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QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration Class Reference
[QtXml module]

The QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration class represents a DTD notation declaration. More...

 #include <QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>

Note: All the functions in this class are reentrant.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.3.

Public Functions

Related Non-Members

Detailed Description

The QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration class represents a DTD notation declaration.

An notation declaration consists of a name(), a systemId(), and a publicId().

Member Function Documentation

QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration ()

Creates an empty notation declaration.

QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration ( const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration & other )

Creates a copy of other.

QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::~QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration ()

Destructs this notation declaration.

QStringRef QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::name () const

Returns the notation name.

QStringRef QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::publicId () const

Returns the public identifier.

QStringRef QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::systemId () const

Returns the system identifier.

bool QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::operator!= ( const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration & other ) const

Compares this notation declaration with other and returns true if they are not equal; otherwise returns false.

QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration & QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::operator= ( const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration & other )

Assigns other to this notation declaration.

bool QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration::operator== ( const QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration & other ) const

Compares this notation declaration with other and returns true if they are equal; otherwise returns false.

Related Non-Members

typedef QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations

Synonym for QVector<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>.

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Qt 4.3.5