Package ZenModel :: Module ZDeviceLoader :: Class ZDeviceLoader
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class ZDeviceLoader

source code

                                     object --+        
                      ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase --+    
                          ZenModelItem.ZenModelItem --+
                                 object --+           |
                                          |           |
                        ExtensionClass.Base --+       |
                                              |       |
                             object --+       |       |
                                      |       |       |
                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |
                                          |   |       |
     webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport --+   |   |       |
                                      |   |   |       |
           webdav.Lockable.LockableItem --+   |       |
                                          |   |       |
                   webdav.Resource.Resource --+       |
                                              |       |
                             object --+       |       |
                                      |       |       |
                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |
                                          |   |       |
                 OFS.CopySupport.CopySource --+       |
                                              |       |
                             object --+       |       |
                                      |       |       |
                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |
                                          |   |       |
                        App.Management.Tabs --+       |
                                              |       |
                OFS.Traversable.Traversable --+       |
                                              |       |
                          OFS.ZDOM.Node --+   |       |
                                          |   |       |
                           OFS.ZDOM.Element --+       |
                                              |       |
                             object --+       |       |
                                      |       |       |
                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |
                                          |   |       |
                  AccessControl.Owned.Owned --+       |
                                              |       |
                             object --+       |       |
                                      |       |       |
                    ExtensionClass.Base --+   |       |
                                          |   |       |
                       App.Undo.UndoSupport --+       |
                                              |       |
                            OFS.SimpleItem.Item --+   |
                                                  |   |
                                 object --+       |   |
                                          |       |   |
                      persistent.Persistent --+   |   |
                                              |   |   |
                                 object --+   |   |   |
                                          |   |   |   |
                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |
                                              |   |   |
                         Persistence.Persistent --+   |
                                                  |   |
                                 object --+       |   |
                                          |       |   |
                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |
                                              |   |   |
                 ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit --+   |
                                                  |   |
                                 object --+       |   |
                                          |       |   |
                        ExtensionClass.Base --+   |   |
                                              |   |   |
AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager --+   |   |
                                              |   |   |
                 AccessControl.Role.RoleManager --+   |
                                                  |   |
                          OFS.SimpleItem.SimpleItem --+

Load devices into the DMD database

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, id) source code
loadDevice(self, deviceName, devicePath='/Discovered', tag='', serialNumber='', zSnmpCommunity='', zSnmpPort=161, zSnmpVer=None, rackSlot=0, productionState=1000, comments='', hwManufacturer='', hwProductName='', osManufacturer='', osProductName='', locationPath='', groupPaths=[], systemPaths=[], statusMonitors=['localhost'], performanceMonitor='localhost', discoverProto='snmp', REQUEST=None)
Load a device into the database connecting its major relations and collecting its configuration.
source code
addManufacturer(self, newHWManufacturerName=None, newSWManufacturerName=None, REQUEST=None)
add a manufacturer to the database
source code
setHWProduct(self, newHWProductName, hwManufacturer, REQUEST=None)
set the productName of this device
source code
setOSProduct(self, newOSProductName, osManufacturer, REQUEST=None)
set the productName of this device
source code
addLocation(self, newLocationPath, REQUEST=None)
add a location to the database
source code
addSystem(self, newSystemPath, REQUEST=None)
add a system to the database
source code
addDeviceGroup(self, newDeviceGroupPath, REQUEST=None)
add a device group to the database
source code
addStatusMonitor(self, newStatusMonitor, REQUEST=None)
add new status monitor to the database
source code
setPerformanceMonitor(self, newPerformanceMonitor, REQUEST=None)
add new performance monitor to the database
source code
setupLog(self, response)
setup logging package to send to browser
source code
clearLog(self) source code
loaderFooter(self, devObj, response)
add navigation links to the end of the loader output
source code

Inherited from ZenModelItem.ZenModelItem: getPrimaryPath, getPrimaryUrlPath, primaryAq

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: __call__, __hash__, all_meta_types, breadCrumbs, callZenScreen, checkRemotePerm, checkValidId, createHierarchyObj, custPropertyIds, custPropertyMap, getBreadCrumbUrlPath, getDmd, getDmdObj, getDmdRoot, getHierarchyObj, getIconPath, getIdLink, getNowString, getObjByPath, getPrimaryDmdId, getUnusedId, getZ, getZopeObj, helpLink, isLocalName, manage_deleteObjects, prepId, saveCustProperties, todayDate, urlLink, view, visibleCustPropertyMap, yesterdayDate, zenScreenUrl, zenpathjoin, zenpathsplit, zentinelTabs, zmanage_editProperties

Inherited from OFS.SimpleItem.Item: __len__, __name__, __repr__, getId, manage, manage_FTPlist, manage_FTPstat, manage_afterAdd, manage_afterClone, manage_beforeDelete, manage_editedDialog, objectIds, objectItems, objectValues, raise_standardErrorMessage, this, title_and_id, title_or_id, tpURL, tpValues

Inherited from Persistence.Persistent: __class_init__, __getattribute__, bobobase_modification_time, locked_in_version, modified_in_version

Inherited from persistent.Persistent: __delattr__, __getstate__, __new__, __reduce__, __setattr__, __setstate__

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_activate, _p_deactivate, _p_delattr, _p_getattr, _p_invalidate, _p_setattr

Inherited from ZenEvents.EventDetail.Implicit: __of__

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: ac_inherited_permissions, access_debug_info, acquiredRolesAreUsedBy, get_local_roles, get_local_roles_for_userid, get_valid_userids, has_local_roles, manage_access, manage_acquiredPermissions, manage_addLocalRoles, manage_changePermissions, manage_defined_roles, manage_delLocalRoles, manage_editRoles, manage_permission, manage_role, manage_setLocalRoles, permission_settings, permissionsOfRole, possible_permissions, rolesOfPermission, userdefined_roles, users_with_local_role, validRoles, valid_roles, validate_roles

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _addRole, _delRoles, _has_user_defined_role, _setRoles

Inherited from object: __reduce_ex__, __str__

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: COPY, DELETE, HEAD, LOCK, MKCOL, MOVE, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, PUT, TRACE, UNLOCK, dav__init, dav__simpleifhandler, dav__validate, listDAVObjects, manage_DAVget

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource: __providedBy__, cb_isCopyable, cb_isMoveable, cb_userHasCopyOrMovePermission

Inherited from OFS.CopySupport.CopySource (private): _canCopy, _getCopy, _notifyOfCopyTo, _postCopy, _setId

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: class_manage_path, filtered_manage_options, manage_workspace, tabs_path_default, tabs_path_info

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: absolute_url, absolute_url_path, getPhysicalPath, restrictedTraverse, unrestrictedTraverse, virtual_url_path

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Element: getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getChildNodes, getElementsByTagName, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getParentNode, getPreviousSibling, getTagName

Inherited from OFS.ZDOM.Node: getAttributes, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, hasChildNodes

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: changeOwnership, getOwner, getOwnerTuple, getWrappedOwner, manage_changeOwnershipType, manage_fixupOwnershipAfterAdd, manage_takeOwnership, owner_info, userCanTakeOwnership

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned (private): _deleteOwnershipAfterAdd

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: get_request_var_or_attr, manage_undo_transactions, undoable_transactions

Inherited from ExtensionClass.Base: __getnewargs__

Inherited from object: __reduce_ex__, __str__

Inherited from webdav.Lockable.LockableItem: wl_clearLocks, wl_delLock, wl_getLock, wl_hasLock, wl_isLocked, wl_lockItems, wl_lockTokens, wl_lockValues, wl_lockmapping, wl_setLock

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: http__etag, http__parseMatchList, http__processMatchHeaders, http__refreshEtag

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager: manage_getPermissionMapping, manage_setPermissionMapping

Inherited from AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager (private): _isBeingAccessedAsZClassDefinedInstanceMethod, _isBeingUsedAsAMethod

Class Variables [hide private]
  meta_type = 'DeviceLoader'
  portal_type = 'DeviceLoader'
  manage_options = ({'action': 'manualDeviceLoader', 'label': 'M...
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
  factory_type_information = ({'actions': ({'action': 'addDevice...
  __ac_permissions__ = (('Change Device', ('setHWProduct', 'addS...

Inherited from ZenModelBase.ZenModelBase: index_html, sub_meta_types

Inherited from OFS.SimpleItem.SimpleItem: __implemented__, __provides__

Inherited from OFS.SimpleItem.Item: REQUEST, __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__, __propsets__, icon, id, isPrincipiaFolderish, isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject, title

Inherited from OFS.SimpleItem.Item (private): _manage_editedDialog

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager: __ac_local_roles__, __ac_roles__, aclAChecked, aclEChecked, aclPChecked, manage_acquiredForm, manage_editLocalRoles, manage_listLocalRoles, manage_permissionForm, manage_roleForm, permissionMappingPossibleValues, selectedRoles, smallRolesWidget

Inherited from AccessControl.Role.RoleManager (private): _method_manage_access, _normal_manage_access

Inherited from webdav.Resource.Resource: __dav_resource__, __http_methods__

Inherited from App.Management.Tabs: manage_tabs

Inherited from OFS.Traversable.Traversable: getPhysicalRoot

Inherited from AccessControl.Owned.Owned: manage_owner

Inherited from App.Undo.UndoSupport: manage_UndoForm

Inherited from webdav.EtagSupport.EtagSupport: __implements__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from persistent.Persistent (private): _p_changed, _p_jar, _p_mtime, _p_oid, _p_serial, _p_state

Inherited from object: __class__

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, id)

source code 
Overrides: ZenModelItem.ZenModelItem.__init__

Class Variable Details [hide private]


({'action': 'manualDeviceLoader', 'label': 'ManualDeviceLoader'},
 {'action': 'manage_UndoForm',
  'help': ('OFSP', 'Undo.stx'),
  'label': 'Undo'},
 {'action': 'manage_owner',
  'filter': <function ownableFilter at 0x15c5970>,
  'help': ('OFSP', 'Ownership.stx'),
  'label': 'Ownership'},


({'actions': ({'action': 'addDevice',
               'id': 'status',
               'name': 'Status',
               'permissions': ('View')}),
  'immediate_view': 'addDevice'})


(('Change Device',