Package ZenUtils :: Module Utils
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Module Utils

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General Utility function module

$Id:,v 1.15 2004/04/04 02:22:38 edahl Exp $

Version: 1.15

Classes [hide private]
Functions [hide private]
Setup logging to log to a browser using a request object.
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Clear our web logger.
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convToUnits(numb, divby=1024.0)
Convert a number to its human readable form.
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travAndColl(obj, toonerel, collect, collectname)
walk a series of to one rels collecting collectname into collect
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getObjByPath(base, path, restricted=0)
Get a Zope object by its path (e.g.
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checkClass(myclass, className)
perform issubclass using class name as string
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lookupClass(productName, classname=None)
look in sys.modules for our class
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importClass(modulePath, classname='')
Import a class from the module given.
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take the trailing off the end of a string
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getSubObjects(base, filter=None, decend=None, retobjs=None)
do a depth first search looking for objects that the function filter returns as true.
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getSubObjectsMemo(base, filter=None, decend=None, memo={})
do a depth first search looking for objects that the function filter returns as true.
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get all ZenModelRM objects in database
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split a zen path and clean up any blanks or bogus spaces in it
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build a zenpath in its string form
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OLDgetHierarchyObj(root, name, factory, lastfactory=None, relpath=None, lastrelpath=None, llog=None)
build and return the path to an object based on a hierarchical name (ex /Mail/Mta) relative to the root passed in.
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createHierarchyObj(root, name, factory, relpath='', llog=None)
Create a hierarchy object from its path we use relpath to skip down any missing relations in the path and factory is the constructor for this object.
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getHierarchyObj(root, name, relpath=None)
Return an object using its path relations are optional in the path.
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basicAuthUrl(username, password, url)
add the username and password to a url in the form http://username:password@host/path
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prepId(id, subchar='_')
Make an id with valid url characters.
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sendEmail(emsg, host, port=25, usetls=0, usr='', pwd='')
Send an email.
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sendPage(recipient, msg, snppHost, snppPort)
Send a page.
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zdecode(context, value) source code
localIpCheck(context, ip)
Test to see if ip it should not be included in the network map.
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localInterfaceCheck(context, intname)
Test to see if ips on an in should not be included in the network map.
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cmpClassNames(obj, classnames)
Check to see if any of an object's base classes are in a list of class names.
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resequence(context, objects, seqmap, origseq, REQUEST) source code
cleanupSkins(dmd) source code
edgesToXML(edges, start=()) source code
zenPath(*args) source code
IE puts the POST content in one place in the REQUEST object, and Firefox in another.
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Variables [hide private]
  __doc__ = """Ut...
  log = logging.getLogger("zen.Utils")
Function Details [hide private]

convToUnits(numb, divby=1024.0)

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Convert a number to its human readable form. ie: 4GB, 4MB, etc.

getObjByPath(base, path, restricted=0)

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Get a Zope object by its path (e.g. '/Devices/Server/Linux'). Mostly a stripdown of unrestrictedTraverse method from Zope 2.8.8.

getSubObjects(base, filter=None, decend=None, retobjs=None)

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do a depth first search looking for objects that the function filter returns as true. If decend is passed it will check to see if we should keep going down or not

getSubObjectsMemo(base, filter=None, decend=None, memo={})

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do a depth first search looking for objects that the function filter returns as true. If decend is passed it will check to see if we should keep going down or not

OLDgetHierarchyObj(root, name, factory, lastfactory=None, relpath=None, lastrelpath=None, llog=None)

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build and return the path to an object based on a hierarchical name (ex /Mail/Mta) relative to the root passed in. If lastfactory is passed the leaf object will be created with it instead of factory. relpath is the relationship within which we will recurse as objects are created. Having the relationship in the path passed is optional.

prepId(id, subchar='_')

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Make an id with valid url characters. Subs [^a-zA-Z0-9-_,.$\(\) ] with subchar. If id then starts with subchar it is removed.

sendEmail(emsg, host, port=25, usetls=0, usr='', pwd='')

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Send an email. Return a tuple: (sucess, message) where sucess is True or False.

sendPage(recipient, msg, snppHost, snppPort)

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Send a page. Return a tuple: (success, message) where sucess is True or False.

cmpClassNames(obj, classnames)

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Check to see if any of an object's base classes are in a list of class names. Like isinstance(), but without requiring a class to compare against.


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IE puts the POST content in one place in the REQUEST object, and Firefox in another. Thus we need to try both.

Variables Details [hide private]



General Utility function module

$Id:,v 1.15 2004/04/04 02:22:38 edahl Exp $"""