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QSwipeGesture Class Reference
QtGui module]

The QSwipeGesture class describes a swipe gesture made by the user. More...

 #include <QSwipeGesture>

Inherits QGesture.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.6.

Public Types

enum SwipeDirection { NoDirection, Left, Right, Up, Down }


Public Functions

SwipeDirection horizontalDirection () const
void setSwipeAngle ( qreal value )
qreal swipeAngle () const
SwipeDirection verticalDirection () const

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QSwipeGesture class describes a swipe gesture made by the user.

See also Gestures Programming, QPanGesture, and QPinchGesture.

Member Type Documentation

enum QSwipeGesture::SwipeDirection

This enum describes the possible directions for the gesture's motion along the horizontal and vertical axes.

QSwipeGesture::NoDirection0The gesture had no motion associated with it on a particular axis.
QSwipeGesture::Left1The gesture involved a horizontal motion to the left.
QSwipeGesture::Right2The gesture involved a horizontal motion to the right.
QSwipeGesture::Up3The gesture involved an upward vertical motion.
QSwipeGesture::Down4The gesture involved a downward vertical motion.

Property Documentation

horizontalDirection : const SwipeDirection

This property holds the horizontal direction of the gesture.

If the gesture has a horizontal component, the horizontal direction is either Left or Right; otherwise, it is NoDirection.

Access functions:

SwipeDirection horizontalDirection () const

See also verticalDirection and swipeAngle.

swipeAngle : qreal

This property holds the angle of the motion associated with the gesture.

If the gesture has either a horizontal or vertical component, the swipe angle describes the angle between the direction of motion and the x-axis as defined using the standard widget coordinate system.

Access functions:

qreal swipeAngle () const
void setSwipeAngle ( qreal value )

See also horizontalDirection and verticalDirection.

verticalDirection : const SwipeDirection

This property holds the vertical direction of the gesture.

If the gesture has a vertical component, the vertical direction is either Up or Down; otherwise, it is NoDirection.

Access functions:

SwipeDirection verticalDirection () const

See also horizontalDirection and swipeAngle.

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