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QIconDragEvent Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QIconDragEvent class indicates that a main icon drag has begun. More...

Inherits QEvent.


Detailed Description

The QIconDragEvent class indicates that a main icon drag has begun.

Icon drag events are sent to widgets when the main icon of a window has been dragged away. On Mac OS X, this happens when the proxy icon of a window is dragged off the title bar.

It is normal to begin using drag and drop in response to this event.

Method Documentation

QIconDragEvent.__init__ (self)

Constructs an icon drag event object with the accept flag set to false.

See also accept().

QIconDragEvent.__init__ (self, QIconDragEvent)

PyQt 4.12.1 for X11Copyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and The Qt Company 2015Qt 4.8.7