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Qt 3 Support Members for QWidget

The following class members are part of the Qt 3 support layer. They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. We advise against using them in new code.

Public Types

Public Functions

Public Slots

Static Public Members

Member Type Documentation

enum QWidget::BackgroundOrigin


Member Function Documentation

QWidget::QWidget ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Qt::BackgroundMode QWidget::backgroundMode () const

Returns the color role used for painting the widget's background.

Use QPalette(backgroundRole(()) instead.

See also setBackgroundMode().

QPoint QWidget::backgroundOffset () const

Always returns QPoint().

BackgroundOrigin QWidget::backgroundOrigin () const

Always returns WindowOrigin.

See also setBackgroundOrigin().

QString QWidget::caption () const

Use windowTitle() instead.

See also setCaption().

QWidget * QWidget::childAt ( int x, int y, bool includeThis ) const

Use the childAt() overload that doesn't have an includeThis parameter.

For example, if you have code like

 return widget->childAt(x, y, true);

you can rewrite it as

 QWidget *child = widget->childAt(x, y, true);
 if (child)
     return child;
 if (widget->rect().contains(x, y))
     return widget;

QWidget * QWidget::childAt ( const QPoint & p, bool includeThis ) const

Use the single point argument overload instead.

bool QWidget::close ( bool alsoDelete )

Closes the widget.

Use the no-argument overload instead.

QColorGroup QWidget::colorGroup () const

Use QColorGroup(palette()) instead.

void QWidget::constPolish () const

Use ensurePolished() instead.

void QWidget::drawText ( const QPoint & p, const QString & s )

Drawing may only take place in a QPaintEvent. Overload paintEvent() to do your drawing and call update() to schedule a replaint whenever necessary. See also QPainter.

void QWidget::drawText ( int x, int y, const QString & s )

Drawing may only take place in a QPaintEvent. Overload paintEvent() to do your drawing and call update() to schedule a replaint whenever necessary. See also QPainter.

void QWidget::erase ()

Drawing may only take place in a QPaintEvent. Overload paintEvent() to do your erasing and call update() to schedule a replaint whenever necessary. See also QPainter.

void QWidget::erase ( int x, int y, int w, int h )

Drawing may only take place in a QPaintEvent. Overload paintEvent() to do your erasing and call update() to schedule a replaint whenever necessary. See also QPainter.

void QWidget::erase ( const QRect & rect )

Drawing may only take place in a QPaintEvent. Overload paintEvent() to do your erasing and call update() to schedule a replaint whenever necessary. See also QPainter.

void QWidget::erase ( const QRegion & rgn )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Clear the given region, rgn.

Drawing may only take place in a QPaintEvent. Overload paintEvent() to do your erasing and call update() to schedule a replaint whenever necessary. See also QPainter.

bool QWidget::hasMouse () const

Use testAttribute(Qt::WA_UnderMouse) instead.

const QPixmap * QWidget::icon () const

Return's the widget's icon.

Use windowIcon() instead.

See also setIcon().

QString QWidget::iconText () const

Use windowIconText() instead.

See also setIconText().

void QWidget::iconify ()

Use showMinimized() instead.

bool QWidget::isDesktop () const

Use windowType() == Qt::Desktop instead.

bool QWidget::isDialog () const

Use windowType() == Qt::Dialog instead.

bool QWidget::isInputMethodEnabled () const

Use testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled) instead.

bool QWidget::isPopup () const

Use windowType() == Qt::Popup instead.

bool QWidget::isShown () const

Use !isHidden() instead (notice the exclamation mark), or use isVisible() to check whether the widget is visible.

bool QWidget::isUpdatesEnabled () const

Use the updatesEnabled property instead.

bool QWidget::isVisibleToTLW () const

Use isVisible() instead.

bool QWidget::ownCursor () const

Use testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetCursor) instead.

bool QWidget::ownFont () const

Use testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetFont) instead.

bool QWidget::ownPalette () const

Use testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetPalette) instead.

QWidget * QWidget::parentWidget ( bool sameWindow ) const

Use the no-argument overload instead.

void QWidget::polish ()

Use ensurePolished() instead.

void QWidget::recreate ( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f, const QPoint & p, bool showIt = false )

Use setParent() to change the parent or the widget's widget flags; use move() to move the widget, and use show() to show the widget.

void QWidget::repaint ( bool b )

The boolean parameter b is ignored. Use the no-argument overload instead.

void QWidget::repaint ( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool b )

The boolean parameter b is ignored. Use the four-argument overload instead.

void QWidget::repaint ( const QRect & r, bool b )

The boolean parameter b is ignored. Use the single rect-argument overload instead.

void QWidget::repaint ( const QRegion & rgn, bool b )

The boolean parameter b is ignored. Use the single region-argument overload instead.

void QWidget::reparent ( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f, const QPoint & p, bool showIt = false )

Use setParent() to change the parent or the widget's widget flags; use move() to move the widget, and use show() to show the widget.

void QWidget::reparent ( QWidget * parent, const QPoint & p, bool showIt = false )

Use setParent() to change the parent; use move() to move the widget, and use show() to show the widget.

void QWidget::setActiveWindow ()

Use activateWindow() instead.

See also isActiveWindow().

void QWidget::setBackgroundColor ( const QColor & color )

Use the palette instead.

For example, if you have code like


you can rewrite it as

 QPalette palette;
 palette.setColor(widget->backgroundRole(), color);

void QWidget::setBackgroundMode ( Qt::BackgroundMode widgetBackground, Qt::BackgroundMode paletteBackground = Qt::PaletteBackground )

Sets the color role used for painting the widget's background to background mode widgetBackground. The paletteBackground mode parameter is ignored.

See also backgroundMode().

void QWidget::setBackgroundOrigin ( BackgroundOrigin background )

See also backgroundOrigin().

void QWidget::setBackgroundPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap )

Use the palette instead.

For example, if you have code like


you can rewrite it as

 QPalette palette;
 palette.setBrush(widget->backgroundRole(), QBrush(pixmap));

void QWidget::setCaption ( const QString & c )

Use setWindowTitle() instead.

See also caption().

void QWidget::setEraseColor ( const QColor & color )

Use the palette instead.

For example, if you have code like


you can rewrite it as

 QPalette palette;
 palette.setColor(widget->backgroundRole(), color);

void QWidget::setErasePixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap )

Use the palette instead.

For example, if you have code like


you can rewrite it as

 QPalette palette;
 palette.setBrush(widget->backgroundRole(), QBrush(pixmap));

void QWidget::setFont ( const QFont & f, bool b )

Use the single-argument overload instead.

void QWidget::setIcon ( const QPixmap & i )

Use setWindowIcon() instead.

See also icon().

void QWidget::setIconText ( const QString & it )

Use setWindowIconText() instead.

See also iconText().

void QWidget::setInputMethodEnabled ( bool enabled )

Use setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled, enabled) instead.

See also isInputMethodEnabled().

void QWidget::setKeyCompression ( bool b )

Use setAttribute(Qt::WA_KeyCompression, b) instead.

void QWidget::setPalette ( const QPalette & p, bool b )

Use the single-argument overload instead.

void QWidget::setPaletteBackgroundColor ( const QColor & color )

Use the palette directly.

For example, if you have code like


you can rewrite it as

 QPalette palette;
 palette.setColor(widget->backgroundRole(), color);

void QWidget::setPaletteBackgroundPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap )

Use the palette directly.

For example, if you have code like


you can rewrite it as

 QPalette palette;
 palette.setBrush(widget->backgroundRole(), QBrush(pixmap));

void QWidget::setPaletteForegroundColor ( const QColor & color )

Use the palette directly.

For example, if you have code like


you can rewrite it as

 QPalette palette;
 palette.setColor(widget->foregroundRole(), color);

void QWidget::setShown ( bool shown )   [slot]

Use setVisible(shown) instead.

See also isShown().

void QWidget::setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy::Policy hor, QSizePolicy::Policy ver, bool hfw )

Use the sizePolicy property and heightForWidth() function instead.

QStyle * QWidget::setStyle ( const QString & style )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Sets the widget's GUI style to style using the QStyleFactory.

void QWidget::unsetFont ()

Use setFont(QFont()) instead.

void QWidget::unsetPalette ()

Use setPalette(QPalette()) instead.

QRect QWidget::visibleRect () const

Use visibleRegion() instead.

QWidgetMapper * QWidget::wmapper ()   [static]

The widget mapper is no longer part of the public API.

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Qt 4.5.1