
The dip.toolkits module contains the toolkits included with dip. The default toolkit uses PyQt4.


class dip.toolkits.BaseToolkit

Base class: Model

The BaseToolkit class is a base class for toolkits that implements the default mapping of dip.model types to the editors used to handle them.

attribute_type_to_declarative_factory_map = Tuple()

A map of declarative factories to attribute types.

attribute_type_to_editor_factory_map = Tuple()

A map of editor factories to attribute types.


Get an EditorFactory sub-class that will create a factory that will create an editor to handle attributes of a particular type.

Parameters:attribute_type – is the type of the attribute.
Returns:the EditorFactory sub-class.

Get a callable that will create a editor to handle attributes of a particular type.

Parameters:attribute_type – is the type of the attribute.
Returns:the callable.


class dip.toolkits.IToolkit

Base class: Interface

The IToolkit interface defines the API to be implemented by a toolkit.


Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the action.
application(argv, **properties)

Create a singleton application, i.e. an object that implements the IApplication interface.

  • argv – is the sequence of command line arguments.
  • **properties – are the keyword arguments used as toolkit specific property names and values that are used to configure the application.

the application. Repeated calls must return the same application.


Create an editor that implements the ICheckBox interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface, to handle closing an object.

Returns:the action.

Create an editor that implements the IComboBox interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Get an EditorFactory sub-class that will create a factory that will create an editor to handle attributes of a particular type.

Parameters:attribute_type – is the type of the attribute.
Returns:the EditorFactory sub-class.

Load a file containing a user interface design.

Parameters:ui_file_name – is the name of the file.
Returns:an opaque object that will be passed to designer_view().
designer_view(design, parent)

Create a view from a previously loaded user interface design.

  • design – is an opaque object returned by a previous call to designer_load().
  • parent – is the optional parent view.

the view.


Create a view that implements the IDialog interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Return a view that can be displayed as a top-level window.

Parameters:view – is the view to be displayed.
Returns:the view, possibly wrapped so that it can be displayed.

Create a view that implements the IDock interface..

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Get a callable that will create a editor to handle attributes of a particular type.

Parameters:attribute_type – is the type of the attribute.
Returns:the callable.

Create an editor that implements the IFilesystemLocationEditor interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.
find_toolkit_view(toolkit_root, id)

Find the toolkit view with a particular identifier.

  • toolkit_root – is the root toolkit view to begin the search.
  • id – is the identifier of the view to search for.

the toolkit view. An exception will be raised if the view could not be found.


Create an editor that implements the IFloatSpinBox interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create a view that implements the IForm interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.
get_open_file(window_title, directory='', filter='', parent=None)

Get the name of a file to open from the user.

  • window_title – is the window title, typically used as the title of a dialog.
  • directory – is the name of an optional initial directory or file.
  • filter – is the optional file filter.
  • parent – is the optional parent view.

the name of the file to open or an empty string if there was none.

get_save_file(window_title, directory='', filter='', parent=None)

Get the name of a file to save from the user.

  • window_title – is the window title, typically used as the title of a dialog.
  • directory – is the name of an optional initial directory or file.
  • filter – is the optional file filter.
  • parent – is the optional parent view.

the name of the file to save or an empty string if there was none.


Create a view that implements the IGrid interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create a view that implements the IGroupBox interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create a view that implements the IHBox interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.
information(window_title, text, parent)

Display a informational message to the user.

  • window_title – is the window title, typically used as the title of a dialog.
  • text – is the text of the message.
  • parent – is the optional parent view.

Create an editor that implements the ILabel interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create an editor that implements the ILineEditor interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create an editor that implements the IListEditor interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create a view that implements the IMainWindow interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create a view that implements the IMenu interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create a view that implements the IMenuBar interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create a view that implements the IMessageArea interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface, to handle creating a new object.

Returns:the action.

Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface, to handle opening an object.

Returns:the action.

Create an editor that implements the IOptionList interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create an editor that implements the IPushButton interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.
question(window_title, text, parent, detail, buttons)

Ask the user a question.

  • window_title – is the window title, typically used as the title of a dialog.
  • text – is the text of the question.
  • parent – is the optional parent view.
  • detail – is the optional additional detail.
  • buttons – is the sequence of buttons to display. Possible buttons are ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘cancel’, ‘save’ and ‘discard’. The first in the sequence is used as the default.

The button that was pressed.


Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface, to handle quitting the application.

Returns:the action.

Create an editor that implements the IRadioButtons interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface, to handle saving an object.

Returns:the action.

Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface, to handle saving an object under a new name.

Returns:the action.
settings(organization, application)

Create a settings object, i.e. an object that implements the ISettingsStorage interface.

  • organization – the name of the organization.
  • application – the name of the application.

the settings object.


Create an editor that implements the ISpinBox interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create a view that implements the ISplitter interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create an editor that implements the IStorageLocationEditor interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create a view that implements the ITabBar interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create a view that implements the ITabPage interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create an editor that implements the ITableEditor interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create an editor that implements the ITextEditor interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create an editor that implements the IToolButton interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the editor.

Create a view that implements the IVBox interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the layout.

Create a view that implements the IViewStack interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the layout.
warning(window_title, text, parent, detail)

Display a warning message to the user.

  • window_title – is the window title, typically used as the title of a dialog.
  • text – is the text of the warning.
  • parent – is the optional parent view.
  • detail – is the optional additional detail.

Create an action, i.e. an object that implements the IAction interface, to handle “What’s This?”.

Returns:the action.

Create a view that implements the IWizard interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.

Create a view that implements the IWizardPage interface.

Parameters:parent – is the optional parent view.
Returns:the view.


class dip.toolkits.Toolkit

Base class: Singleton

The Toolkit class is a singleton that provides access to a default toolkit.

instance = Instance(IToolkit)

The toolkit instance.