SQLAlchemy 0.3 Documentation

Version: 0.3.5 Last Updated: 03/18/07 18:39:07

Note: This section describes how to use SQLAlchemy to construct SQL queries and receive result sets. It does not cover the object relational mapping capabilities of SQLAlchemy; that is covered later on in Data Mapping. However, both areas of functionality work similarly in how selection criterion is constructed, so if you are interested just in ORM, you should probably skim through basic WHERE Clause construction before moving on.

Once you have used the sqlalchemy.schema module to construct your tables and/or reflect them from the database, performing SQL queries using those table meta data objects is done via the sqlalchemy.sql package. This package defines a large set of classes, each of which represents a particular kind of lexical construct within a SQL query; all are descendants of the common base class sqlalchemy.sql.ClauseElement. A full query is represented via a structure of ClauseElements. A set of reasonably intuitive creation functions is provided by the sqlalchemy.sql package to create these structures; these functions are described in the rest of this section.

Executing a ClauseElement structure can be performed in two general ways. You can use an Engine or a Connection object's execute() method to which you pass the query structure; this is known as explicit style. Or, if the ClauseElement structure is built upon Table metadata which is bound to an Engine directly, you can simply call execute() on the structure itself, known as implicit style. In both cases, the execution returns a cursor-like object (more on that later). The same clause structure can be executed repeatedly. The ClauseElement is compiled into a string representation by an underlying Compiler object which is associated with the Engine via its Dialect.

The examples below all include a dump of the generated SQL corresponding to the query object, as well as a dump of the statement's bind parameters. In all cases, bind parameters are shown as named parameters using the colon format (i.e. ':name'). When the statement is compiled into a database-specific version, the named-parameter statement and its bind values are converted to the proper paramstyle for that database automatically.

For this section, we will mostly use the implcit style of execution, meaning the Table objects are associated with an instance of BoundMetaData, and constructed ClauseElement objects support self-execution. Assume the following configuration:

from sqlalchemy import *
metadata = BoundMetaData('sqlite:///mydb.db', echo=True)

# a table to store users
users = Table('users', metadata,
    Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key = True),
    Column('user_name', String(40)),
    Column('password', String(80))

# a table that stores mailing addresses associated with a specific user
addresses = Table('addresses', metadata,
    Column('address_id', Integer, primary_key = True),
    Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey("users.user_id")),
    Column('street', String(100)),
    Column('city', String(80)),
    Column('state', String(2)),
    Column('zip', String(10))

# a table that stores keywords
keywords = Table('keywords', metadata,
    Column('keyword_id', Integer, primary_key = True),
    Column('name', VARCHAR(50))

# a table that associates keywords with users
userkeywords = Table('userkeywords', metadata,
    Column('user_id', INT, ForeignKey("users")),
    Column('keyword_id', INT, ForeignKey("keywords"))

Simple Select

A select is done by constructing a Select object with the proper arguments, adding any extra arguments if desired, then calling its execute() method.

Basic Select
from sqlalchemy import *

# use the select() function defined in the sql package
s = select([users])

# or, call the select() method off of a Table object
s = users.select()

# then, call execute on the Select object:
sqlresult = s.execute()
# the SQL text of any clause object can also be viewed via the str() call:
>>> str(s)
SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, users.password FROM users

Explicit Execution

As mentioned above, ClauseElement structures can also be executed with a Connection object explicitly:

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///myfile.db')
conn = engine.connect()

s = users.select()
sqlresult = conn.execute(s)
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Binding ClauseElements to Engines

For queries that don't contain any tables, ClauseElements that represent a fully executeable statement support an engine keyword parameter which can bind the object to an Engine, thereby allowing implicit execution:

# select a literal
sqlselect(["current_time"], engine=myengine).execute()
# select a function
sqlselect([func.now()], engine=db).execute()
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Getting Results

The object returned by execute() is a sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy object, which acts much like a DBAPI cursor object in the context of a result set, except that the rows returned can address their columns by ordinal position, column name, or even column object:

Using the ResultProxy
# select rows, get resulting ResultProxy object
sqlresult = users.select().execute()
# get one row
row = result.fetchone()

# get the 'user_id' column via integer index:
user_id = row[0]

# or column name
user_name = row['user_name']

# or column object
password = row[users.c.password]

# or column accessor
password = row.password

# ResultProxy object also supports fetchall()
rows = result.fetchall()

# or get the underlying DBAPI cursor object
cursor = result.cursor

# close the result.  If the statement was implicitly executed 
# (i.e. without an explicit Connection), this will
# return the underlying connection resources back to 
# the connection pool.  de-referencing the result
# will also have the same effect.  if an explicit Connection was 
# used, then close() just closes the underlying cursor object.
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Using Column Labels

A common need when writing statements that reference multiple tables is to create labels for columns, thereby separating columns from different tables with the same name. The Select construct supports automatic generation of column labels via the use_labels=True parameter:

use_labels Flag
sqlc = select([users, addresses], 

The table name part of the label is affected if you use a construct such as a table alias:

use_labels with an Alias
person = users.alias('person')
sqlc = select([person, addresses], 

Labels are also generated in such a way as to never go beyond 30 characters. Most databases support a limit on the length of symbols, such as Postgres, and particularly Oracle which has a rather short limit of 30:

use_labels Generates Abbreviated Labels
long_named_table = users.alias('this_is_the_person_table')
sqlc = select([long_named_table], use_labels=True).execute()

You can also specify custom labels on a per-column basis using the label() function:

label() Function on Column
sqlc = select([users.c.user_id.label('id'), 
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Table/Column Specification

Calling select off a table automatically generates a column clause which includes all the table's columns, in the order they are specified in the source Table object.

But in addition to selecting all the columns off a single table, any set of columns can be specified, as well as full tables, and any combination of the two:

Specify Columns to Select
# individual columns
sqlc = select([users.c.user_id, users.c.user_name]).execute()
# full tables
sqlc = select([users, addresses]).execute()
# combinations
sqlc = select([users, addresses.c.zip]).execute()
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WHERE Clause

The WHERE condition is the named keyword argument whereclause, or the second positional argument to the select() constructor and the first positional argument to the select() method of Table.

WHERE conditions are constructed using column objects, literal values, and functions defined in the sqlalchemy.sql module. Column objects override the standard Python operators to provide clause compositional objects, which compile down to SQL operations:

Basic WHERE Clause
sqlc = users.select(users.c.user_id == 7).execute()

Notice that the literal value "7" was broken out of the query and placed into a bind parameter. Databases such as Oracle must parse incoming SQL and create a "plan" when new queries are received, which is an expensive process. By using bind parameters, the same query with various literal values can have its plan compiled only once, and used repeatedly with less overhead.

More where clauses:

# another comparison operator
sqlc = select([users], users.c.user_id>7).execute()
# OR keyword
sqlc = users.select(or_(users.c.user_name=='jack', users.c.user_name=='ed')).execute()
# AND keyword
sqlc = users.select(and_(users.c.user_name=='jack', users.c.password=='dog')).execute()
# NOT keyword
sqlc = users.select(not_(
        or_(users.c.user_name=='jack', users.c.password=='dog')
# IN clause
sqlc = users.select(users.c.user_name.in_('jack', 'ed', 'fred')).execute()
# join users and addresses together
sqlc = select([users, addresses], users.c.user_id==addresses.c.address_id).execute()
# join users and addresses together, but dont specify "addresses" in the 
# selection criterion.  The WHERE criterion adds it to the FROM list 
# automatically.
sqlc = select([users], and_(

Select statements can also generate a WHERE clause based on the parameters you give it. If a given parameter, which matches the name of a column or its "label" (the combined tablename + "_" + column name), and does not already correspond to a bind parameter in the select object, it will be added as a comparison against that column. This is a shortcut to creating a full WHERE clause:

# specify a match for the "user_name" column
sqlc = users.select().execute(user_name='ed')
# specify a full where clause for the "user_name" column, as well as a
# comparison for the "user_id" column
sqlc = users.select(users.c.user_name=='ed').execute(user_id=10)


Supported column operators so far are all the numerical comparison operators, i.e. '==', '>', '>=', etc., as well as like(), startswith(), endswith(), between(), and in(). Boolean operators include not_(), and_() and or_(), which also can be used inline via '~', '&', and '|'. Math operators are '+', '-', '*', '/'. Any custom operator can be specified via the op() function shown below.

# "like" operator

# equality operator
users.select(users.c.user_name == 'jane')

# in opertator

# and_, endswith, equality operators
users.select(and_(addresses.c.street.endswith('green street'),

# & operator subsituting for 'and_'
users.select(addresses.c.street.endswith('green street') & (addresses.c.zip=='11234'))

# + concatenation operator
select([users.c.user_name + '_name'])

# NOT operator
users.select(~(addresses.c.street == 'Green Street'))

# any custom operator

# "null" comparison via == (converts to IS)
# or via explicit null() construct
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Functions can be specified using the func keyword:

sqlusers.select(func.substr(users.c.user_name, 1) == 'J').execute()

Functions also are callable as standalone values:

# call the "now()" function
time = func.now(engine=myengine).scalar()

# call myfunc(1,2,3)
myvalue = func.myfunc(1, 2, 3, engine=db).execute()

# or call them off the engine
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You can drop in a literal value anywhere there isnt a column to attach to via the literal keyword:

sqlselect([literal('foo') + literal('bar'), users.c.user_name]).execute()
# literals have all the same comparison functions as columns
sqlselect([literal('foo') == literal('bar')], engine=myengine).scalar()

Literals also take an optional type parameter to give literals a type. This can sometimes be significant, for example when using the "+" operator with SQLite, the String type is detected and the operator is converted to "||":

sqlselect([literal('foo', type=String) + 'bar'], engine=e).execute()
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Order By

The ORDER BY clause of a select statement can be specified as individual columns to order by within an array specified via the order_by parameter, and optional usage of the asc() and desc() functions:

# straight order by
sqlc = users.select(order_by=[users.c.user_name]).execute()
# descending/ascending order by on multiple columns
sqlc = users.select(
    order_by=[desc(users.c.user_id), asc(users.c.user_name)]).execute()
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These are specified as keyword arguments:

sqlc = select([users.c.user_name], distinct=True).execute()
sqlc = users.select(limit=10, offset=20).execute()

The Oracle driver does not support LIMIT and OFFSET directly, but instead wraps the generated query into a subquery and uses the "rownum" variable to control the rows selected (this is somewhat experimental). Similarly, the Firebird and MSSQL drivers convert LIMIT into queries using FIRST and TOP, respectively.

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Inner and Outer Joins

As some of the examples indicated above, a regular inner join can be implicitly stated, just like in a SQL expression, by just specifying the tables to be joined as well as their join conditions:


There is also an explicit join constructor, which can be embedded into a select query via the from_obj parameter of the select statement:

    addresses.join(users, addresses.c.user_id==users.c.user_id)

The join constructor can also be used by itself:

sqljoin(users, addresses, users.c.user_id==addresses.c.user_id).select().execute()

The join criterion in a join() call is optional. If not specified, the condition will be derived from the foreign key relationships of the two tables. If no criterion can be constructed, an exception will be raised.

sqljoin(users, addresses).select().execute()

Notice that this is the first example where the FROM criterion of the select statement is explicitly specified. In most cases, the FROM criterion is automatically determined from the columns requested as well as the WHERE clause. The from_obj keyword argument indicates a list of explicit FROM clauses to be used in the statement.

A join can be created on its own using the join or outerjoin functions, or can be created off of an existing Table or other selectable unit via the join or outerjoin methods:

sqlouterjoin(users, addresses, 
sqlusers.select(keywords.c.name=='running', from_obj=[
            userkeywords, userkeywords.c.user_id==users.c.user_id).join(
                keywords, keywords.c.keyword_id==userkeywords.c.keyword_id)

Joins also provide a keyword argument fold_equivalents on the select() function which allows the column list of the resulting select to be "folded" to the minimal list of columns, based on those columns that are known to be equivalent from the "onclause" of the join. This saves the effort of constructing column lists manually in conjunction with databases like Postgres which can be picky about "ambiguous columns". In this example, only the "users.user_id" column, but not the "addresses.user_id" column, shows up in the column clause of the resulting select:


The fold_equivalents argument will recursively apply to "chained" joins as well, i.e. a.join(b).join(c)....

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Table Aliases

Aliases are used primarily when you want to use the same table more than once as a FROM expression in a statement:

address_b = addresses.alias('addressb')
sql# select users who have an address on Green street as well as Orange street
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SQLAlchemy allows the creation of select statements from not just Table objects, but from a whole class of objects that implement the Selectable interface. This includes Tables, Aliases, Joins and Selects. Therefore, if you have a Select, you can select from the Select:

>>> s = users.select()
>>> str(s)
SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, users.password FROM users

>>> s = s.select()
>>> str(s)
SELECT user_id, user_name, password
FROM (SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, users.password FROM users)

Any Select, Join, or Alias object supports the same column accessors as a Table:

>>> s = users.select()
>>> [c.key for c in s.columns]
['user_id', 'user_name', 'password']

When you use use_labels=True in a Select object, the label version of the column names become the keys of the accessible columns. In effect you can create your own "view objects":

s = select([users, addresses], users.c.user_id==addresses.c.user_id, use_labels=True)
    s.c.users_user_name, s.c.addresses_street, s.c.addresses_zip
], s.c.addresses_city=='San Francisco').execute()

To specify a SELECT statement as one of the selectable units in a FROM clause, it usually should be given an alias.

sqls = users.select().alias('u')
select([addresses, s]).execute()

Select objects can be used in a WHERE condition, in operators such as IN:

# select user ids for all users whos name starts with a "p"
s = select([users.c.user_id], users.c.user_name.like('p%'))

# now select all addresses for those users

The sql package supports embedding select statements into other select statements as the criterion in a WHERE condition, or as one of the "selectable" objects in the FROM list of the query. It does not at the moment directly support embedding a SELECT statement as one of the column criterion for a statement, although this can be achieved via direct text insertion, described later.

Scalar Column Subqueries

Subqueries can be used in the column clause of a select statement by specifying the scalar=True flag:

sqlselect([table2.c.col1, table2.c.col2, 
                select([table1.c.col1], table1.c.col2==7, scalar=True)])
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Correlated Subqueries

When a select object is embedded inside of another select object, and both objects reference the same table, SQLAlchemy makes the assumption that the table should be correlated from the child query to the parent query. To disable this behavior, specify the flag correlate=False to the Select statement.

# make an alias of a regular select.   
s = select([addresses.c.street], addresses.c.user_id==users.c.user_id).alias('s')
>>> str(s)
SELECT addresses.street FROM addresses, users 
WHERE addresses.user_id = users.user_id

# now embed that select into another one.  the "users" table is removed from
# the embedded query's FROM list and is instead correlated to the parent query
s2 = select([users, s.c.street])
>>> str(s2)
SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, users.password, s.street
FROM users, (SELECT addresses.street FROM addresses
WHERE addresses.user_id = users.user_id) s

EXISTS Clauses

An EXISTS clause can function as a higher-scaling version of an IN clause, and is usually used in a correlated fashion:

# find all users who have an address on Green street:
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Unions come in two flavors, UNION and UNION ALL, which are available via module level functions or methods off a Selectable:

    addresses.select(addresses.c.street=='123 Green Street'),
    addresses.select(addresses.c.street=='44 Park Ave.'),
    addresses.select(addresses.c.street=='3 Mill Road'),
      order_by=[users.c.user_id]   # order_by is an argument to union_all()
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Custom Bind Parameters

Throughout all these examples, SQLAlchemy is busy creating bind parameters wherever literal expressions occur. You can also specify your own bind parameters with your own names, and use the same statement repeatedly. The bind parameters, shown here in the "named" format, will be converted to the appropriate named or positional style according to the database implementation being used.

Custom Bind Params
s = users.select(users.c.user_name==bindparam('username'))

# execute implicitly
# execute explicitly
conn = engine.connect()
sqlconn.execute(s, username='fred')

executemany() is also available by supplying multiple dictionary arguments instead of keyword arguments to the execute() method of ClauseElement or Connection. Examples can be found later in the sections on INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.

Precompiling a Query

By throwing the compile() method onto the end of any query object, the query can be "compiled" by the SQLEngine into a sqlalchemy.sql.Compiled object just once, and the resulting compiled object reused, which eliminates repeated internal compilation of the SQL string:

s = users.select(users.c.user_name==bindparam('username')).compile()
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Literal Text Blocks

The sql package tries to allow free textual placement in as many ways as possible. In the examples below, note that the from_obj parameter is used only when no other information exists within the select object with which to determine table metadata. Also note that in a query where there isnt even table metadata used, the SQLEngine to be used for the query has to be explicitly specified:

# strings as column clauses
sqlselect(["user_id", "user_name"], from_obj=[users]).execute()
# strings for full column lists
        ["user_id, user_name, password, addresses.*"], 
        from_obj=[users.alias('u'), addresses]).execute()
# functions, etc.
sqlselect([users.c.user_id, "process_string(user_name)"]).execute()
# where clauses
sqlusers.select(and_(users.c.user_id==7, "process_string(user_name)=27")).execute()
# subqueries
    "exists (select 1 from addresses where addresses.user_id=users.user_id)").execute()
# custom FROM objects
        from_obj=["(select user_id, user_name from users)"], 
# a full query
sqltext("select user_name from users", engine=db).execute()

Using Bind Parameters in Text Blocks

Use the format ':paramname' to define bind parameters inside of a text block. They will be converted to the appropriate format upon compilation:

t = engine.text("select foo from mytable where lala=:hoho")
r = t.execute(hoho=7)

Bind parameters can also be explicit, which allows typing information to be added. Just specify them as a list with keys that match those inside the textual statement:

t = engine.text("select foo from mytable where lala=:hoho", 
                bindparams=[bindparam('hoho', type=types.String)])
    r = t.execute(hoho="im hoho")

Result-row type processing can be added via the typemap argument, which is a dictionary of return columns mapped to types:

# specify DateTime type for the 'foo' column in the result set
# sqlite, for example, uses result-row post-processing to construct dates
t = engine.text("select foo from mytable where lala=:hoho", 
        bindparams=[bindparam('hoho', type=types.String)],
r = t.execute(hoho="im hoho")

# 'foo' is a datetime
year = r.fetchone()['foo'].year
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Building Select Objects

One of the primary motivations for a programmatic SQL library is to allow the piecemeal construction of a SQL statement based on program variables. All the above examples typically show Select objects being created all at once. The Select object also includes "builder" methods to allow building up an object. The below example is a "user search" function, where users can be selected based on primary key, user name, street address, keywords, or any combination:

def find_users(id=None, name=None, street=None, keywords=None):
    statement = users.select()
    if id is not None:
    if name is not None:
    if street is not None:
        # append_whereclause joins "WHERE" conditions together with AND
    if keywords is not None:
                users.join(userkeywords, users.c.user_id==userkeywords.c.user_id).join(
                        keywords, userkeywords.c.keyword_id==keywords.c.keyword_id))
        # to avoid multiple repeats, set query to be DISTINCT:
    return statement.execute()

sqlfind_users(street='123 Green Street')
sqlfind_users(name='Jack', keywords=['jack','foo'])
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An INSERT involves just one table. The Insert object is used via the insert() function, and the specified columns determine what columns show up in the generated SQL. If primary key columns are left out of the criterion, the SQL generator will try to populate them as specified by the particular database engine and sequences, i.e. relying upon an auto-incremented column or explicitly calling a sequence beforehand. Insert statements, as well as updates and deletes, can also execute multiple parameters in one pass via specifying an array of dictionaries as parameters.

The values to be populated for an INSERT or an UPDATE can be specified to the insert()/update() functions as the values named argument, or the query will be compiled based on the values of the parameters sent to the execute() method.

Using insert()
# basic insert
sqlusers.insert().execute(user_id=1, user_name='jack', password='asdfdaf')
# insert just user_name, NULL for others
# will auto-populate primary key columns if they are configured
# to do so
# INSERT with a list:
sqlusers.insert(values=(3, 'jane', 'sdfadfas')).execute()
# INSERT with user-defined bind parameters
i = users.insert(
    values={'user_name':bindparam('name'), 'password':bindparam('pw')}
sqli.execute(name='mary', pw='adas5fs')
# INSERT many - if no explicit 'values' parameter is sent,
# the first parameter list in the list determines
# the generated SQL of the insert (i.e. what columns are present)
# executemany() is used at the DBAPI level
    {'user_id':7, 'user_name':'jack', 'password':'asdfasdf'},
    {'user_id':8, 'user_name':'ed', 'password':'asdffcadf'},
    {'user_id':9, 'user_name':'fred', 'password':'asttf'},
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Updates work a lot like INSERTS, except there is an additional WHERE clause that can be specified.

Using update()
# change 'jack' to 'ed'
# use bind parameters
u = users.update(users.c.user_name==bindparam('name'), 
sqlu.execute(name='jack', newname='ed')
# update a column to another column
# multi-update
        {'id':7, 'user_name':'jack', 'password':'fh5jks'},
        {'id':8, 'user_name':'ed', 'password':'fsr234ks'},
        {'id':9, 'user_name':'mary', 'password':'7h5jse'},

Correlated Updates

A correlated update lets you update a table using selection from another table, or the same table:

s = select([addresses.c.city], addresses.c.user_id==users.c.user_id)
    and_(users.c.user_id>10, users.c.user_id<20), 
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A delete is formulated like an update, except theres no values:

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