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[Platform Notes]

Platform Notes - VxWorks

Note: VxWorks is a community supported platform. See the Supported Platforms page for more information.

This page contains information about the Qt for VxWorks port. More information about the combinations of platforms and compilers supported by Qt can be found on the Supported Platforms page.

Supported Versions

Qt has been tested on WindRiver VxWorks 6.7 in kernel mode using the vendor supplied GCC compiler, targetting both the x86 simulator (simpentium) and Power-PC devices (ppc). VxWorks' RTP mode is currently not supported.


The VxWorks kernel has an optional POSIX compatibility layer, but this layer does not implement all POSIX functionality needed for a complete Qt port.

QProcessNot available - VxWorks has no concept of processes.
QSharedMemoryNot available - VxWorks has only a global, flat address space.
QSystemSemaphoreNot available - VxWorks has no concept of processes.
QLibraryQLibrary is only a small stub to make it possible to build static plugins.
QCoreApplicationCan only be instantiated once. Qt's Q(CoreE)Application is tightly coupled to one address space and process, while VxWorks only supports one global address space and has no concept of processes.
PhononThere is no standard audio backend, which could be integrated into Phonon.
Qt3SupportThe Qt3Support library is not available on VxWorks.

Build Instructions

Qt for VxWorks needs to be cross-compiled on a Linux host. configure and make the build like you would with a standard embedded Linux cross build. Building the VxWorks simulator would be done like this:

 <path/to/qt/sources>/configure -xplatform unsupported/vxworks-simpentium-g++ -embedded vxworks -exceptions -no-gfx-linuxfb -no-mouse-linuxtp -no-mouse-pc -no-kbd-tty

General Notes

[Platform Notes]

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