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QWSWindow Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QWSWindow class encapsulates a top-level window in Qtopia Core. More...

 #include <QWSWindow>

Public Types

Public Functions

Detailed Description

The QWSWindow class encapsulates a top-level window in Qtopia Core.

When you run a Qtopia Core application, it either runs as a server or connects to an existing server. As applications add and remove windows, the server process maintains information about each window. In Qtopia Core, top-level windows are encapsulated as QWSWindow objects. Note that you should never construct the QWSWindow class yourself; the current top-level windows can be retrieved using the QWSServer::clientWindows() function.

With a window at hand, you can retrieve its caption, name, opacity and ID using the caption(), name(), opacity() and winId() functions, respectively. Use the client() function to retrieve a pointer to the client that owns the window.

Use the isVisible() function to find out if the window is visible. You can find out if the window is completely obscured by another window or by the bounds of the screen, using the isFullyObscured() function. The isOpaque() function returns true if the window has an alpha channel equal to 255. Finally, the requestedRegion() function returns the region of the display the window wants to draw on.

See also QWSServer, QWSClient, and Qtopia Core Architecture.

Member Type Documentation

enum QWSWindow::State

This enum describes the state of a window. Most of the transitional states are set just before a call to QScreen::exposeRegion() and reset immediately afterwards.

QWSWindow::NoState0Initial state before the window is properly initialized.
QWSWindow::Hidden1The window is not visible.
QWSWindow::Showing2The window is being shown.
QWSWindow::Visible3The window is visible, and not in a transition.
QWSWindow::Hiding4The window is being hidden.
QWSWindow::Raising5The windoe is being raised.
QWSWindow::Lowering6The window is being raised.
QWSWindow::Moving7The window is being moved.
QWSWindow::ChangingGeometry8The window's geometry is being changed.
QWSWindow::Destroyed9The window is destroyed.

See also state() and QScreen::exposeRegion().

Member Function Documentation

const QString & QWSWindow::caption () const

Returns the window's caption.

See also name() and winId().

QWSClient * QWSWindow::client () const

Returns a reference to the QWSClient object that owns this window.

See also requestedRegion().

QRegion QWSWindow::dirtyOnScreen () const

Returns the region that has been repainted since the previous QScreen::exposeRegion(), and needs to be copied to the screen.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.

bool QWSWindow::isFullyObscured () const

Returns true if the window is completely obsured by another window or by the bounds of the screen; otherwise returns false.

See also isVisible().

bool QWSWindow::isOpaque () const

Returns true if the window is opaque, i.e., if its alpha channel equals 255; otherwise returns false.

See also opacity().

bool QWSWindow::isVisible () const

Returns true if the window is visible; otherwise returns false.

See also isFullyObscured().

const QString & QWSWindow::name () const

Returns the window's name.

See also caption() and winId().

uint QWSWindow::opacity () const

Returns the window's alpha channel value.

See also isOpaque().

const QRegion & QWSWindow::requestedRegion () const

Returns the region that the window has requested to draw onto, including any window decorations.

See also client().

State QWSWindow::state () const

Returns the current state of the window.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.

int QWSWindow::winId () const

Returns the window's ID.

See also name() and caption().

Qt::WindowFlags QWSWindow::windowFlags () const

Returns the window flags of the window. This value is only available after the first paint event.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.3.

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Qt 4.3.5