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QWSGLWindowSurface Class Reference
[QtOpenGL module]

The QWSGLWindowSurface class provides the drawing area for top-level windows in Qtopia Core on EGL/OpenGLES. It also provides the drawing area for QGLWidgets whether they are top-level windows or child widget of another QWidget. More...

 #include <QWSGLWindowSurface>

This class is under development and is subject to change.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.3.

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QWSGLWindowSurface class provides the drawing area for top-level windows in Qtopia Core on EGL/OpenGLES. It also provides the drawing area for QGLWidgets whether they are top-level windows or child widget of another QWidget.

Note that this class is only available in Qtopia Core and only available if Qt is configured with OpenGL support.

Member Function Documentation

QWSGLWindowSurface::QWSGLWindowSurface ( QWidget * window )

Constructs an empty QWSGLWindowSurface for the given top-level window. The window surface is later initialized from chooseContext() and resources for it is typically allocated in setGeometry().

QWSGLWindowSurface::QWSGLWindowSurface ()

Constructs an empty QWSGLWindowSurface.

QWSGLWindowSurface::~QWSGLWindowSurface ()

Destroys the QWSGLWindowSurface object and frees any allocated resources.

QGLContext * QWSGLWindowSurface::context () const

Returns the QGLContext of the window surface.

See also setContext().

void QWSGLWindowSurface::setContext ( QGLContext * context )

Sets the QGLContext for this window surface to context.

See also context().

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Qt 4.3.5