Package ZenRelations :: Module ImportDevices :: Class ImportDevices
[hide private]
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Class ImportDevices

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Products.ZenUtils.CmdBase.CmdBase --+        
Products.ZenUtils.ZenDaemon.ZenDaemon --+    
      Products.ZenUtils.ZCmdBase.ZCmdBase --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
getDevicePath(self, device) source code
processLinks(self, device) source code
handleDevices(self) source code
basic options setup sub classes can add more options here
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loadObjectFromXML(self, objstack=None, xmlfile='')
This method can be used to load data for the root of Zenoss (default behavior) or it can be used to operate on a specific point in the Zenoss hierarchy (ZODB).
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The default behavior of loadObjectFromXML() will be to use the Zope app object, and thus operatate on the whole of Zenoss.
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commit(self) source code

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.ZCmdBase.ZCmdBase: __init__, closeAll, closedb, findDevice, getConnection, getContext, getDataRoot, getDmdObj, login, logout, opendb, syncdb, zeoConnect

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.ZenDaemon.ZenDaemon: becomeDaemon, changeUser, setupLogging, sigTerm

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.CmdBase.CmdBase: buildParser, generate_configs, generate_xml_table, parseOptions, pretty_print_config_comment

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.ZenDaemon.ZenDaemon: pidfile

Inherited from Products.ZenUtils.CmdBase.CmdBase: doesLogging

Method Details [hide private]


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basic options setup sub classes can add more options here
Overrides: Products.ZenUtils.ZCmdBase.ZCmdBase.buildOptions

loadObjectFromXML(self, objstack=None, xmlfile='')

source code 

This method can be used to load data for the root of Zenoss (default behavior) or it can be used to operate on a specific point in the Zenoss hierarchy (ZODB).

Upon loading the XML file to be processed, the content of the XML file is handled (processed) by the methods in this class.