Package ZenRRD :: Module zencommand :: Class zencommand
[hide private]
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Class zencommand

source code

  Products.ZenUtils.CmdBase.CmdBase --+            
  Products.ZenUtils.ZenDaemon.ZenDaemon --+        
 twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable --+       |        
                                  |       |        
twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable --+   |        
                                      |   |        
   twisted.spread.flavors.Referenceable --+        
          Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.PBDaemon --+    
            Products.ZenRRD.RRDDaemon.RRDDaemon --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
remote_deleteDevice(self, doomed) source code
remote_updateConfig(self, config) source code
remote_updateDeviceList(self, devices) source code
updateConfig(self, config, expected) source code
heartbeatCycle(self, *ignored)
There is no master 'cycle' to send the hearbeat
source code
processSchedule(self, *unused)
Run through the schedule and start anything that needs to be done.
source code
finished(self, cmd) source code
error(self, err)
Log an error, including any traceback data for a failure Exception
source code
getExitMessage(self, exitCode) source code
parseResults(self, cmd) source code
fetchConfig(self) source code
start(self, driver)
Fetch the configuration and return a deferred for its completion.
source code
buildOptions(self) source code
connected(self) source code

Inherited from Products.ZenRRD.RRDDaemon.RRDDaemon: errorStop, getDevicePingIssues, heartbeat, logError, model, remote_setPropertyItems, remote_updateThresholdClasses, sendThresholdEvent, setPropertyItems

Inherited from Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.PBDaemon: connect, eventService, getInitialServices, getService, getServiceNow, gotPerspective, remote_getName, remote_shutdown, run, sendEvent, sigTerm, stop

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.ZenDaemon.ZenDaemon: becomeDaemon, changeUser, setupLogging

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.CmdBase.CmdBase: buildParser, generate_configs, generate_xml_table, parseOptions, pretty_print_config_comment

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Referenceable: jellyFor, remoteMessageReceived

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Serializable: processUniqueID

Inherited from twisted.spread.jelly.Jellyable: __providedBy__, getStateFor

Class Variables [hide private]
  initialServices = ['EventService', 'CommandConfig']

Inherited from Products.ZenRRD.RRDDaemon.RRDDaemon: configCycleInterval, heartBeatTimeout, heartbeatevt, properties, rrd, shutdown, thresholds

Inherited from Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.PBDaemon: name

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.ZenDaemon.ZenDaemon: pidfile

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.CmdBase.CmdBase: doesLogging

Inherited from twisted.spread.flavors.Referenceable: __implemented__, __provides__, perspective

Method Details [hide private]


source code 
Overrides: Products.ZenRRD.RRDDaemon.RRDDaemon.__init__

remote_updateDeviceList(self, devices)

source code 
Overrides: Products.ZenRRD.RRDDaemon.RRDDaemon.remote_updateDeviceList

processSchedule(self, *unused)

source code 
Run through the schedule and start anything that needs to be done. Set a timer if we have nothing to do.

error(self, err)

source code 
Log an error, including any traceback data for a failure Exception
Overrides: Products.ZenRRD.RRDDaemon.RRDDaemon.error
(inherited documentation)

start(self, driver)

source code 
Fetch the configuration and return a deferred for its completion. Also starts the config cycle


source code 
Overrides: Products.ZenRRD.RRDDaemon.RRDDaemon.buildOptions


source code 
Overrides: Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.PBDaemon.connected