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AvailableSizesArgument Class Reference
[QtGui module]

 #include <QIconEngineV2>

This class was introduced in Qt 4.5.

Public Variables

Detailed Description

This struct represents arguments to virtual_hook() function when id parameter is QIconEngineV2::AvailableSizesHook.

See also virtual_hook() and QIconEngineV2::IconEngineHook.

Member Variable Documentation

QIcon::Mode AvailableSizesArgument::mode

This variable holds the requested mode of an image.

See also QIcon::Mode.

QList<QSize> AvailableSizesArgument::sizes

This variable holds image sizes that are available with specified mode and state. This is an output parameter and is filled after call to virtual_hook(). Engines that work in terms of a scalable, vectorial format normally return an empty list.

QIcon::State AvailableSizesArgument::state

This variable holds the requested state of an image.

See also QIcon::State.

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