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Obsolete Members for QUrl

The following class members are obsolete. They are provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using them in new code.

Static Public Members

Member Function Documentation

QString QUrl::fromPunycode ( const QByteArray & pc )   [static]

Returns the Punycode decoded representation of pc.

Punycode is a Unicode encoding used for internationalized domain names, as defined in RFC3492. If you want to convert a domain from its ASCII-compatible encoding to the Unicode representation, use fromAce().

QByteArray QUrl::toPunycode ( const QString & uc )   [static]

Returns a uc in Punycode encoding.

Punycode is a Unicode encoding used for internationalized domain names, as defined in RFC3492. If you want to convert a domain name from Unicode to its ASCII-compatible representation, use toAce().

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