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QSslError Class Reference
[QtNetwork module]

The QSslError class provides an SSL error. More...



Special Methods

Detailed Description

The QSslError class provides an SSL error.

QSslError provides a simple API for managing errors during QSslSocket's SSL handshake.

Type Documentation


Describes all recognized errors that can occur during an SSL handshake.

Constant Value
QSslError.NoError 0
QSslError.UnableToGetIssuerCertificate 1
QSslError.UnableToDecryptCertificateSignature 2
QSslError.UnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey 3
QSslError.CertificateSignatureFailed 4
QSslError.CertificateNotYetValid 5
QSslError.CertificateExpired 6
QSslError.InvalidNotBeforeField 7
QSslError.InvalidNotAfterField 8
QSslError.SelfSignedCertificate 9
QSslError.SelfSignedCertificateInChain 10
QSslError.UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate 11
QSslError.UnableToVerifyFirstCertificate 12
QSslError.CertificateRevoked 13
QSslError.InvalidCaCertificate 14
QSslError.PathLengthExceeded 15
QSslError.InvalidPurpose 16
QSslError.CertificateUntrusted 17
QSslError.CertificateRejected 18
QSslError.SubjectIssuerMismatch 19
QSslError.AuthorityIssuerSerialNumberMismatch 20
QSslError.NoPeerCertificate 21
QSslError.HostNameMismatch 22
QSslError.UnspecifiedError -1
QSslError.NoSslSupport 23
QSslError.CertificateBlacklisted 24

See also QSslError.errorString().

Method Documentation

QSslError.__init__ (self)

Constructs a QSslError object with no error and default certificate.

QSslError.__init__ (self, SslError error)

Constructs a QSslError object. The argument specifies the error that occurred.

QSslError.__init__ (self, SslError error, QSslCertificate certificate)

Constructs a QSslError object. The two arguments specify the error that occurred, and which certificate the error relates to.

See also QSslCertificate.

QSslError.__init__ (self, QSslError other)

Constructs an identical copy of other.

QSslCertificate QSslError.certificate (self)

Returns the certificate associated with this error, or a null certificate if the error does not relate to any certificate.

See also error() and errorString().

SslError QSslError.error (self)

Returns the type of the error.

See also errorString() and certificate().

QString QSslError.errorString (self)

Returns a short localized human-readable description of the error.

See also error() and certificate().

bool QSslError.__eq__ (self, QSslError other)

bool QSslError.__ne__ (self, QSslError other)

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