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QPlastiqueStyle Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QPlastiqueStyle class provides a widget style similar to the Plastik style available in KDE. More...

 #include <QPlastiqueStyle>

Inherits QWindowsStyle.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QPlastiqueStyle class provides a widget style similar to the Plastik style available in KDE.

The Plastique style provides a default look and feel for widgets on X11 that closely resembles the Plastik style, introduced by Sandro Giessl in KDE 3.2.

See also QWindowsXPStyle, QMacStyle, QWindowsStyle, QCDEStyle, and QMotifStyle.

Member Function Documentation

QPlastiqueStyle::QPlastiqueStyle ()

Constructs a QPlastiqueStyle object.

QPlastiqueStyle::~QPlastiqueStyle ()

Destructs the QPlastiqueStyle object.

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