SQLAlchemy 0.3 Documentation

Version: 0.3.5 Last Updated: 03/18/07 18:39:07

module sqlalchemy.types

class BOOLEAN(Boolean)

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class Binary(TypeEngine)

def __init__(self, length=None)
def adapt(self, impltype)
def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class DATETIME(DateTime)

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class DECIMAL(Numeric)

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class Date(TypeEngine)

Implement a type for datetime.date() objects.

def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class DateTime(TypeEngine)

Implement a type for datetime.datetime() objects.

def __init__(self, timezone=False)
def adapt(self, impltype)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class FLOAT(Float)

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class Float(Numeric)

def __init__(self, precision=10)
def adapt(self, impltype)
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class Integer(TypeEngine)

Integer datatype.

def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class NullTypeEngine(TypeEngine)

def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def get_col_spec(self)
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class Numeric(TypeEngine)

def __init__(self, precision=10, length=2)
def adapt(self, impltype)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class PickleType(MutableType,TypeDecorator)

def __init__(self, protocol=2, pickler=None, mutable=True)
def compare_values(self, x, y)
def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def copy_value(self, value)
def is_mutable(self)
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class SmallInteger(Integer)

Smallint datatype.

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class SmallInteger(Integer)

Smallint datatype.

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class String(TypeEngine)

def __init__(self, length=None)
def adapt(self, impltype)
def compare_values(self, x, y)
def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class TIMESTAMP(DateTime)

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class Time(TypeEngine)

Implement a type for datetime.time() objects.

def __init__(self, timezone=False)
def adapt(self, impltype)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
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class TypeDecorator(AbstractType)

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def compare_values(self, x, y)
def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def copy(self)
def copy_value(self, value)
def dialect_impl(self, dialect)
def engine_impl(self, engine)
def get_col_spec(self)
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi)
def is_mutable(self)
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class TypeEngine(AbstractType)

def __init__(self, *args, **params)
def adapt(self, cls)
def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
def dialect_impl(self, dialect)
def engine_impl(self, engine)

Deprecated; call dialect_impl with a dialect directly.

def get_col_spec(self)
impl = property()
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class Unicode(TypeDecorator)

def convert_bind_param(self, value, dialect)
def convert_result_value(self, value, dialect)
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class VARCHAR(String)

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