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QHelpSearchQuery Class Reference
QtHelp module]

The QHelpSearchQuery class contains the field name and the associated search term More...

 #include <QHelpSearchQuery>

This class is not part of the Qt GUI Framework Edition.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.4.

Public Types


Public Functions

QHelpSearchQuery ()
QHelpSearchQuery ( FieldName field, const QStringList & wordList )

Detailed Description

The QHelpSearchQuery class contains the field name and the associated search term

The QHelpSearchQuery class contains the field name and the associated search term. Depending on the field the search term might get split up into seperate terms to be parsed differently by the search engine.

See also QHelpSearchQueryWidget.

Member Type Documentation

enum QHelpSearchQuery::FieldName

This enum type specifies the field names that are handled by the search engine.

QHelpSearchQuery::DEFAULT0the default field provided by the search widget, several terms should be split and stored in the word list except search terms enclosed in quotes.
QHelpSearchQuery::FUZZY1a field only provided in use with clucene. Terms should be split in seperate words and passed to the search engine.
QHelpSearchQuery::WITHOUT2a field only provided in use with clucene. Terms should be split in seperate words and passed to the search engine.
QHelpSearchQuery::PHRASE3a field only provided in use with clucene. Terms should not be split in seperate words.
QHelpSearchQuery::ALL4a field only provided in use with clucene. Terms should be split in seperate words and passed to the search engine
QHelpSearchQuery::ATLEAST5a field only provided in use with clucene. Terms should be split in seperate words and passed to the search engine

Member Function Documentation

QHelpSearchQuery::QHelpSearchQuery ()

Constructs a new empty QHelpSearchQuery.

QHelpSearchQuery::QHelpSearchQuery ( FieldName field, const QStringList & wordList )

Constructs a new QHelpSearchQuery and initializes it with the given field and wordList.

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