SQLAlchemy 0.3 Documentation

Version: 0.3.5 Last Updated: 03/18/07 18:39:07

module sqlalchemy.pool

Provide a connection pool implementation, which optionally manages connections on a thread local basis.

Also provides a DBAPI2 transparency layer so that pools can be managed automatically, based on module type and connect arguments, simply by calling regular DBAPI connect() methods.

Module Functions

def clear_managers()

Remove all current DBAPI2 managers.

All pools and connections are disposed.

def manage(module, **params)

Return a proxy for module that automatically pools connections.

Given a DBAPI2 module and pool management parameters, returns a proxy for the module that will automatically pool connections, creating new connection pools for each distinct set of connection arguments sent to the decorated module's connect() function.


A DBAPI2 database module.
The class used by the pool module to provide pooling. Defaults to QueuePool.

See the Pool class for options.

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class AssertionPool(Pool)

A Pool implementation that allows at most one checked out connection at a time.

This will raise an exception if more than one connection is checked out at a time. Useful for debugging code that is using more connections than desired.

def __init__(self, creator, **params)
def create_connection(self)
def do_get(self)
def do_return_conn(self, conn)
def do_return_invalid(self, conn)
def status(self)
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class NullPool(Pool)

A Pool implementation which does not pool connections.

Instead it literally opens and closes the underlying DBAPI connection per each connection open/close.

def do_get(self)
def do_return_conn(self, conn)
def do_return_invalid(self, conn)
def status(self)
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class Pool(object)

Base Pool class.

This is an abstract class, which is implemented by various subclasses including:

Pools multiple connections using Queue.Queue.
Stores a single connection per execution thread.
Doesn't do any pooling; opens and closes connections.
Stores only one connection, and asserts that only one connection is checked out at a time.

The main argument, creator, is a callable function that returns a newly connected DBAPI connection object.

Options that are understood by Pool are:

If set to True, connections being pulled and retrieved from/to the pool will be logged to the standard output, as well as pool sizing information. Echoing can also be achieved by enabling logging for the "sqlalchemy.pool" namespace. Defaults to False.
If set to True, repeated calls to connect() within the same application thread will be guaranteed to return the same connection object, if one has already been retrieved from the pool and has not been returned yet. This allows code to retrieve a connection from the pool, and then while still holding on to that connection, to call other functions which also ask the pool for a connection of the same arguments; those functions will act upon the same connection that the calling method is using. Defaults to True.
If set to non -1, a number of seconds between connection recycling, which means upon checkout, if this timeout is surpassed the connection will be closed and replaced with a newly opened connection. Defaults to -1.
Cursors, returned by connection.cursor(), are tracked and are automatically closed when the connection is returned to the pool. Some DBAPIs like MySQLDB become unstable if cursors remain open. Defaults to True.
If auto_close_cursors is False, and disallow_open_cursors is True, will raise an exception if an open cursor is detected upon connection checkin. Defaults to False.

If auto_close_cursors and disallow_open_cursors are both False, then no cursor processing occurs upon checkin.

def __init__(self, creator, recycle=-1, echo=None, use_threadlocal=False, auto_close_cursors=True, disallow_open_cursors=False)
def connect(self)
def create_connection(self)
def dispose(self)
def do_get(self)
def do_return_conn(self, conn)
def get(self)
def log(self, msg)
def return_conn(self, agent)
def status(self)
def unique_connection(self)
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class QueuePool(Pool)

Use Queue.Queue to maintain a fixed-size list of connections.

Arguments include all those used by the base Pool class, as well as:

The size of the pool to be maintained. This is the largest number of connections that will be kept persistently in the pool. Note that the pool begins with no connections; once this number of connections is requested, that number of connections will remain. Defaults to 5.
The maximum overflow size of the pool. When the number of checked-out connections reaches the size set in pool_size, additional connections will be returned up to this limit. When those additional connections are returned to the pool, they are disconnected and discarded. It follows then that the total number of simultaneous connections the pool will allow is pool_size + max_overflow, and the total number of "sleeping" connections the pool will allow is pool_size. max_overflow can be set to -1 to indicate no overflow limit; no limit will be placed on the total number of concurrent connections. Defaults to 10.
The number of seconds to wait before giving up on returning a connection. Defaults to 30.
def __init__(self, creator, pool_size=5, max_overflow=10, timeout=30, **params)
def checkedin(self)
def checkedout(self)
def dispose(self)
def do_get(self)
def do_return_conn(self, conn)
def overflow(self)
def size(self)
def status(self)
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class SingletonThreadPool(Pool)

Maintain one connection per each thread, never moving a connection to a thread other than the one which it was created in.

This is used for SQLite, which both does not handle multithreading by default, and also requires a singleton connection if a :memory: database is being used.

Options are the same as those of Pool, as well as:

pool_size : 5
The number of threads in which to maintain connections at once.
def __init__(self, creator, pool_size=5, **params)
def cleanup(self)
def dispose(self)
def dispose_local(self)
def do_get(self)
def do_return_conn(self, conn)
def status(self)
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