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QHelpContentItem Class Reference
[QtHelp module]

The QHelpContentItem class provides an item for use with QHelpContentModel. More...


Detailed Description

The QHelpContentItem class provides an item for use with QHelpContentModel.

Method Documentation

QHelpContentItem QHelpContentItem.child (self, int row)

Returns the child of the content item in the give row.

See also parent().

int QHelpContentItem.childCount (self)

Returns the number of child items.

int QHelpContentItem.childPosition (self, QHelpContentItem child)

Returns the position of a given child.

QHelpContentItem QHelpContentItem.parent (self)

Returns the parent content item.

int QHelpContentItem.row (self)

Returns the row of this item from its parents view.

QString QHelpContentItem.title (self)

Returns the title of the content item.

QUrl QHelpContentItem.url (self)

Returns the URL of this content item.

PyQt 4.8.3 for X11Copyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and Nokia 2011Qt 4.7.1