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QSslCipher Class Reference
[QtNetwork module]

The QSslCipher class represents an SSL cryptographic cipher. More...

 #include <QSslCipher>

Note: All the functions in this class are reentrant.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.3.

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QSslCipher class represents an SSL cryptographic cipher.

QSslCipher stores information about one cryptographic cipher. It is most commonly used with QSslSocket, either for configuring which ciphers the socket can use, or for displaying the socket's ciphers to the user.

See also QSslSocket and QSslKey.

Member Function Documentation

QSslCipher::QSslCipher ()

Constructs an empty QSslCipher object.

QSslCipher::QSslCipher ( const QString & name, QSsl::SslProtocol protocol )

Constructs a QSslCipher object for the cipher determined by name and protocol. The constructor accepts only supported ciphers (i.e., the name and protocol must identify a cipher in the list of ciphers returned by QSslSocket::supportedCiphers()).

You can call isNull() after construction to check if name and protocol correctly identified a supported cipher.

QSslCipher::QSslCipher ( const QSslCipher & other )

Constructs an identical copy of the other cipher.

QSslCipher::~QSslCipher ()

Destroys the QSslCipher object.

QString QSslCipher::authenticationMethod () const

Returns the cipher's authentication method as a QString.

QString QSslCipher::encryptionMethod () const

Returns the cipher's encryption method as a QString.

bool QSslCipher::isNull () const

Returns true if this is a null cipher; otherwise returns false.

QString QSslCipher::keyExchangeMethod () const

Returns the cipher's key exchange method as a QString.

QString QSslCipher::name () const

Returns the name of the cipher, or an empty QString if this is a null cipher.

See also isNull().

QSsl::SslProtocol QSslCipher::protocol () const

Returns the cipher's protocol type, or QSsl::UnknownProtocol if QSslCipher is unable to determine the protocol (protocolString() may contain more information).

See also protocolString().

QString QSslCipher::protocolString () const

Returns the cipher's protocol as a QString.

See also protocol().

int QSslCipher::supportedBits () const

Returns the number of bits supported by the cipher.

See also usedBits().

int QSslCipher::usedBits () const

Returns the number of bits used by the cipher.

See also supportedBits().

bool QSslCipher::operator!= ( const QSslCipher & other ) const

Returns true if this cipher is not the same as other; otherwise, false is returned.

QSslCipher & QSslCipher::operator= ( const QSslCipher & other )

Copies the contents of other into this cipher, making the two ciphers identical.

bool QSslCipher::operator== ( const QSslCipher & other ) const

Returns true if this cipher is the same as other; otherwise, false is returned.

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Qt 4.3.5