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Phonon.BackendCapabilities.Notifier Class Reference
[phonon module]

Inherits: QObject and QObject.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.4.

Inherits QObject.

Qt Signals

Detailed Description

Notifications about backend capabilities.

Qt Signal Documentation

void availableAudioCaptureDevicesChanged ()

This is the default overload of this signal.

void availableAudioOutputDevicesChanged ()

This is the default overload of this signal.

This signal is emitted when audio output devices were plugged or unplugged.

Check BackendCapabilities.availableAudioOutputDevices to get the current list of available devices.

void capabilitiesChanged ()

This is the default overload of this signal.

This signal is emitted if the capabilities have changed. This can happen if the user has requested a backend change.

PyQt 4.12.1 for X11Copyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and The Qt Company 2015Qt 4.8.7