ECMAScript Reference
This reference contains a list of objects, functions and properties supported by QtScript.
The Global Object
Value Properties
- NaN
- Infinity
- undefined
- Math
Function Properties
- eval(x)
- parseInt(string, radix)
- parseFloat(string)
- isNaN(number)
- isFinite(number)
- decodeURI(encodedURI)
- decodeURIComponent(encodedURIComponent)
- encodeURI(uri)
- encodeURIComponent(uriComponent)
Constructor Properties
- Object
- Function
- Array
- String
- Boolean
- Number
- Date
- RegExp
- Error
- EvalError
- RangeError
- ReferenceError
- SyntaxError
- TypeError
- URIError
Object Objects
Object Prototype Object
- toString()
- toLocaleString()
- valueOf()
- hasOwnProperty(V)
- isPrototypeOf(V)
- propertyIsEnumerable(V)
Function Objects
Function Prototype Object
Function Properties
- toString()
- apply(thisArg, argArray)
- call(thisArg [, arg1 [, arg2, ...]])
Array Objects
Array Prototype Object
Function Properties
- toString()
- toLocaleString()
- concat([item1 [, item2 [, ...]]])
- join(separator)
- pop()
- push([item1 [, item2 [, ...]]])
- reverse()
- shift()
- slice(start, end)
- sort(comparefn)
- splice(start, deleteCount[, item1 [, item2 [, ...]]])
- unshift([item1 [, item2 [, ...]]])
String Objects
String Prototype Object
Function Properties
- toString()
- valueOf()
- charAt(pos)
- charCodeAt(pos)
- concat([string1 [, string2 [, ...]]])
- indexOf(searchString ,position)
- lastIndexOf(searchString, position)
- localeCompare(that)
- match(regexp)
- replace(searchValue, replaceValue)
- search(regexp)
- slice(start, end)
- split(separator, limit)
- substring(start, end)
- toLowerCase()
- toLocaleLowerCase()
- toUpperCase()
- toLocaleUpperCase()
Boolean Objects
Boolean Prototype Object
Function Properties
Number Objects
Number Prototype Object
Function Properties
- toString(radix)
- toLocaleString()
- toFixed(fractionDigits)
- toExponential(fractionDigits)
- toPrecision(precision)
The Math Object
Value Properties
- E
- LN10
- LN2
- LOG10E
- PI
- SQRT1_2
Function Properties
- abs(x)
- acos(x)
- asin(x)
- atan(x)
- atan2(y, x)
- ceil(x)
- cos(x)
- exp(x)
- floor(x)
- log(x)
- max([value1 [, value2 [, ...]]])
- min([value1 [, value2 [, ...]]])
- pow(x, y)
- random()
- round(x)
- sin(x)
- sqrt(x)
- tan(x)
Date Objects
Date Prototype Object
Function Properties
- toString()
- toDateString()
- toTimeString()
- toLocaleString()
- toLocaleDateString()
- toLocaleTimeString()
- valueOf()
- getTime()
- getFullYear()
- getUTCFullYear()
- getMonth()
- getUTCMonth()
- getDate()
- getUTCDate()
- getDay()
- getUTCDay()
- getHours()
- getUTCHours()
- getMinutes()
- getUTCMinutes()
- getSeconds()
- getUTCSeconds()
- getMilliseconds()
- getUTCMilliseconds()
- getTimeZoneOffset()
- setTime(time)
- setMilliseconds(ms)
- setUTCMilliseconds(ms)
- setSeconds(sec [, ms])
- setUTCSeconds(sec [, ms])
- setMinutes(min [, sec [, ms]])
- setUTCMinutes(min [, sec [, ms]])
- setHours(hour [, min [, sec [, ms]]])
- setUTCHours(hour [, min [, sec [, ms]]])
- setDate(date)
- setUTCDate(date)
- setMonth(month [, date])
- setUTCMonth(month [, date])
- setFullYear(year [, month [, date]])
- setUTCFullYear(year [, month [, date]])
- toUTCString()
RegExp Objects
RegExp Prototype Object
Function Properties
- exec(string)
- test(string)
- toString()
Error Objects
Error Prototype Object
Value Properties
Function Properties
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