceName', 'getNextHopDeviceLink', 'getNextHopIp')))